Porter being escorted away by Police
Well not exactly – so far both the tyrannical Labour careerist and despotic leader of Egypt still cling to power, but at yesterday’s demo against cuts in EMA some students finally got close enough to their “leader” to tell them exactly what they think of him, leading him to flee the demo he was supposed to be speaking at under police protection. Your plane to Jeddah is waiting too Aaron!
Just to remind readers why Aaron Porter is a total dickhead, when student demonstrators occupied Millbank Aaron condemned their actions as being “despicable”, with no condemnation of police violence. He then flip flopped when it became clear that hundreds of thousands of students supported the occupation and (bar stupidity like throwing fire extinguishers) thought it was fantastic, and said that he and the NUS had been “spineless” on supporting the student movement against fees and cuts and he personally had “dithered”.
This conversion to radicalism didn’t last long – Aaron Porter voted against a proposal for the NUS to back a second demonstration against cuts and fees, instead calling for a “candlelit vigil” to try and lobby MP’s. Aww bless. As if this wasn’t bad enough, leaked emails showed that Porter was calling on the Government to make massive cuts in grants – £800 million over four years. This is alongside his public stance in favour of a graduate tax, which may not be as bad as tuition fees but still undermines the principles of free education based on academic merit, not your bank balance. It’s also a mad position for a union leader to take – retreating from the principle of free education means you’ve conceded ground to the Tories you can’t retake.
Porter – like all former NUS presidents bar one – is a member of the Labour Party, and clearly views his role as president of NUS as being the first step on the Labour career ladder. Cuddly daytime politico Andrew Neil said that Porter sounded like “a future MP” when he was on his tv show – a view that’s far from unlikely when you look at what exNUS presidents have gone on to do. Jack Straw, former foreign secretary was a former President of NUS as was racist liar Phil Woolas who was immigration minister.
Porter clearly doesn’t want to rock the boat too much and defend students interests in case he fucks up his chance of getting a cushy job in the shadow cabinet. When Porter came to speak at yesterdays rally against fees, hundreds of pissed off students went to confront their President about his conduct, he bolted and went to the police to get them to escort him away from his angry and revolting subjects. A fantastic piece o direct action against a sell out Labour hack, and lets hope it’s repeated any time Porter tries to posture against cuts until he resigns as NUS President and fucks off to become a researcher for a Labour backbencher.
Cheerio Porter
EDIT – It’s been reported in the press that Porter was racially assaulted by protesters, that he was called a “fucking Jew”. If it did happen it’s contemptible and the folk who said that should be told to shut up or fuck off anti-cuts demos. A report from the Alliance for Workers Liberty who were at the demo said there was no evidence to suggest this happened, so either it’s a lie or it was just a couple o folk and not a large crowd of eejits chanting anti-semitic abuse.
This was a great piece of action, well done to everyone involved. I think we need to be clear that the Mail (who broke the story about supposed anti-Semitic abuse) and other right wing media who’ve repeated the story have not actually offered any evidence that it happened. Several sets of protesters who were there have denied it, and none of the videos of the action actually show it either. I think it’s just propaganda offered up by the enemies of students, until I see anything to back up the claims. If that’s the case, then Aaron Porter should be REALLY ashamed (on top of the shame he was already carrying for being a total fanny) for running with the story and repeating it like it’s true. Not only is he damaging the student movement, he’s damaging the fight against anti-Semitism and racism.