Sick of our good-old traditional British culture being pillaged by evil Muslims, bent on a regime of violence and outdated conduct? Worried your wives, daughters, grannies, sisters and girlfriends will soon be forced into wearing Burkas under an enforced authoritarian Islamic rule? If so, you’re either a gullible moron, or worse, an Islamophobic hate-filled wanker. Unfortunately, the latter really can’t seem to be convinced why they’re wrong (not that this should deter us from reminding them at every available opportunity), but if you’re one of the former, all hope is not lost, thanks to those at!
Throughout modern history, and particularly over the last decade, hostility has been unjustly bred towards the Islamic faith and those who practice it. Some is outright vitriolic propaganda designed to spread hate and fear (see that good old: ‘all Muslims are terrorists’ diatribe), and some is, unfortunately, just the product of misinformation.
A quick sweep round some of my schoolmate’s opinions only proved testament to this, with them suggesting (with an air of walking on eggshells) ideas such that Islam ‘breeds terror’; ‘promotes violence to uphold its rule’; ‘is unwilling to embrace other cultures’; ‘is incompatible with the modern world’. The people I spoke to were relatively harmless, and have simply been brought up in a society which accepts these myths as fact. But this is a small comfort when such myths are also in broad circulation all over the country with a much more sinister intent; one which hopes to alienate and isolate the Muslim community.

Thankfully, the writers at Cracked have provided an excellent, handy and insightful article, which can be found here, addressing the five main myths widely believed about the Islamic faith, and then explains why they’re basically all complete bollocks. Have a read, and next time you hear some prick dithering on about how Islam is going to seize control of Britain, challenge them!
This is really well written. The most important thing in writing a good article is a punchy first paragraph that says what you need to say, and the first par in this one is a belter
This is class. More please.
Good work, Sophie.
As i said before!