Ever feel like you’re being watched? If you’re a politically engaged person in Glasgow you probably are. Every single demo is followed by hordes of cops in uniform, in plain clothes, in mad vans with rotating cameras on top, on horses, in helicopters, on bikes and motor bikes. Sadly Strathy Police recently had their audacious application for a TARDIS unit rejected.
At the heart of this is all round top guy Nelson Telfer, who we first came across as a shining example of humanity after the eviction of the Free Hetherington Occupation at Glasgow Uni. He went on every TV outlet available to him (radio no big enough for good old Nels, straight to the top) saying there was no arrests on the day, no injuries and that the police response was entirely proportionate. That’ll be four arrests, one serious concussion, numerous bumps and bruises, 100 cops, the dog unit and our old pal the helicopter to you and me then.
Big Telf was again involved at Strathclyde the other day when he was the senior officer at another excellent show by his boys. What is not mentioned in LT’s article is the fact that the polis had a ‘spotter’ on the demo. Someone who is paid to collate information on activists. We thought we’d do the honourable thing and show ye a wee picture of her. I fail to see the advantage of dressing your spotter to be the most noticeable person there but maybe I’m missing some elaborate plan from T-Unit.

2nd from left in case you were confused
It seems “T” NT wanted to stick his oar of incompetence into the Slutwalk this Saturday, barging in on a meeting with one of the organisers to intimidate and threaten her with conviction if the march was ‘highjacked’ and went off route. Even though the route was adhered to perfectly by the march, at least one organiser has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for holding an illegal demonstration. This is unheard of despite numerous illegal marches taking place in Glasgowcity centre recently.
True to form they came to George Square with dozens of cops, two vans with Sauron style rotating cameras on top, four undercover CID, 6 horses, loads of motorbikes and… the helicopter. The same helicopter that we aren’t allowed to know how much it costs to put in the air because then the company they rent it off wouldn’t be able to rip-off businesses who want to rent it privately – fair play on that one chaps.
This was an utterly ridiculous reaction and was no doubt an attempt to scare off the scores of angry young women who were on their first ever demonstration. Personally though the lowest part of the day was when they accosted me on the way to the shop near Glasgow green and took my details because I am ‘a potential witness to a crime.’ This is the second time in a week that an SSYer has been followed to the shops by the cops (lol rhymes) and had their details taken. It takes someone braver and more well versed in their legal rights than me to tell two CID heavies to get tae. You know shit is serious when you can’t toddle off for some Irn-Bru on a hot day.
Nelson Telfer is such a decent outstanding guy we thought he deserved his own wee slice of the internets:

It’s a serious concern of mine how this policeman is being treated. Infamy is not very different to fame and revere. I don’t think making these pictures are appropriate and I’m really uncomfortable about the similarities between someone who is being treated with ‘laddish’ respect being portrayed and the way this man is being treated.
I’m also uncomfortable about the fact that Slutwalk hasn’t received any blogging attention, while this man is all over the front page of SSY blog on the next day.
I blogged about slutwalk! right below this post. checked with a couple others before I did it but no one got back/wanted to do it so I just stuck up a quick post with some pics that night.
As for Telfer, obviously can’t speak for David but this is my take on it: I think taking the piss is always funnier when you personalise it – much in the same vein as we did for Stephen Purcell last year, when again we had lots of stupid pictures of him etc. This time the focus of our ire happens to be a particularly arrogant policeman who clearly does think he’s “one of the lads” and I think any ‘laddishness’ about it is a satirical take on that.
I completely disagree. Lad behaviour has been seeping into all aspects of how we’re doing things, and it’s closed and exclusive behaviour. I know more than woman who is uncomfortable with feeling pushed out by lad culture. This just happens to be an embodiment of what I see as being a larger problem with men on the left, who think because they’re being ironic, it’s in any way okay.
Okay. If there are specific problems then they should be addressed directly, in order that we can fix them. I suggest that the comments section of the blog is not the best forum for it to continue though.