Posts Tagged “palestine”
It looks like the corrupt and now totally two-faced Palestinian Authority is the latest victim of the leaking of confidential diplomatic documents – and alongside them, the Israeli negotiating team have been shown to be totally uninterested in responding to any of the PA’s sell off of the Palestinian family silver constructively.
Al Jazeera and the Guardian have obtained and published a raft of documents detailing the negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian Authority representatives in peace talks over the past decade. These documents for once and all demolish the myth that over the past ten years Israel has not had a “partner for peace”, and the Palestinians have not been interested in negotiating a settlement.
The reality is after 10 years of targeted assassinations, massacres, demolition of homes, aerial bombardment and murder after the start of the second Intifada the negotiating position of the Palestinian Authority has massively weakened compared to it’s position in 2000. The most blatant (and scandalous) example of this is the exposure of the size and scale of the sell out the PA was prepared to make on the issue of Jerusalem.
New Palestinian Youth Movement: Go Go GYBO!Posted by James N in Uncategorized, tags: palestine, protestGaza Youth Breaks Out this week achieved the massive honour of becoming my favourite facebook page, nipping in just ahead of The Guy Who Looks Like A Thumb and I HATE IT WHEN U R SOoOoO STEAMIN & U DON’T REMEMBER WEE LADS U BUCKED. They’ve already been condemned as an arm of the international Zionist conspiracy and chastised for unnecessary swearing, so before you even read it, you know they’re cool. SSY has had all the same shit flung at us as well. Seriously though, their manifesto is one of the most stirring documents I’ve ever read. Its style is angry, artistic, original and beautiful. They speak out against the Israeli occupation, fundamentalist thugs, the indifference of international powers and the pain of having so many dreams stifled. Please check out their FB page and their blog at They’re using the internet partly because all other avenues of expression are being shut down, yet even that freedom is currently being obstructed by the powers that be. Hardly surprising, since GYBO has the potential to act as the spark for a world youth revolution which could sweep away all the stinking garbage of the old men who govern us. The Gaza comrades can be assured that we will 1000% support them, politically and logistically. Anyway, here’s their statement, reproduced in full:
They’ve done it again! Another week, another bullshit inquiryPosted by Liam T in Uncategorized, tags: palestine, venezuelaWhen Israel announced that they were holding their own inquiry into their massacre of aid activists on the Gaza Flotilla, which happened at the end of May, it wasn’t a massive surprise when their ‘impartial panel’ proved to be a total sham. As we reported at the time, Israel predictably hand-picked a panel mostly consisting of retired Israeli generals, some Canadian military hack with a dodgy human rights record, and David Trimble, Ulster Unionist politician and renowned bigot and sectarian knobhead. But you’d maybe expect that, for all its faults, the United Nations, an international body which is kind of meant to be as impartial as they come, would manage slightly better on this front. Somehow, however, and quite incredibly, the UN have managed to top all of Israel’s shameless whitewashing – they’ve only gone and picked Alvaro fucking Uribe as the vice-chair of their ‘independent’ panel of inquiry into the attacks. Uribe is the outgoing President of Colombia, famous for his friendly, diplomatic and impartial bouts of killing trade unionist, funding right-wing guerillas and being best pals with some of the world’s most notorious drugs barons, at least when he’s not too busy stoking up war with his neighbours and receiving billions in aid from the United States, that is! Israel has been in the news the past couple of days for practically provoking a war with Lebanon following military excursions which skirted the Lebanese border, leaving five dead – including a civilian journalist – when things spilled over into gunfire a few days ago. As it happens, Colombia has also been in the news for much the similar (without any killing… yet), constantly accusing neighbouring Venezuela, and the left-wing government of Hugo Chavez, of harbouring left-wing guerillas who form one side in the relatively low-intensity civil war that’s been going on in the country for decades. Although there’s absolutely no evidence that this is the case – all Uribe has been able to offer is a couple of dodgy photos from a few years ago that were probably taken in Ecuador anyway (which Colombia illegally invaded in 2008 on the same justification). Chavez has quite understandably been getting a bit unnerved at these persistent threats emanating from Colombia, given that it’s no secret that the US government would quite like to bump him off and a proxy war through Colombia is probably their best bet for doing so now, after their countless failures to depose Chavez domestically and halt the ongoing revolution . ![]() Uribe and Bush share a joke about how many commies they killed last week Uribe’s regime in Colombia have consistently failed to investigate reports of systematic torture, human rights abuses and extra-judicial murder in the country. Invariably, these have been against the left-wing opposition – including the now infamous cases of Coca Cola bottling plant workers who faced execution by paramilitary death squads because they’d tried to fight for better wages and conditions, or even just been a member of a trade union. It’s crazy that the UN thinks a man who has well documented links to fascist paramilitaries, cocaine trafficking and mass abuses of human rights in his own country is possibly capable of impartially investigating a massacre of civilians abroad. And for the inquiry to be announced in the same week that the UN Secretary General was summoned by the Venezuelan government over serious concerns about a Colombian attack is just taking the piss, and whether intentional or otherwise, sends a clear endorsement to Colombia’s US-sponsored imperialist warmongering. An MEP from the United Left party in Spain, Willy Meyer, has already slammed the decision as like “like leaving a fox to guard the chickens”, adding that Uribe presides over a country with “the largest mass grave in Latin America”. Don’t hold your breath for the inquiry’s results!
Rotten by name and by nature.Posted by TheWorstWitch in Uncategorized, tags: knobheads, music, palestine
But he’s also revealed that he’s not just a capitalist fuckpig, he’s thick as a plank and racist at that. Rotten was asked by Palestinian campaign groups not to perform in Israel, as part of a cultural boycott – the campaigners say cultural collaboration boosts Israel’s image on the international stage, and that refusing to participate in cultural exchange, artists and cultural institutions globally can send a clear message to Israel that their occupation and discrimination against Palestinians is unacceptable. Surely such a politicised and aware person as Johnny Rotten would, even if he disagreed with the boycott, respond to the requests on a political level? Nah. He has “absolutely one rule, right? Until I see an Arab country, a Muslim country, with a democracy, I won’t understand how anyone can have a problem with how they’re treated.”
And, when he says that Muslims aren’t capable of democracy, he’s implying that Israel is a democracy, yeah? Despite removing Arab members of parliament for being too representative of the views of their constituents? What a dick. When faced with people slightly more reasonable than Rotten, the Palestinian campaigners’ requests to musicians have had some degree of success in the past, with artists such as Gil Scott-Heron, the Pixies, Massive Attack and Elvis Costello pulling out of scheduled gigs in Israel in order to show their support for the Palestinian struggle. Interestingly, if internet hilarity merchants hadn’t hijacked Justin Beiber and voted for him to send his world tour to North Korea, Israel would have won the wee boy singer for their own. Is Israel suffering an epidemic of Bieber Fever? Or was Israel’s campaign orchestrated by zionists in the same way North Korea’s was orchestrated by online pranksters? One thing’s clear – the cultural boycott is definitely shaking things up and getting people to take notice of Israel’s appalling human rights record.
From Derry to Gaza: no more state massacres, no more state cover-ups!Posted by Liam T in Uncategorized, tags: ireland, palestine
The intervening forty years have seen countless smear campaigns against the victims and their families, cover-ups, denials, and the MOD suspiciously managing to mislay swathes of vital evidence. But finally, justice has been served: all 14 of those murdered were found to be wholly innocent, with the killings found to be unlawful and unjustifiable. David Cameron offered an official apology, and it could potentially open the door to criminal prosecutions of the soldiers involved in the massacre. Fast forward 38 years, and another inquiry is being launched into a state-sponsored massacre of innocent civil rights protesters. This time in Israel, following their vicious assault on the Gaza Aid Flotilla on 31st May, when Israeli commandos opened fire on aid workers and peace activists, marking another bloody day in the history of state repression of national freedom movements. Immediately, Israel faced international condemnation for their attacks. And much like the British government back in 1972, they’ve responded to the massacre with lies, cover-ups and propaganda that ignore even the most basic facts of what happened. Now the Israeli government, having shaken off demands for an international, independent inquiry, announced a couple of days ago that they will be launching their own investigation into the attacks. Britain too, in the immediate aftermath of Bloody Sunday in the early 1970s, held a tribunal to allegedly ‘clear up’ what happened. The Widgery Tribunal was completed within 10 weeks of the massacre and, you’ll be shocked to hear, absolutely reeked of an establishment cover-up: the inquiry backed entirely the army version of events on the day, and added to the speculation that ‘nail bombs’ and weapons had been found on the bodies of those killed. Even Tony Blair has been prepared to call it a ‘whitewash’, which is why a new inquiry, led by Lord Saville, was then established in 1998, taking until this week to finally announce its outcome. As for Israel, their ‘impartial investigation’ looks set have all the hallmarks of an establishment stitch-up. For starters, the inquiry, the panel and its mandate have all been decided on by the Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who happens to be the same man that ordered the flotilla attack in the first place.
David Trimble is a particularly interesting choice. Trimble opposed the Saville Inquiry into Bloody Sunday from the outset, saying in 1998 that ‘opening old wounds like this is likely to do more harm than good’. He expressed fears to Blair at the time that any outcome that strayed from that of the Widgery inquiry, which concluded that soldiers had ’bordered on the reckless’, would see British soldiers in the dock – the unimaginable horror! With this attitude, it’s unlikely he’s gonna want to see IDF soldiers in the dock either – not that the inquiry even has this remit. Trimble rose to prominence as the public face of the Drumcree parades in Portadown – consistently trying to lead provocative Orange marches through a predominantly nationalist area. Stirring up sectarian hatred did wonders for his political career though, and he was soon elected leader of the Ulster Unionist Party. And this sense of political opportunism never left him, and soon enough he’d jumped on the Good Friday Agreement bandwagon, bagging himself a Nobel Peace Prize in the process. Now a Tory peer in the House of Lords, it seems his Machiavellian sensibilities haven’t lost him, and an international role awaits. Israel will now press ahead with its inquiry, and predictably enough find that their own security falses and government are not at fault, and no doubt discover that the Turkish and American civilians who died were actually violent extremists intent on funnelling guns to Hamas too. Call it another Widgery – and let’s just hope the truth comes sooner than a 38 year wait.
Murdering aid workers isn’t funnyPosted by Jack in Uncategorized, tags: demonstration, knobheads, palestine
So we’re no strangers to sailing close to the comedy wind. Something even we think is outside of the realm of potentially funny things is last week’s brutal assault on a ship full of charity workers by Israeli naval commandos that left at least 9 dead. To try and justify the unjustifiable, the Israeli propaganda machine has tried to create all kinds of lies about these humanitarians, who aimed to bring aid to the people of Gaza suffering in the world’s biggest prison camp, under Israeli siege. The Deputy Managing Editor of the Jerusalem Post doesn’t agree, apparently. Caroline Glick has created something which is up there as a contender for most offensive thing on youtube (and we all know that’s a stiff competition.) Her video, ‘We Con the World,’ mocks the dead murdered by Israeli forces. In the past, Glick has claimed in articles that there is a “totalitarian jihadist ideology which is ascendant throughout the Islamic world.” She’s advocated the unilateral bombing of Iran by Israel. Among the lyrics of the song in this video are “Itbach el Yahud!” (slaughter the Jews!) It also claims that children in Gaza lack “cheese and missiles.” This at a time when 65% of babies in Gaza suffer from anemia, according to the UN, as a result of the Israeli blockade. The video is supported and endorsed by the Center for Security Policy and Christians United for Israel. Glick is a former Assistant foreign Policy adviser to far right Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Maybe that’s why the PM’s press office “inadvertently” circulated the video to journalists on Friday night. On her blog she says: “We think this is an important Israeli contribution to the discussion of recent events and we hope you distribute it far and wide.” Well yes Caroline, we intend to do just that, in order to expose you as an unfunny, unpleasant, propaganda mongering racist knobhead. Here’s the offending video: At times like this though, it’s really important to remember that not all Israelis are bastards. Many of them are extremely unhappy about the actions of their far right government, and have come out on to the streets to say so. On Saturday night over 6000 Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest the raid on the aid ship. Among their banners were slogans like “The government is drowning us all,” “We must stride for peace,” and “A right wing government = clear and immediate danger to state security.” Although right wingers did try to attack the demo, hurling abuse and a smoke grenade, they were greatly outnumbered by the left wing protesters. Below is footage shot by the Latin American TV network TeleSur, (which was established with the help of the revolutionary government of Venezuela to bring news that wasn’t just western propaganda to the Spanish speaking world.)
Thousands march for GazaPosted by Liam T in Uncategorized, tags: edinburgh, palestine, protest
The demo came on the same afternoon that news was emerging that Israel has stopped the latest attempt by activists to break the illegal blockade of Gaza, seizing aid ship The Rachel Corrie and diverting it to an Israeli port. Fortunately on this occasion the Israeli military restrained themselves and there was no repeat of the violence which left at least 9 aid activists dead in the early hours of Monday morning. Gaza is under an absolute blockade by Israel -- who claim that allowing goods and traffic into Gaza would allow the Islamist Hamas movement , who form the elected government of Gaza, to smuggle in weapons and rockets to use against Israel. Israel lets in some limited supplies to Gaza -- but even basics like cement and building materials are banned, as well as, inexplicably, toys, chocolate and shampoo, amongst many other goods. So when Israel says it’s still going to let aid through -- as long as the activists let it by taken in through the established military checkpoints -- what they really mean is that they’re going to confiscate most of it, as they won’t allow half of it in anyway. This is why the aid activists are so desperate to reach Gaza -- as well as being a symbolic gesture against the blockade, the people of Gaza are in a truly desperate situation, with 80% surviving on UN handouts and unemployment hovering around 40%. And rather than weakening Hamas, the blockade only strengthens the extremist group, by both building up even greater resentment against Israel, and giving them a total grip over basic commodities in the strip, which they smuggle in through tunnels from Egypt. The movement to end the blockade must continue to keep up the pressure on Israel, who’re hoping that the whole furore will soon blow over. Israel is a pariah state that must be cut off from normal relations with the rest of the world -- already a number of countries, including South Africa, Turkey, Ecuador and Nicaragua, have withdrawn their ambassadors from Israel in protest at their actions. While the UN Security Council have called for an investigation, Israel has already rejected this -- which can be added to the list of the dozens of other UN resolutions, demands and requests that Israel has bluntly ignored throughout the years. No more -- Israel must abide by international law. End the seige now! On Tuesday 8 June, SSY is hosting a joint meeting with the SSP in Glasgow on recent developments in Palestine. Speaking at it will be Hasan Nowarah, who was on last week’s Aid Flotilla and was injured in the brutal IDF assault, before being detained and then deported from Israel. SSY’s Jenny Haston, who studied at university in Palestine, will be also be speaking. The meeting’s at 7.30pm, Tuesday 8 June, upstairs in the Piper Bar on the corner of George Square, Glasgow. Not to be missed!
Taking a knife to a gun fightPosted by Jack in Uncategorized, tags: military, palestineOver at the Israeli Defence Force Propaganda Mouthpiece Spokesperson blog, they’ve put up pictures of the dangerous tools weapons and knives used by activists to defend themselves against attack by Israeli naval commandos. Here’s a devastating collection of stuff you would need on a boat use to overthrow one of the most heavily armed states in the world. You can see such weapons as hammers, spanners and pliers that could never have a single peaceful use on a ship that sails the sea. Also, note that these deadly terrorists must have seen Shaun of the Dead, and noted the potential for records and CDs to be used as deadly shurikens.
The thing is, this pile of knives, to the casual viewer, looks kind of scary. If this were a street fight in Glasgow, the guy that owned that collection would be someone to worry about. Unfortunately for the propaganda blog, this wasn’t a knife fight in a scheme. The aid workers on the boats clearly actually just had these knives for practical purposes on a boat. If they were really intending to get in a fight with Israeli special forces, you’d think they’d prepare a little better. Especially when you have a look at what they would be up against.
They used weapons that the Israeli government can only afford because of generous military and economic support from its western allies, including Britain, to murder at least 19 people in cold blood. At least three of the people who were on the boats, were from Scotland. One of those, Hassan Ghani, a Stirling Uni student from Glasgow, remains unaccounted for, and his father spoke to the demo this evening in Glasgow.
Israeli Defense Force: murderous piratesPosted by Sarah in Uncategorized, tags: demonstration, palestine, protest![]() Israeli state terrorists on board the boat At 4am this morning, armed commandos from the Israeli army (IDF) stormed a convoy of boats owned by the Viva Palestina aid organisation, killing at least 19 and injuring at least 50. The boats were in international waters, 90 miles away from the intended destination of Gaza, and contained activists that hoped to deliver aid to desperate Palestinians, forced out of their homes and into dire situations by the aggressive Israeli state. Attacking boats in international waters is not within the legal power of the IDF, and as a result has drawn criticism from even those who would normally defend Israel’s right to murder on solid land, although of course anyone should know better than to expect unbiased reporting from major news sources where Israel is concerned. Today (Monday 31st) there will be several demonstrations against Israeli state terrorism in towns and cities all over Scotland. So far demonstrations at 5pm have been announced in: Edinburgh - Assemble 5pm at the Foot of the Mound, Princes Street (07958002591)
Glasgow - Assemble 5pm at George Square (07870701011) Dundee - Assemble 5pm at City Square (07941751452) Aberdeen - Assemble 5pm at St Nicholas Square (07980253337) Moffat - Assemble 5pm at 2 Holm Street (07786508715) Inverness - Assemble 5pm at the Townhouse (07881527062) Banff - Assemble 5pm at Low Street, Council Buildings Stirling - Assemble 5pm at Foot of King Street If you condemn the murder of peaceful activists trying to deliver aid into Gaza, please take some time to come along and show our government that we don’t support Israel’s aggressive actions and continued oppression of Palestinian people. You can keep up with new protests in other towns being announced here. There will also be a national demonstration this Saturday, 5th June, in Edinburgh at 2pm -- again assembling at the foot of the Mound. Apparently under the NATO charter the attack on a NATO flagged ship in international waters puts all of NATO in a state of war with Israel. Somehow we doubt this will result in severe repercussions for Israel, who have the support of the most powerful Western governments, but we’ll be watching intently to see how many people now begin to realise that Israel officially went ‘too far’ quite a long time ago. Viva Palestina! |