...but trying to prevent this is "vile and sexist"?
James Williams, Conservative City Councillor in Portsmouth, has vowed that he will not undertake any work for his party until they repeal new anti-domestic violence measures.
The new orders – which were designed by the last Labour government, but are now being piloted in three areas of the UK – give senior police officers on-the-spot rights to remove men suspected of committing acts of domestic abuse from their homes for 48 hours. Courts can then extend that to two weeks.
Williams reckons that the scheme challenges freedom and is part of a feminist war on men, saying:
As an elected Conservative councillor, I am ashamed Theresa May [Equalities Minister] has chosen to adopt totalitarian methods in the ongoing war against men by the feminist movement.
I shall not take part in any election campaign for the Conservatives outside my own ward until this vile sexist legislation is removed.
This is a Stalinist policy and goes against everything I believe in as a Conservative.
I am in the party because I believe in freedom and fairness, and this policy is the opposite.
Domestic violence, both physical and emotional, is a very serious problem, but this policy gives police the power to act as judge and jury, kicking men out of their homes.
What if a woman alleges domestic abuse even if none has happened? It’s unfair that this policy will deprive men from seeing their children even if they’ve done nothing wrong.
We’ll be pretty pleased if he does stop doing work for the Tories, cos the less foot soldiers they have, the better.
Cath Elliot, feminist writer and blogger, has done some excellent digging on Williams – discovering that he has declared interest in several Fatherass4Justice style organisations, as well as presenting his own anti-woman radio show called ‘Mens Matters’, which is highly praised by “Men’s Rights Activists”, misogynists and anti-feminists across the internet. You can read more of Cath’s discoveries here.
Sounds like a prize arsehole, right? David Cameron has tried to modernise the Tories’ image over recent years – but they’re not going to convince us that they no longer hate women/gays/blacks when they continue to choose guys like Williams to represent them.