Yes, yes, Conservative MP and Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt was called a cunt on radio today not once but twice and it was hilarious. But that’s not nearly the funniest political madness that’s been on the radio waves today, oh no.

The real Michael Crockart - I think...
Michael Crockart, Lib Dem MP for Edinburgh West and parliamentary private secretary to Scottish Secretary Michael Moore, was interviewed today on Radio 4′s World at One program, where he stated that he was prepared to resign over the tuition fees vote on Thursday.
Only it wasn’t him.
Apparently, Crockart’s contact telephone number was listed incorrectly in the BBC’s directory of MPs’ contact details – and whatever scallywag answered the phone played along, identifying himself as the MP and then spouting a load of pish live on air in Crockart’s name.
You can hear the interview here – and please do listen, it’s hilarious. Especially when you consider that not only is the interviewee supposed to be an MP, he’s meant to be a Scottish one.
Apparently, the imposter also issued quotes to the Press Association, which were then carried by the London Evening Standard – despite them reporting about the imposter in the very same article!
Mr Imposter, whoever you may be – a bored receptionist or security guard in the House of Parliament, a wee guy sitting at home who’ll take any opportunity for a prank, or a student protester looking to make fools of the Lib Dem traitors – we salute you!
Ahahah, thats class,