Today, Glasgow students visited young Labour conference in order to tell Aaron Porter what a crap job he’s doing as NUS president. Having been sacrificed to us by his Labour bosses so they could clear the door of the clearly terrifying mob, Aaron was kettled by us. Much screaming of “I don’t expect to be filmed!” and “I don’t want to be hit!” followed (nobody was hitting him, and he in fact broke someone’s camera. PROPERTY VANDAL!) until he did a total comedy run away.
He is currently MIA on Glasgow Uni campus, and even Labour can’t find him/aren’t looking for him. His twitter is silent. WHERE ARE YOU AARON PORTER? Stay tuned to porterwatch on twitter!

Aaron Teleporter, shortly before running away. The security guard in the back thought it was hillarious.
More details, including a reconstruction of Aaron Porter’s terrifying ordeal, to come later.
The funniest thing ever. FUCKIN… YAS!