SSY apologises for the sweary word in the title, but the above quote was taken from a panicky (hard to say which one tbh) Polis at the demo against tuition fees today arguing wi fellow officers over who was responsible for the titanic fuck up that was the vague attempt at maintaining control over streets in Glasgow.
And what a fuck up; hundreds of school, college and university students had more or less total control of the entire city centre. The demonstration was free at will to blockade/shut down 3 different vodafones, 2 banks and break out of no less than FIVE kettles over a period of roughly 3-4 hours. This is despite the Polis presence going from a few confused officers to 5 riot vans and a helicopter, a bit like in GTA when you keep going on a continuous rampage and they send the swat team and the army after you.
When the Polis got reinforcements, they tried to force folk into a kettle to “Join your colleagues” – I’m not daft, I’m not walking into a kettle – a couple of teenage girls who were taking pictures of the demo didn’t want to go in and were violently pushed and manhandled by the cops. Fortunately they got their story taken from the Herald, so lets hope there’s an embarrassing story waiting for some of Strathy’s finest tommorow.
Today’s demo stands as an example that Millbank wasn’t a one off, and that there’s nothing the French or Greek can do that we can’t do as well. Seeing these demonstrations it’s clear the Lib Dems will need nothing less than a full scale military escort the next time they want to court student votes on campuses, that is if they even bother next time.
Unfortunately despite today’s massive protests, the numbers on the streets were unable to terrify enough Libdem MP’s into openly rebelling agains the Coalition’s plan. Tuition fees have been introduced into England on 323 votes to 302 – 21 Libdems voted against the proposal, while 8 abstained. If these MP’s had any bottle they would have kept to their pledge and voted against. Obviously they think that abstaining will spare them from losing their seats. Think again.
Tuition fees may have been increased in England, but they have not been introduced Scotland or Wales. What we’ve had a is very effective dress rehearsal for fighting any attempt (which is likely) to introduce tuition fees into Scottish education, and making it clear to the next Holyrood administration the political consequences of doing so. It’s also politicised thousands of young people – who would have imagined this time last year that hundreds of school kids would give the Polis some exercise bolting down Argyle Street to try to shutdown tax evaders Vodafone?
We didn’t succeed in stopping tuition fees from being increased, but student protests have cut down the government’s majority from 84 to only 21 – if this is the kind of blood that students alone can draw, what happens when the coalition tries to put a million workers on the dole? This coalition is over its head and today shows we have a far better chance of destroying it than we previously imagined.

Camilla is shocked at the terrible revolting students.
good write up, but tuition fees have existed in england since 1998! the bill today was to raise the limit to £6k/9k.
Sorry, should have said increased instead o introduced, will fix that.
Hospitalised Copper of the month. – December.
When you ponder over it this is the first time in their lives where they realised ‘Oh. Some people don’t like us.”
This decision by the westminister government is the first step in breaking the social contract, the state has been seriously dismantled by the Tories over the years and the final push for them is close. People need to realise that to pay for all is to see betterment to all. The myth of out of hand public sector needs to be dismantled even chief executives get paid substantially less than their private sector opposites.
Free education should be as much a stalwart of a truly free society as free healthcare the centre and centre-right politics are taking this country back hundreds of years, people fought and died to get us these rights the men who organised into unions even when it was banned who striked even although instead of the police knocking shit of you you had a local cavalry regiment trample you and slaughter the protest. It is our duty to defend humanity against its self it is our right to attack and dismantle a government that attacks the state.
Camilla isn’t just looking shocked. She is telling the driver that he should have gone to SpecSavers.
I’m going to make a wee post as well about my experiences stewarding on the day, including updates on my now fucked up shoulder! Thanks to the two polis women who threw me against a van and into the crowd! xx
[...] in Glasgow by Strathclyde Police earlier today. All three arrests were made in relation to demonstrations in Glasgow city centre on the day of the Parliamentary vote to raise tuition fees, on Thursday 9 [...]
[...] in Glasgow by Strathclyde Police earlier today. All three arrests were made in relation to demonstrations in Glasgow city centre on the day of the Parliamentary vote to raise tuition fees, on Thursday 9 [...]