Regular news readers may be overcome with a sense of gay ja vu yesterday at the news that yet another “member of the hospitality community” thinks that the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 which outlaws discrimination against gay people doesn’t apply the them.

They can't come to my house either...creepy bastards
Homophobic hoteliers Peter and Hazelmary Bull, owners of the Chymorvah Hotel, were found by a judge to have broke the law when they refused a gay couple a room in their hotel. They claimed that this was OK because their website explicitly stated that double rooms were only for married couples. Humilated and without anywhere to stay the couple took the Hotel to court and won. Mr and Mrs Bull were forced to stump up £1800 to each man. The hotel owners are now in despair according to the Daily Mail – who suggested the whole thing was a plot by Stonewall. If that is true then Stonewall have gone way up in my estimations. But its doubtless bollocks. Both the Daily Mail, and the couple believe this is suppression of their Christian faith with our favourite paper going as far as to claim (let’s hope correctly) that, “The ruling by a judge in Bristol sealed the supremacy of gay rights over Christian belief.”
But what Biblical context can the pair claim for their attitudes? The Bibles main man had this to say on homosexuality. Sweet FA. It seems strange that in 32 years of parables and ramblings Jesus wouldn’t deem it fit to comment on the matter. Sure Mosaic Law – abolished by Jesus - and in particular the book of Leviticus is a bit hell fire and brimstone on the old gay thang. It would also strongly condemn the eating of “Pork with Madiera and Cream” (Leviticus 11:7) being served at the aforementioned hotel. Lets also hope the property was free of mildew (particularly the kind with reddish of greenish spots outlined in Leviticus 14: 33-54) otherwise the couple will have spent their lives emptying their hotel, having the priest inspect it, closing down the hotel for 7 days then having the priest come back to declare it ritual clean. And that would be a pain in the arse if you have lines of gays to turn away.

Jonathan & David: Shows Yer Girdles!
But hey fairs fair, they weren’t, as the rules of the Hotel stated, a married couple. It is unlikely the Bulls would have thoroughly interrogated straight couples, demanded marriage certificates etc. And Steven and Martin couldn’t be married anyway but they were in a civil partnership. Which may not be quite marriage but is still a kind of…covenant. So what does the bible say about a covenant?
“Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.” (1 Samuel 18:1-4)
Biblical context aside the ruling does set a legal precedent by confirming “There is no material difference between marriage and a civil partnership.” The ruling also confirms (again) that when you run a business you lose your right to discriminate. The Orwellian claim by the Bulls that “some people are more equal than others” is astounding giving that they wanted a right to discriminate based on their own belief system. This Christian belief again is more equal than any other system. If we want everyone to be equal here are a few suggestions:
- Abolish the two tier system and let gay and lesbian couples get married and straight couples have civil partnerships
- Scrap laws which exempt the Church and religious organisation from being able to discriminate based on sexual orientation or religion.
- Abolish all “faith” schools and implement an integrated, secular education system.
Until then I leave you with the words of Mike Judge of the Christian Institute who stated, “This ruling is further evidence that equality laws are being used as a sword rather than a shield.” It seems if biblical homos King David and Jonathan want a bit of sword (and girdle) action then they should avoid the Chymorvah Hotel for a while.
Here here.
I agree, this is a really good post!
Solid, sensible, fair. Good article.
Read Pauls letters he goes into great detail.
You have shown that you don’t care for equal rights unless it was sarcasm. For you too say that Homosexual rights shoul;d be above christian rights then clearly you don’t won’t equality nor do you want a free and fair society you want a liberal fascism.
I think it is a disgrace seeing how British socialism came from men of faith so that you demeen ity now shows you for the unequal liberal pisstalkers.
Yous are fucking bigots Faith schools are being shown to be the best schools in the scottish system so good fucking plan there, it amazes me that you don’t get voted in with your mass appeal no really have you got any clue who actually voted for you or socialist parties in the past. People of faith created the union movement because they cared for people not talked down to people you continue to attack.
If you haven’t noticed gay rights are more likely to be heard about than christians rights, Cardinal Keith O’Brien said that there were a pressure group of gay groups which viciously went after anyone that disagreed with them on any point obviously within moments he was being hailed as a homophobe by the obvious brigade. By the way get your fucking policies sorted so that some cunt will actually vote for you gay people aren’t socialist sadly somewhere in between fucking somebody up their arse they couldn’t give too shits about socialism.
I hear the liberal democrats are looking for new members they also talk a whole load of pish and betray their voter base.
I am taking time out from my arse fucking to rebuke the above nonsense…the troll should be honoured.
I have read Paul (who wouldn’t have known Jesus from a bar of soap being born years later) and his many letters. Why they are in the Bible at all baffles me.
If you are referring to his many statements about marraige then you couldnt have picked a more innapropriate article. Paul condemns marraige repeatedly in Corinthians and warns men not to marry….there not enough time left before the Apocalpyse apparently. Presumably then, he wouldnt have approved of rules which ensure the supremacy of married folk. Do you condemn marraige? the eating of pork? Do you pester the police to cease murder enquiries after 7 days and instead sacrifice a cow in George Square as the Bible says? Or do you pick the bits that justify your own hatred and pursue and bully gay people and use fowl and abusive language on our blog?
And I absolutely celebrate the statement from the Mail although I believe it to be false. This is not a case of gay people vs christians. It is not a “clash of rights” as has been suggested. This was simply two homophobes who broke the law by refusing a service to people based on their sexuality. I find Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Jedi are quite happy to take my dosh to be honest. Even the Tories have dropped homophobia because it doesn’t make them any money.
It doesn’t as you suggest mean some rights are ahead of others. It says RIGHTS are supreme over BELIEF. This means I have a right to my private life, to not get my head kicked in, to be able to bar a pack of ciggies without having my sexuality questioned and being allowed to book a room without being turned away. This is clearly more important that the fact that someone THINKS something. “I dont agree with that” becomes irrelevant…nobody is asking anyone to agree with anything because their BELIEF has no bearing on RIGHTS.
You also use the word fascism which is comical. I dont throw the word around but the article contains a picture which shows a demonstration set up to intimidate gay people and show they are not welcome. If the victims here were black and those pictured were demonstrating for their right to exclude black people because the…erm..just didn’t agree with that..I might throw the word fascism in their direction.
“Faith Schools are being shown to be the best schools.” Good point. So why are they allowed to ignore the law and exclude children based on someone else’s religion? Time these schools were opened up and high fucking time we knocked sectarianism in the bollocks in Scotland and ended segregation in our schools.
People (not just men oddly) of faith have played a massive role in our movement and continue to do so. We are not ignorant and don’t think that people who happen to believe in God button up the back. The only thing I demeaned was the belief that there is some sort of justification for hating people based on your religion whatever that might be. Every Christian I know would agree. Most people, unlike you, take the positive messages from their belief system…like when Jesus gets rid of money and says all the rich will burn in hell. Most don’t obsess over ancient Mosaic customs (well 1 out of the over 1600). The Bible doesn’t tell you to be a dick…if you chose to be one then that’s your call.
We as a movement are secularists for a reason. It was with great irony that the Pope condemned “agressive secularism” when he visited Glasgow. The many socialists from a Catholic background know their own proud history of fighting for secularism. This is because secularism is the only way to ensure the rights of everyone to practise their beliefs in peace. And everyone else has a right to get some peace from other people’s beliefs.
Aye cause i see christians being turned away from places left right and centre. But what the fuck are they complaining for? There’s always the stable. Good enough for the son of god, eh?
If I am not banned I answer the point on faith schools. All catholic schools in scotland accept all faiths protestant or atheist what it means to be a faith school is to have that specific faiths beliefs and ethos held up in the school. Also Catholic schools are around because we were discriminated by the law in both Engalnd and Scotland leading to us being excluded and not being allowed the right to education.
If belief is not of consequence in the making of the law well who said that homophobia is wrong obviously somebody believes it to be wrong and hence campaigned for it to become part of the law. By the way When a faith does not agree with homosexuality then it is a matter of faith whether or not that person wants acts of sodomy done under their roof.
You mock St Paul but would you mock Plato, Aristotle or even Marx for that matter. St Paul was party to creating a church that has lasted roughly two thousand years now if you see that as somethig to mock someone then you are truly stupid. You could mock many things from the past in fact it seems to be modern peoples favourite past time but it doesn’t take away from that persons theological brillance or philosophical brillance. I can give you a load of positive things from the bible but then I could give you negative comments but this is true of all things and regardless of your belief that it is nonsense it is still the most influential book to be ever complied and will remain so well before you or I are dead.
Wee lydia I would say this quite clearly although you may not know it Roman Catholics in this country have been subject to bigotry and sectarianism as a child with my uniform on I was attacked for being a catholic. Every year you’ll find orange walks going past Chapels saying we are scum. Now the point I am making is this you and people are like you will never attack this issue because you are scared of Anti-catholcism in this country or you harbour it yourself from your education in the British state.Now when the liberal british state tell you gays are okay you are fine with them because in the end this state controls you and your socialism is nothing more than a brand of Leftish liberalism. You don’t attack the state for you wish it to continue as a scottish state.
Small bit of philosphy here for you what are Laws but thousand of year old men reaching out from the grave and telling us what is right and wrong the basics of law have remained the same and will continue to do so. But if I was too take both your points that my beliefs are pointless when up against the state then I would reply then and say why then is your beliefs of importance either.