Giles Coren, what a cunt

Giles Coren – star of food history programme The Supersizers, posh food critic, winner of an award for writing the shittest sex scene of any novel in 2005, “Fuck the Poles” racist and general snobby bastard (see his twitter at any one given time for evidence) – has authored an article for the Daily Mail today. About [...]

women, stfu. kthxbye. tories + lib dems, xxx

When the Budget was announced this Summer, one facet of the backlash came from women’s rights campaigning group The Fawcett Society, who initiated a legal challenge against the Budget, on the grounds that it was unfair to women, who would bear the brunt of the majority of the cuts. As we reported at the time, [...]

Long Live the Market! All Hail the Market!

Well, as socialists are now groaning and rolling up their sleeves for years of struggle as the Tories and the Liberals prepare to attack living standards and services, and with Labour and the SNP mouthing opposition but doing nothing to stop them (and passing them on through local parliaments and councils), there is another aspect [...]

David Cameron steals SSP policies.

Who’d have thunk it eh, not only is Gordon Brown a closet Marxist but it turns out the ideas of Socialism have now penetrated the Tory opposition as well. As soon as Maggie took her eye off the ball, we managed to plant our people in the Conservative party and convince them that they had [...]