It has emerged that youth unemployment has risen to it’s highest levels since 1992. Officially 20.5% young people are unemployed in the UK as a whole. That’s just over 1 in 5 of us! Not only is this statistic worrying for young people it is the blunt, grotesque truth that young socialists have known for years; Capitalism is oppressing the youth. These statistics have been released as part of the

The full stats showing under-24s being the worst hit age group.
overall statistics on unemployment in the three months to December which shows a rise in the number of people unemployed to 2.5 million (there was a minor decrease of people unemployed in Scotland). These stats do not paint a great picture for our future or the next generation’s future. The only way to change these stats is by changing the way in which we run our economy and it must start now!
For years we (the youth) have been told that we are a bunch of scroungers, we’re a spoilt generation and if we’re not in employment its all our own fault. That view is flawed and has been for years but now we have updated evidence to prove the knobheads who hold that view wrong. There is a reason why this current generation will be the first ever to become poorer than their parents’ generation. Unfortunately we are not going to have a public sector (becoming a bit of a luxury in the western world now!) by the time we become middle aged the way the current regime of cuts that are being forced upon us by the Tories and Lib Dems. These cuts are attacking those who are most vulnerable in society and the youth (in particular the working class youth) are being attacked by these cuts. The public sector cut-backs are being justified as being “necessary” as we are all in this together the government believe that we shouldn’t punish the bankers who caused this crisis. As a result of these public sector cuts we have all been reassured by David Cameron and co. that the private sector will employ everyone! Well one look at these stats will show that the private sector ain’t doing what Cameron wants them to do. Cameron was so distraught about the announcement of youth employment he couldn’t hold back his tears when he said “(youth employment was) a matter of great regret”. Can you feel his genuine concern for the youth of this country? I fucking can’t!

The message from the government, even though there's no jobs!
In response to this report the government somehow claimed that it showed evidence of unemployment starting to “stabilise”. By stabilising they mean its going to get to a level so unbearably high it cannot go down or rise further thus “stabilising”, I guess. I cannot understand (well I can actually) how anyone in government are not in any sort of panic over the high youth unemployment rate. The simple fact of the matter is the government is run by middle aged millionaires who do not care about investing in the future, they only look at what money they can make for themselves and people in a similar situation. That is why capitalism is exploiting the youth. Its not only this country that faces this problem. Its every capitalist country in the world. The people who are running the countries around the world are rather selfishly living for today. That’s not how govern. That’s a recipe for disaster, if you want to know how to sell out an entire generation look no further than the British governments from 1992 onwards. Although in that time we have had minimum wage act passed. This in principle is good for the youth of this country ending many years of relative slave labour for the youth but ironically the minimum wage is one of the most anti-youth acts right now (however its better than nothing.) . It is disgusting that the wage you receive is based on your age, that’s called discrimination but they get let off with it. If I was to get a job tomorrow which paid minimum wage I would receive £3.56 an hour (minimum wage for a 16-17 year old) but someone doing the same job as me but aged 21+ they would recieve £5.53 an hour (which is very poor anyway), an sad but true fact that shows how you are punished in employment if you are young, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
The campaign against youth discrimination must continue. That’s why come election we must put across our policies for a higher minimum wage (without age discrimination) for those young people lucky enough to have a job. The voting age should be lowered

Home from home for young people.
to 16 so those who are being screwed over by this government can at least vote against them (after all at 16 you are allowed to fight in illegal wars and deemed fit to be a parent). This article may be about youth unemployment but it is just one factor in this society that is run by people who are determined to increase their bank balance whilst blaming the youth for their own and society’s shortcomings and its time this attitude ends before its too late.
…you know I love you really.
I fucking HATED being 17 and TRAINING other people at work who still lived with their parents whilst I had moved away from home; and being payed substantially LESS than them.
Others have different reasons to hate this legislation, such as those who listen to their teachers and wont work until they are older and are suddenly more expensive simply because of their age, meaning that they cant find work.
For some reason my current employer, Tesco, have abolished under-18s pay rates meaning everyone is payed equally. This bemuses me as it isn’t like tesco to dig into it’s profits for fairness’ sake.
I was aware Tesco did that to their pay as I applied for a job there a few months ago (and obviously failed). I’m heading up to my 18th bithday but I cannot help but fear that I will become less employable as they will have to pay me more.
To old really to comment on this line,however.Remember the brue cat coming to school back late 60!s.Class of forty,well this is your options if you get your leaving certificate one third of you will get a job,the others is the armed forces,the others the state will look after you.And he was correct in most.One third got a job,mostly manual, one third pointing a gun in Belfast, at other workers,and one third on the unemployment.The Belfast third some got a box and a pipe.
No matter your age, ageism is not a mind set of the socialist mind.Only one in a capitalist mind,use and abuse.
You are correct and I am not suggesting previous generations had it easy but the current generation is being left with nothing. There is no job prospects anymore (hence why the unemployment rate in young people is so high.) We have been left behind by the baby boomers (in particular the middle class baby boomers). They got onto the property market easier (there was more council houses available and they got to buy them for a really low price) and there was more industries available to work in (especially manual work) these two things are no longer available to us die down to the greed of some in the previous generation. The overall problem is capitalism and you’re right to point that out, capitalism is based on exploitation of the most vulnerable in society and the young is one of the most exploited in society, we get crap wages, crap jobs and get a crap reputation in the media because “we’re all freeloading wasters” when we’ve been dealt a bad hand compared to the previous generation but the middle aged, middle class capitalists fail to see this like the spoilt shites they are!