New Leftfield Out Now: to infinity and beyond
Posted by Liam T in Uncategorized, tags: leftfieldReal life paper copies available for a mere 50 pence … including a free sweetie!
Posts Tagged “leftfield”
New Leftfield Out Now: to infinity and beyondPosted by Liam T in Uncategorized, tags: leftfieldReal life paper copies available for a mere 50 pence … including a free sweetie! Update: The PDF of the new issue is now available on the Leftfield page, spam it to all your friends! The wait is over. The new Leftfield ‘zine from SSY is here and ready to go. For now, we’ve got a sneak preview, but check back in a couple of days and we should have a PDF up for download under the Leftfield page of the site.
update!Posted by Liam T in Uncategorized, tags: education, leftfield, strikes, war, workers' rightsIt’s been a pretty busy week. Here’s a wee update of what’s been happening with SSY and beyond… EDUCATION: Glasgow Uni Tutors Fight for Fair Pay
Glasgow Uni Left Soc. have offered their full support to the tutors in their fight, which comes as new principal Anton Muscatelli arrives at the uni, with plans to ‘restructure’ faculties into ’schools’ with departmental budgets said to be ‘under review’. This will, as is happening at Strathclyde Uni, inevitably mean cuts, which must be resisted wherever they hit. Supporting the PGTA fight for fair pay is an important first step in this battle; there’s much more support that needs to be built, however, before any action can take place – less than 5% of post grad tutors are unionised, for instance. There’s strong grounds for their battle though – the Glasgow tutors face some of the worst terms and conditions of any Scottish university and at current rates of pay often find themselves carrying out hours of unpaid work – which, averaged out, comes out at less than the minimum wage.
ANTI-MILITARISM: Students from Strathclyde and Glasgow Uni Stop the War Coalition succeeded in shutting down the army recruitment centre on Queen St. on Friday. Despite intimidation from the police, who requested names and addresses, and threatened arrest, of nearly everyone at the demo, the 30 strong group persisted and blocked off the entrances to both ends of the building for around an hour. SSY also hit the streets of er, Buchanan Street on Saturday afternoon with petitions and leaflets calling for troops out of Afghanistan, and got a warm response from the public, sold MILLIONS of Voices and Leftfields, and brought the revolution that bit closer. Maybe. LEFTFIELD: The time has come… for a new Leftfield fanzine! Yay. This means one thing though.. in fact, several things, like not getting any sleep for two weeks, but also.. WE NEED ARTICLES!! And photos. And pictures. And cartoons. And RECIPES. And like, other lefty fanziney things. Send submissions to during the next couple of weeks.. pleaaase! Hopefully we’ll have it done in time for the SSP’s upcoming march for jobs in Springburn,which now looks set to take place on Saturday 7 November . Get it in the diary folks! You’ve waited for it longer than Guns and Roses second album, but it’s here at last your super-soaraway Leftfield! While containing many articles from this blog, Leftfield also features several printed exclusives – Liam Turbett on why the war on drugs has failed, the BNP scapegoat picker, the shock Iraq inquiry findings 2 years before publication, and the thrilling adventures of Harry Trotter, only Wizard of the Fourth International. You would be stupid, and quite possibly an enemy of the people to miss it. If you’d like a copy of Leftfield sent to your house, send an email to |