Being a Socialist is a tricky job. In the 20 years since the Berlin Wall came down, there’s been very little space for the ideas of the radical left to express itself and pro-free market politicians have a variety of swanky PR firms to do work for them that we can only dream of. That’s why it’s always good when a rogue bastard comes along and tactlessly gives the game away to the horror of thousands of stockbrokers.
He is not joking. He would shoot a kitten for money.
One case of this is the BBC interview with Alessio Rastanii. Alessio describes himself as an “independent trader”, which is probably why his answers ranged from “meh” to “fuck you”. When a BBC journalist asked him, with all the sincerity of a small child looking for it’s lost mum, if the Eurozone would be saved he responded that he “didn’t care”, his job was to “make money” and he “dreamed of another recession”. As if this wasn’t enough, he went on to say “Governments don’t rule the world, Goldman Sachs does”.
Fellow honest evil bastard Paul McMullen. I haven’t seen someone this rough and stressed out since I last watched Downfall.
It’s a great example of an evil bastard being so completely honest that you can’t help but admire him – a bit like crater faced and increasingly-stressed-out with each interview phone hacking bastard Paul McMullen, who repeatedly said he hacked phones, enjoyed it, and who really gives a fuck about Hugh Grant anyway.
Unsurprisingly, the interview went viral as someone finally said what millions of people suspect traders actually believe. As it spread round the internets, rumours flew that Alessio wasn’t actually a trader but was in fact one of the “Yes Men”. The Yes Men are a hilarious bunch o lads that once pretended to be the representatives of Dow Chemicals, and wiped several billions of their stock market value when they falsely announced they would be providing compensation to the hundreds of family members of the folk their company killed in the Bhopal disaster. Had they fooled the BBC again?
This guy is a joker. He doesn’t have the same evil glint in his eye.
Nope, the Yes Men denied that Alessio was their guy and like the IRA or Cheryl Cole, they always take credit for their work. That makes Alessio a genuine evil bastard, not joking, not making things up, not being a spoof, not a Noel Edmonds “Gotcha” sketch and not a comic. He is actually genuinely one of the people the entire political mainstream in the developed world have asked you to trust in for the past 40 years, and have been bailed out to the tune of Trillions.

See you all on Saturday!