Wayne Rooney wants Britain to be back British

One week on after the first night of rioting, and the reactionary backlash is in full-swing. The courts in some English cities are operating at full-pelt, churning out disproportionate sentence after disproportionate sentence. Cases have ceased to be dealt with on an individual basis, amid a flurry to imprison as many as people for as [...]

Policing Social Media

You almost have to feel for the police in Scotland over the past few days. Unable to spend their week beating up kids on bikes, shooting each other, executing men in taxis, and ensuring that teenagers are locked up for heinous crimes like stealing bottles of water from Lidl and swearing at cops, polis north of the [...]

Rape Culture Rears Its' Ugly Head

[potential trigger warning] The super-cool mega-amazing singer that is Rihanna released the video for her new (and fucking awesome) single Man Down just the other day. As well as being visually stunning, it tells a compelling story. Shot in Jamaica, the first scene shows Rihanna shooting a man in a train station. A day earlier, [...]


Last Friday, as the rest of the country settled down to happy clappy street parties, boulevards decked out in union jacks and wall to wall television coverage of a fairytale wedding, a rather different story was unfolding in Glasgow. The city hit the national headlines after a massive unauthorised party, which saw up to 10,000 [...]

Evil strikers plan to ruin Royal Sweethearts national wedding!!111!!

Every now and again, the British tabloid press manages to excel itself with a story so bonkers, so artificial, and contrived it threatens to put the Daily Mash writing team out of business. Previous winners of this award go to “Radioactive Paedo on the run”, followed by “Asylum Seekers eat royal swans” and finally “Grand [...]

Government knows more about science than scientists

As previously reported by SSY, the government isn’t generally too keen on scientific advice when it comes to formulating drug policy. When the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, and independent body advising the government on drugs legislation, recommended against Cannabis being reclassified as a class B drug, the Labour government went ahead and [...]

"Drugs are not forbidden because they are dangerous but dangerous because they are forbidden."

You heard it here first kids; drugs are bad. It may come as a surprise that Alcohol comes on top of this list of harmful drugs composed by the former governmental adviser David Nutt’s new outfit; but what is more surprising is that some of the drugs on this list are actually considered illegal by [...]

Another non-mephedrone related death

Back in April the Daily Mail asked us: “Meow Meow: Is Carmen, 17, the latest victim?” Shock answer: no. Carmen Marie Moulton from Penrith died in April just after the government imposed a ban on mephedrone, due to media scare stories with no scientific basis. These stories, as we all now know, revolved around picking [...]


As the Daily Mail picks up another story of mephedrone madness – this time the death of a daughter of a premiership footballer. Her tragic death is being used opportunistically by the tabloids to support their unscientific banning of mephedrone. In reality Sibylle Siberski tragically committed suicide, and the drugs she took are being used [...]

Sub-woofer madness.

“OH GOD OH GOD STOP I CAN SEE SATAN HE’S LOOKING RIGHT AT ME!” – this is not a common response to listening to most music, with the exception of Green Day or Daniel O’Donnell. However the world’s finest newspaper has found another TERRIFYING threat to your children – noiseodrugs. Just when you thought your [...]