At 1pm today we received word that around 100 people had started occupying Glasgow Uni’s Gilmorehill G12 Theatre. The group includes GU staff, students from every uni in Glasgow and school students. The occupation group are organising a teach-in to develop ideas for building the peoples’ opposition, from 5pm onwards – all anti-cuts activists welcome to join in.
Inside the occupation, an activist says:
“The atmosphere is really good. Messages of support are flooding in – staff from the theatre department just came down to say that they fully support what we’re doing! NUS Scotland have also sent support, we’re just waiting on the SRC to follow now!”
Later, confirmation was received that GU Student Representative Council President Tommy Gore IS backing the event, and has helped secure freedom of entry/exit for comrades and visitors
Today’s activities started with a march around campus, attended by over 150 people. Impressive, but smaller than some recent activities on campus, on account of recent adverse weather and many people having exams. Nevertheless, the group felt the need to take direct action, and moved quickly to reclaim part of the uni and set it up as a Liberated Space.
The move represents yet another significant activity from the new, spontaneously-formed radical student anti-cuts movement.
This movement has seen a huge range of activities across the UK – from the Millbank mob smashing up Tory HQ, to mass demos, walkouts and occupations (including at St Andrews and Edinburgh Uni – more analysis on the Edin Uni movement coming soon…)
Cracks are now starting to appear on the surface of the Coalition, exposing fault-lines in the junior partner Liberal Democrat party, who are currently in crisis as their MPs are set to split 3 ways on tomorrow’s vote on tripling tuition fees. Glasgow Uni’s rector is Lib Dem MP Charles Kennedy, whose contact details can be found here.
Back at Glasgow Uni, morale is still high and the participants are keen to encourage you to come and join in, or just observe! Get down there to show your opposition to education cuts and tuition fees. The building is at the uni end of Kelvin Way, opposite the GUU building. Any comments of support will be passed on to students. We’ll update this article as news comes in, but you can follow events on their facebook and twitter pages.
Some Scottish Socialist Youth members are involved, and the rest of us send 100% solidarity.
Don’t forget: All out tomorrow for the Day X student walkout!
Really looking forward to hearing more about this, and the Edinburgh Uni occupation – I’m desperate to know what’s going on in St Andrew’s, though! I heard they were being restricted food, water and heating! Is there anyone who could do us a blog post about this?
It’s the James Arnott Theatre that’s being occupied.
[...]Scottish Socialist Youth » Glasgow Uni students begin occupation against cuts and fees[...]…
[...]Scottish Socialist Youth » Glasgow Uni students begin occupation against cuts and fees[...]…
[...]Scottish Socialist Youth » Glasgow Uni students begin occupation against cuts and fees[...]…