Dolla Dolla Pills

Today’s Daily Record reported on something I’ve been seeing for months as a pre-registration pharmacist. If you’ve ever seen Michael Moore’s documentary Sicko, you’ll have seen how capitalism causes many Americans to have substandard or even a total lack of health care. In the Scottish pharmacy I work in, however, I have seen capitalism’s effects [...]

Even Tories love the SSY blog

Batten down the hatches, the Tories and the BBC are officially aware of SSY’s website! That’s right, it’s not just the police who read our blog! In a BBC documentary following Scotland’s dear leader Alex Salmond, Michael Portillo – the former Thatcherite Tory MP who famously lost his seat in the 1997 NewLabourThingsCanOnlyGetShiter landslide and [...]


Slutwalk is the result of women fighting back against the idea that what you wear will determine whether or not you are raped. It all started with Toronto Police’s lecture to women, saying that “…women should avoid dressing like sluts” to prevent being raped. Women of Toronto fought back by organising a protest which they named [...]


Last Friday, as the rest of the country settled down to happy clappy street parties, boulevards decked out in union jacks and wall to wall television coverage of a fairytale wedding, a rather different story was unfolding in Glasgow. The city hit the national headlines after a massive unauthorised party, which saw up to 10,000 [...]

Election Liveblog

The polls are closed, and we’ll know the results of the Scottish parliament elections, and whether or not Westminister has a different shitey voting system (SO EXCITING!) by Friday morning.  SSY teams will be bringing you amazing liveblogging from the Glasgow and North East counts, with extra reporting from SSY’s secret underground complex. But this [...]

Fight Cuts at the Ballot Box and in the Streets

Polls opened this morning and votes are currently being cast in the Scottish Parliamentary election. As #2 candidate on the Scottish Socialist Party‘s Glasgow Regional List, I should be out at the polling stations, desperately trying to convince voters to put an ‘X’ beside Scotland’s only party of independence, socialism and internationalism. The bogging weather [...]

Bin Laden's death and the Al Qaeda myth.

He was the Salafist Jihadist Terrorist Princess Queen of Hearts. We’ve spent almost 10 years growing up in his Bond-villain like shadow, but after nearly a decade of hiding from US intelligence they finally got round to finding the best hide and seek champion in the Islamic world – Osama Bin Laden is dead. Watching [...]