Today saw around 200 mostly young people take to the streets of Glasgow against victim blaming and recent political discourse surrounding the issue of rape, as Slutwalk arrived in Scotland for the first time. The Slutwalk phenomenon began in April this year in Toronto, following remarks made by a senior police officer that women should ‘avoid dressing like sluts’ in order not to be sexually harassed or assaulted. The movement rapidly went global, as women across the world began organising marches both in solidarity with those in Canada, and against a culture of victim blaming which is far from a problem confined to one police officer or one city.
Organised largely via facebook, the march gathered in George Square and took a route to Glasgow Green. Unfortunately, the police had denied the organisers their planned route through the city centre, but given the short notice at which the march had been organised, it was felt necessary to go along with the police’s instructions.
Despite this minor hiccup, the march was a great success, attracting a huge amount of media attention and providing a vital reminder that – as the chant rang out – however we dress, wherever we go, yes means yes and no means no.