Tory Party conference kicks off
Now that the Tories have got past their honeymoon period in government – if they ever actually had it – they’ve decided to get down to the important work of being totally despicable, nakedly evil bastards. Last week they announced plans to replace trade union and labour holiday Mayday with “Trafalgar Day”. SSY has heard unconfirmed rumours that the Tories intend to mark the inauguration of this holiday by making a 50 foot statue of Thatcher out of gold in the middle of Liverpool.
On a more serious note, recent reports have shown what we have all known already – that the Tories are owned lock, stock and barrel by big business. This shouldn’t be controversial – but what is new, is which business sector contributed over 50% of Tory funds; bankers.
Yes the same industry which has bankrupted the UK is now providing funds to the party which says it’s going to fix everything they fucked up. Conflict of interest much? The Tories have always taken money from bankers, but this is a substantial increase in the influence The City has over the largest governing party in the UK – in 2005 bankers only provided 25% of Tory funds. The recent increase might account for George Osborne’s pathetic “raid” on the banks of £800million, less than the £1billion they make a week.
Continuing on the Tories being blatantly evil and not giving a fuck about it theme, internships with some of these bastard bankers have been auctioned of to rich Tory kids for up to £3k a pop – with the proceeds going to Tory party coffers. They were auctioned off at the interestingly named “Black and White party”. At SSY we don’t know why it’s called this, but are prepared to make an educated guess that it either involved minstrels or nostalgia for apartheid.

This guy is totally responsible and will solve all our problems
For a few thousand quid aspiring young bankers can learn all the tricks of fucking about the entire world’s economic system, making millions in the process and letting everyone else clean up whilst you snort coke and run over homeless people in a BMW laughing and tweeting about it on your Iphone.
Of course Tories don’t just have plans for their young folk – they’ve got one outlined for us as well. The Adam Smith institute, Maggie Thatcher’s favourite thinktank is floating an article calling for the minimum wage to be scrapped for young people. The minimum wage as it is is already a pittance, and for people under 18 it is even less – despite the fact that they usually do exactly the same work as over 18 year olds. The article regurgitates all the old Tory propaganda about how the minimum wage would put folk out of jobs, and how abolishing the wage would increase youth employment.
The reality is these are ideas the Tories have always believed in but they are now using the economic crisis to try and put them forward as a solution. We should remember these examples of Tory greed and class prejudice next time people in the Labour Party or anti cuts movement call on us to be moderate, or not alienate people – respect goes two ways, and right now the Tories have seen their honeymoon is over and got down to nakedly and blatantly fucking us over. Why should we be moderate or reasonable in how we treat these people when they never extend us the same courtesy?