World Cup 2022 – sorry, it's not for gays or migrant workers.

SSY has already covered the world cup extensively earlier this year, and like all Scots we were also on the edge of our seats a few weeks ago, hoping and praying that England would not win the 2018 World Cup – despite the predictions of a certain deceased psychic octopus. Fortunately we were spared the [...]

Welcome to Warner Bros. presents The Shire, formerly known as New Zealand

In an absolutely astonishing move, the government of Aotearoa/New Zealand has decided to rush through emergency anti-trade union laws in order to appease the Warner Brothers movie studio, and keep the filming of ‘The Hobbit’ in New Zealand. In the words of opposition politicians, the country has been reduced to the “client state” of an [...]

Beaker lets the cat out of the bag – time to fightback against Condem muppets!

MEEP – Treasury Secretary and Beaker lookalike Danny Alexander has let the cat out of the bag. 500,000 jobs in the public services are to go; that’s a brutal cut of 1 in every 10 public sector jobs. This massive cull in the public sector won’t be the end of increased unemployment – any cuts [...]

Strikes are good for tourists!

For the past few days employees of the Greek Ministry of Culture who work at the Acropolis in Athens have been on strike to protest the fact that they haven’t been paid properly for almost 2 years (!) and that they are due to be fired at the end of their short term contracts. Workers [...]

Commonwealth? Common pish.

After threats of terrorism and boycott, the Commonwealth games have formally opened in Dehli tonight, as millions of viewers worldwide crowd round their tellies to watch the diddy olympics begin. There may be more Scots – particularly Glaswegians – watching the games than usual, as Glasgow is the next city due to host the games [...]

Peter Jackson is an anti-union dragon hoarding the worker's treasure

A small band of heroes have set out on a quest to get back what they’re owed from a dragon who just wants to hoard their treasure all for himself. Sounds like it could potentially make a good movie, but it emerged today the big story of the (maybe) upcoming films of The Hobbit isn’t [...]

Red Ed? Don't think so.

After the most vicious battle between two brothers since Van Damme vs Van Damme in Double Impact, the victor for Labour leader has finally been declared. In a surprising result, Ed Miliband has defeated his brother David, despite being much geekier with him, not as good with women and not allowed to stay up as [...]

What's an appropriate salary for being a notorious public wankstain?

Michael O’Leary is the head of Ryanair, one of the richest men in Ireland, and loves nothing more than seeing his own name in the papers. The main job he does for his company is making ridiculous public statements about what cheapskates Ryanair are, like that they might start charging you to use the toilet [...]

Scottish councils impose 3 years of pay cuts

The placards, headlines and banners have been screaming about cuts, austerity measures and swingeing job cuts for what seems like ages now. We’ve all known that there’s a pending apocalypse coming our way – insert comparison about it being the worst attack on the working class since Thatcher/WWII/THE BEGINNING OF TIME  here – for ages, [...]

Fuck you, American Apparel.

American Apparel was founded in 1989 as a wholesale tshirt supplier. They opened their first retail store in 2003, and started selling to the public. It was instantly a huge success. Melanie Rickey, fashion editor of Grazia magazine, said “”It became very big, very quickly. Everybody was wearing it, and I mean everyone: high-fashion kids, [...]