"Do what with the money?! HAHAHAHA"
Ok maybe David Cameron wasn’t as blunt as the headline above, but he wasn’t far off it. When SNP MP Angus MacNeil asked the Prime Minister whether he agreed with 68% of Scots that the North Sea oil wealth should be devolved – i.e. put under the ownership and control of the Scottish Parliament, it’s unlikely David Cameron would have supported the right of Scotland to have exclusive access to such massive wealth. North Sea oil has already been used by the Tories to pay the British States’ million strong giro bill during the Thatcher years, and with massive government cuts approaching it’s a source of wealth the British State can ill afford to lose.
However Cameron’s response was childish and pathetic even by the worst British Unionist standards – he said “if you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer” – inferring that what Scotland does with it’s own natural resources is “stupid” and that we are also “stupid” for thinking we should have control over it. As Cameron gave his rebuttal the Tory front bench were positively pissing themselves with laughter at the very concept the sweaty jocks from the North could control anything more complex than a deep fat fryer let alone Europe’s largest oil reserves.
It’s this naked arrogance and patronising contempt for Scots that means the Tories are so despised here their frontrunner for leader is talking about disbanding the party itself, and pretending they’re not Tories anymore. Good luck with that one.
It’s not the only piece in the news today about the North Sea’s oil reserves – the BBC revealed that Old Labour Energy minister Tony Benn tried to buy North Sea oil off British Petroleum for the state owned British energy company. Benn was denied the opportunity, as the Labour Government at that time believed nationalisation of oil went too far – despite the vast majority of oil producing countries having state owned oil companies, that are to varying levels used to build the infrastructures of their respective states.
No such luck for Scotland though – we have the dubious honor of being one of only two countries in the world to find oil and get poorer, the other being Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Declassified civil service documents revealed that the British state deliberately covered up the scale of oil wealth in the North Sea to stop the massive swing towards Scottish nationalism in the 70′s.
Today the movement for Independence is even stronger than then – opinion polls show a majority of Scots backing Independence, and this is before the Government’s massive cuts are enacted. These cuts would be at the very least reduced if Scotland had access to this oil wealth, instead of having it frittered away by Westminster on Trident and the unwinnable war in Afghanistan. It’s not “stupid” for Scots to ask why we have the poorest cities in Western Europe sitting right next to the greatest source of wealth in Western Europe – the only thing that’s stupid is allowing an unaccountable clique – whether it’s Westminster Tories or private oil multinationals laughing all the way to the bank with our money.
I don’t think Iraq even did get poorer for discovering oil. Things didn’t get better certainly, but I don’t think they’re poorer. Nigeria on the other hand. Nigeria and Scotland, the dream team
Iraq got poorer, but only after the various wars and sanctions.
He was saying that the SNP are stupid, not Scottish people. Had you bothered to publish his full response you might have realized that. At the last election, 1 in 5 Scottish people who voted, voted Conservative, the same number as voted SNP, and a hell of a lot more than voted SSP.
At the last election 45% of Scots voted SNP and only 14% voted for the Tories. Eejit.