Cheerio Aaron
It’s been a bad day for the enemies of SSY.ORG.UK – and today we take part in our ritual of revelling in the demise of BASTARDS. Top of the list (although probably not the most evil, Gaddafi still just squeezes by) is sellout Blairite careerist Aaron Porter. Porty’s announced he will not stand for another term as NUS President, apparently only the second time in over 40 years an NUS President has not done so.
It’s indicative of just how much hatred Porter was able to stoke up as “leader” of students that he doesn’t feel confident he will be re-elected even in the NUS, which is rigged to a very large degree by student Labour Clubs.
To recap on why he’s despised by anti-cuts students, he condemned the occupation of Millbank (whilst being soft on the much more extreme police violence). Secondly he flip flopped, saying he had been “spineless” before and announced support for student occupations and promised he would obtain legal aid for occupiers (which he didn’t do). Then he voted against NUS support for an anti-fees demo, instead choosing to back a useless “candelit vigil”.
Since then emails from Porter to the Government have been leaked, revealing that Aaron was ready to call for cuts of up to £800 million in grants behind the back of students. The NUS have also been calling on student leaders at different universities not to oppose hikes, describing them as “relatively progressive” – completely at odds with what they said publicly and the view of millions of students and young people.
For these reasons Porter hasn’t been able to act as an NUS President to his full capacity – specifically because students have booed him off an anti cuts demo in Manchester, where he had to be escorted away by the Police. After this incident NUS hacks spun it to the press that Porter had been the victim of “anti semitic abuse”. Since then Porter has admitted he didn’t hear any racist chanting, so as well as being a sneaky careerist he was also happy to let people think he was the victim of racist abuse. Classy guy.
Porter was also confronted by anti-cuts protesters from Glasgow Uni two weeks ago when he came to a Young Labour conference. Depending on who you listen to, this protest involved anything from torches and pitchforks to kneecapping. This blog post here goes into the detail of what actually happened, in response to “sensible people” at Glasgow Uni who condemned the protesters. These sensible people were last seen at a rally they had called of 5 people at the Queen Margaret Union with a placard saying “We Love Tommy Gore”.
Unfortunately this probably won’t be the last time we see Porter – he’ll likely end up as a candidate for Labour in one of their safe seats. But it’s good to see the back of one New Labour hack, and his departure will hopefully open the way for real anti-cuts leadership of the NUS.

Nae Bill Aitken in sight...
Our second resigning bastard today is Bill Aitken. Bill’s resigned due to his comments a week ago, where he implied a woman who had been raped was a prostitute. Since then the full transcript has come out, where he also seems to have a fixation on the rape being carried out by “asians” as well as laughing at the woman’s plight. Given those comments it might not be fitting that Bill is the Convener of the Justice Committee, and protests had been called to tell Bill what we thought of him.
Unfortunately when SSY members and others tried to tell Bill what we thought of him, he didn’t turn up to his office. Since then he has stepped down as Convener of the Justice Committee. Unfortunately Bill is still an MSP, but intends to stand down in May. Cheerio you Tory wanker.
Last but by no means least is the continuing troubles of Muammar Gaddafi. News coming out of Libya suggests that anti-Gaddafi protests are now no longer limited to the poorer eastern parts of the country, but have spread into the west – including the capital, Tripoli. Gaddafi’s response has been brutal, making Mubarak look like a Liberal in comparison. He has flown in mercenaries to fire upon his own people and reports from Libya claim there are fleets of cars with AK 47 toting mercenaries roaming the capital.
As if this wasn’t enough, the air force has been allegedly firing upon demonstrators in Tripoli. This appeared to be too much for some pilots who have flown to Malta in their jets to avoid any role in Gaddafi’s brutal repression. This bloodbath comes after one of Muammar Gaddafi’s spoiled weans, Saif Al Islam Gaddafi took to the airwaves and made a bizarre (and probably taped) speech. Saif blamed the uprisings on Islamists, Seperatists, people from Manchester, Canada, Al Jazeera and people who took ecstasy. Unfortunately for Saif, it looks like the people marching on Tripoli don’t have glow sticks, more like Ak’s and tanks from defecting regiments of the armed forces. All in all, a good day – 2 bastards down with 1 to go.

Gaddafi's son, blaming Seperatist Islamists from Manchester on ecstasy.
SSY 1-0 Bastards. Good times. Is it true that Gaddafi has fled to Venezuela though? I over heard someone saying that.
It would be useful to add something about who the hell Tommy Gore is?
Tommy is the President of Glasgow Uni Students Representative Council, our student reps given Glasgow Uni isn’t affiliated to NUS.
It’s a shame that the NUS is basically Labour youth, and whoever replaces AP is likely to be another Labour party careerist who makes no attempt at representing the views of students when they clash with the views of whom she or he sees as their future pay-masters. Hopefully someone who’s not in the pocket of a big party and/or actually fights our corner for us when there is obvious consensus (for example on massive cuts to the education system and how to get our point across to the government that they’re unwelcome and unnecessary) gets the job. Sadly, I doubt it’ll happen and I can’t see aNUS encompassing a much broader spectrum of political opinion anytime soon.
I’m sure Labour hacks will be doing their collective nuts at AP being bracketed with Gadaffi.
For balance, I will point out that at least Gadaffi has introduced some basic useful reforms in his time, whereas Aaron Porter’s record is 100% sucking up and selling out.
@Euan: ‘Is it true that Gaddafi has fled to Venezuela though? I over heard someone saying that.’
Not yet. But apparently both Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro think he’s an amazing guy they love very much…
‘Chavez actually broke his silence on Libya late on Thursday with a brief message via Twitter, declaring: “Long live Libya and its Independence! Gaddafi faces a civil war!!”
His foreign minister, Nicolas Maduro, also chose his words carefully, calling for an end to violence and echoing an accusation by Cuba’s Fidel Castro that the United States was trying to create conditions to justify an invasion of Libya.
“The main objective of the Libyan invasion is the same Bush had – oil. To take its oil, leave Libya in 20 pieces and deprive OPEC of one of its main places,” he said, referring to former U.S. leader George W. Bush’s war in Iraq.’
It’s important to question the sources: we don’t know if it’s actually Chavez writing on twitter etc. Then again, it’s likely given how very close Chavez has been to Gadaffi (Adhmedinejad and so on) that he is going to come to the rescue of his pal.