Your first for nooooz

I hear from my super sleekit pals in the meedjuh that Ruth Black, the Glasgow councillor and manager of the Glasgow LGBT centre who I just finished writing about, has been expelled from the Labour Party! Deary me. I guess there might be some truth in some of those accusations after all…? Perhaps a website [...]

Thank you for being a friend

Ah, Steven Purcell. Him leaving Glasgow City Council has been like one of those horribly awkward and protracted breakups that ends up sucking in a whole social circle, and you know the basic story of what happened but you get the feeling there’s more to it. Gradually, ever more horrible, cringeworthy and sometimes fucking funny [...]

Jim Murphy has a strawman abuse problem

While being interviewed by Brian Taylor about all this nasty Purcell business, which SSY has made passing comment on, Jim Murphy, Scottish Secretary (AKA official attempted whip of the entirety of Scotland) and knobhead, has said that he wishes everybody would stop being so nasty to Glasgow. The problem, of course, is that Jim seems [...]

Flogging a dead horse: Stephen Purcell's dodgy pals+bonus competition

(With additional reporting by Sarah, Liam T, and Neevvy.) Regular readers will know that Leftfield has carried the best coverage of Purcellgate in the Scottish media. Leftfield favourite Purcell is now reported to have fled Scotland. In his absence he’s left behind a high powered and expensive team of lawyers and PR men to make [...]

Stephen Purcell and the Chemical Dependency.

So apparently the original press statement Glasgow’s Labour Council were going to release regarding Stephen Purcell’s resignation described a “chemical dependency” of his as being the reason for his standing down. Of course, SSY is in no position to make any informed comment regarding such accusations. We can however, make informed speculation as to what [...]

Steven Purcell: Out of Rehab, and into Knobhead's Korner.

After the resignation of the leader of Glasgow City Council Steven Purcell on Tuesday, it’s hard to find someone with a bad word to say about him. Even SNP First Minister Alex Salmond, who once told Purcell to grow up, has been being nice about him. So where do you go if you want to [...]