Are you old enough to remember when it was hippies........................hippies everywhere?
Remember those cops dressed as clowns who were kicking about a few years ago? Well it turns out apparently that one of them was….a cop! More details emerge every day in relation to “Lynn Watson,” an undercover cop who infiltrated the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army. It comes hot on the heels of the tale of Mark “Stone” Kennedy, another state plant paid to spy on activists.
Let’s be clear. SSY has no gripe with people who want to dress stupidly and/or take direct action against capitalism - particularly given our own penchant for such things. The Clowns occasionally managed to use their incredible irksome behaviour to outsmart the cops and should be admired for that. We did however know that there would be coppers in their midst. No doubt they did too – given that many of them are seasoned activists. There have been a multitude of stories in the press but nothing we don’t all know anyway. But its worth fleshing out some of what has been revealed for the hell of it.
Most of it centres around the actions of Mark “Stone” Kennedy. Mark spent 7 years undercover, spying on environmental, anarchist and left-wing activists. He recorded their meetings using a modified watch containing a micro-chip which were then downloaded onto Inspector Gadgies PCs. Based on information obtained by Kennedy, 114 people were arrested and many put on trial, having done nothing other than talk about occupying the Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station. 20 were convicted of various nonsensical charges while the trial of 6 others descended into farce. The trial collapsed because the police withheld tapes that would have cleared the activists and the role of Kennedy was also crucial. It was claimed that Kennedy was prepared to give evidence in favour of the activists thus exposing the state plot to plot against the state. The collapse of the trial has led to no less than 3 totally “independent inquiries” by the Association of Cunto Polis Oligarchs (ACPO), the Independent Piggy Confectionary Convention (IPCC) and Serious & Organised Clown Army (SOCA). No doubt the police will decide that the police are bad and need to be abolished. We won’t hold our breathe.
Kennedy’s revelations in the press since being exposed have including the fact that he was basically paid by taxpayers to have sex with activists – a tactic apparently sanctioned as an acceptable form of “intelligence gathering” by his seniors. This week there was a demonstration in support of women from Reclaim the Streets , a group of London activists, among others who were conned into having sex with cops they thought were friends. The former member of the Special Demonstration Squad stated this week that promiscuity helped them to “blend in” because – you guessed it – we’re all fucking. I’d like to point out before we move on that tricking people into fucking you is not OK and in my insanely monogamous experience crazy lefties are no more or less likely to fuck around than anyone else. Obvious exception aside.
Kennedy confirmed this week that he was far from alone and
that there were a network of undercover officers paid for with our dosh to check what we are doing. And more importantly, to first provoke and then fuck up any opposition to the political and economic elite. “Lynn Watson” was an activist outed by Mark Kennedy as a spy. She kicked about the Leeds area spying for a bit. She was involved in the Camp for Climate Action as late as 2008 having previously been involved in Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp not to mention an being an Action Medic and of course, a clown. Various tit-bits from her bank details to a video of her in Clown make-up dicking around are coming out every day. But again, nothing we wouldn’t have guessed. She basically came in, made a mess and left like thousands before her.
Every state monitors and disrupts its enemies. That is in fact the PURPOSE of a state. The Black Panthers were destroyed by the CIA flooding the group with drugs, cops and paranoia. The Democratic Socialist Party in Australia counts among its members a former informant who eventually realised that the people she was spying on made more sense than they people she was spying for (I think it was a woman but my googling fails me). The façade of democracy is destroyed when the state acts to disrupt the forces who fight for a more democratic future. I can only imagine the epic boredom state plants must endure to get sketchy details of the half baked plans made by the left. We must avoid the temptation of spending all day asking where the spy is. In the end crippling paranoia is just as dangerous as the actions of the state. But it confirms that the state does watch us and maybe we should be rather more careful at times rather than blabbering our plans all over facebook or even, quite frankly via phone or email. On a positive note it makes you think that maybe, just maybe we are a threat to those we seek to overthrow. We all know they are watching…except them
In a hilarious twist, the UK’s most senior public order police officer, Bob Broadhurst, told Parliament’s Home Affairs Select Committee in 2009 in relation to the G20 protest in London that:
“The only officers we deploy for intelligence purposes at public order are forward intelligence team officers who are wearing full police uniforms with a yellow jacket with blue shoulders. There were no plain-clothes officers deployed at all.”
This week he scurried back to apologise to MPs for misleading them insisting he…didn’t know. I knew there were undercover cops in London at the G20 and I was sitting behind my desk in Glasgow refreshing the BBC News page at work. The claim that the polis didn’t know where the bacon was is laughable.
In short, the entire saga brings new (although hardly shocking) light on the amount of money and time being spent monitoring what we do. Don’t be paranoid – Don’t be disheartened. I distinctly remember my last encounter with the Clown Army, at Gleneagles at the G8 when they shouting “booo…miserable socialists” at us as they passed by. An older man behind me mumbled “we’re only miserable coz we’re surrounded by cops.” Just remember there are infinitely more clowns in the cops than cops in the Clowns.
Brilliant article this, funny and to the point. I remember that wee DSP guy (What was his name Mark? Tom?) telling us about the woman who’d been a state plant then joined the party and the first thought that came to mind was ‘aye, but what if she’s still a cop’
“I’d like to point out before we move on that tricking people into fucking you is not OK and in my insanely monogamous experience crazy lefties are no more or less likely to fuck around than anyone else. Obvious exception aside.”
nice one.
On the other hand it’s quite entertaining, the amount of undercover cops that have ended up shagging/marrying activists. Exploitative bits aside, it appears infiltrating is backfiring on them. After shagging activists, many of these undercover police officers are coming to see the error of their system-shoring-up ways and leaving the force, or even joining in earnest the causes they were initially sent to spy on. I reckon the truth is that activists are SO good in bed that police officers are losing all sense of their co-ordinates as a result of shagging them.
Tim, that was his name
Hey – Perhaps some comment is required on this? http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jan/28/student-protests-union-infighting?INTCMP=SRCH – Aaaaaron Porter being a splitting arse.
Tim! I was hoping to keep the fact that my source for the DSP claim was a wee dude I met years ago who told me a story while totally out his face.
He was awesome…for everyone else he was an Aussie comrade from the DSP who came over with some sort of intention of doing political work/building links (or something?) only to be captured in the pub by me, Jack and Nick and initiated into the ways of SSY…I dunno if he made a single meeting. I could tell stories but given the content of the post I don’t think they are appropriate for Inspector Knacker.
Suffice it to say I remember when the Fire Brigade burst into my room to find him smashing my sink (and I mean in half) with a wine bottle in an attempt to open it….good times.
Aye, good times indeed. I think Tim had the misfortune to turn up in the month when I was stand-in SSY organiser. I’m not sure there was a single meeting he could have gone too to be honest.
I nearly puked laughing at your acronyms
I have to say I always found those clowns annoying. A post-modern distraction from the solemnity and dignity of protest.
From student protests in England today:
Great article… and remember the bit about Gleneagles. I think the Clown Army are pretty harmless to be honest, though I can’t say I have ever been inspired by them politically (or any other way, really).
I think the more important point about the whole state interference/spying stuff is that it is precisely why movements need to be broad and de-centralised. A small movement, or one with power and influence placed in the hands of a small number of people is much more vulnerable to this type of interference than a broad, encompassing one.
A sinisterly laughing state myrmidon. And I don’t like the one on the left much either.
More seriously, the clown stuff is an open invitation to not be taken seriously by the media or indeed the wider public. And this too might be a state agenda. There is speculation in some quarters that in the USA in the late 1960s, some of the more way-out behaviour of the counterculture may have been a tactic of FBI, CIA or other infiltrators, aimed at undermining the more serious agendas of the protest movements against Vietnam and so on.
I remember once going to an SSP conference before the unfortunate Sheridan events, and there was one delegate or observer dressed as Napoleon. I thought, “Oh great. Wait till a bourgeois journalist sees this character.”