With a media circus about to descend on Glasgow North East, for a by-election triggered as the consequence of political and personal corruption in Westminster its time to remind the politicians about the communities they have abandoned.
Youth unemployment in the UK has now risen to a staggering 20% for 18-24 year olds, and is 30% for 16-17 year olds. These are only the national averages. In hundreds of housing schemes, estates, towns and cities the levels of unemployment will be much higher.
One such area is Glasgow North East, where unfortunately its not just been disgraced Speaker Michael Martin whose been put out of a job in the last 6 months.

All of this is taking place is one of the poorest areas in Scotland, with a lack of social housing, a lack of facilities for young people, a lack of public transport and one of the poorest life expectancy rates in the UK.
There is no reason for anybody to be unemployed in Scotland when there is so much need to resolve issues of housing and poverty.
The only reason there are millions on the dole and millions without decent, affordable housing is because the market doesn’t find it profitable to use the two to resolve each other.
Thats why the Scottish Socialist Party, and its youth wing Scottish Socialist Youth is organising a MARCH FOR JOBS – NOT ANOTHER LOST GENERATION in Springburn, on October 31st. Details have still to be finalised on the route and rally points for the march.

Make the bankers pay for their crisis, not working people
The SSP/SSY is calling for a 10% greed tax to be levied on everyone in the UK with “liquid assets” of £1 million – that is a million quid lying in the bank, not in property etc.
This would raise £7 Billion for Scotland, which could provide decent, unionised, socially valuable jobs for thousands of young people in places like Springburn, Ruchazie, Carntyne and hundreds of other communities Labour and the Tories have ignored.
The march is demanding the greed tax be enacted to fund,
* Apprenticeships for young people, to build social housing in Glasgow North East, and improve existing housing,
* A massively expanded free public transport system across the constituency,
*Facilities like sports clubs, discos, parks etc for young people to enjoy in the constituency,
*An expansion of health services to improve the quality and length of peoples lives across Glasgow.
New Labour and the Tories are busy fighting over who can cut the deepest and the harshest into public spending.
The SSP says communities like Glasgow North East have had enough stolen from them for the bankers over the past 30 years, its time to provide a voice for working class people who have been abandoned and betrayed by the mainstream parties.