Allo Presidente!!

It’s no secret that me, Lydia, loves Hugo Chavez. Although, it seems that there is massively split opinions of Chavez on the left in Scotland.
However, Chavez just keeps doing cool shit that no one can deny is totally fucking awesome. In Venezuela right now, horrible flooding has claimed the lives of over a dozen citizens and has forced over 30,000 Venezuelans to flee.
Chavez has been markedly criticised for failing to produce housing for the people of Venezuela, but Chavez’s rebuttal blames his predecessors’ profit-oriented manner of producing housing has made that difficult for him. So disenchanted, the people living on the hillside of Antimano (Werstern Caracas) refused to relocate. They demanded that Chavez come to them. So he did.
Chavez went to the flood-ravaged hill and said something. (Try to imagine one of the things David Cameron is LEAST LIKELY to say to homeless folk in Scotland’s City Centres?)
Chavez opened his palace up to those who had lost their homes to the flood. Not just for today, not just for a week, for the whole year.
“I have a proposal for you families: stay here for a year,”

The Palace
Now forgive me, but I think that is fucking sweet. Chavez decides to have an office in his palace converted into small apartments for the families and situated them near his presidential kitchen, where there is enough food and cooking supplies for over 20 families. As if that wasn’t cool enough, Chavez also offered space within Venezuela’s military hub, Tiuna Fort, meaning that he would have to temporarily vacate several buildings of their military officers to make space for the homeless.
Now, you’d think that charity could not be criticised. A columnist in newspaper Tal Cual had this to say about public acts of charity:
“ it can also be demagogic, exhibitionist and when taken to its extreme, truly grotesque and tacky.”
I think that people who attack Chevez forget something. Chavez does not have a hell of a lot to work with. People in this country pooh-pooh his extensions of great personal kindness to the people of his country as simple media-service. I don’t believe that it is true. Chavez is trying to build socialism in a country where there is fuck-all. The whole country was simply a massive capitalist regime, hence the astronomical inflation in the last decades. Chavez is prevented from giving the people free housing because of the powerful industry of real-estate which is sitting on so much money. Chavez cannot wave a magic wand and declare “Socialism”. His government must work democratically, casting votes to make decisions, and unfortunately quite a lot of Venezuela will not want free housing as they are brainwashed (As most of our own country is!) by the illusion of success that Capitalism propagates so well. This in turn means that Chavez cannot make the changes he wants to make and then his people become disillusioned. This is a vicious cycle. Chavez must turn to personal deeds which do not require any kind of vote or consensus. Chavez must offer his people the hand of a civilian to a civilian to show his great kindness. This is why he publically allows people to come live in his palace and famously last year had a Christmas event where he bought lots of toys and sold them for knock-down prices. Chavez wants Venezuela to get better, but he cannot do it without support. His opposition brutally tears apart everything he does, calling him false and accusing him of selfishness.
Sure, he has his own TV show. But he sings fucking songs on it and plays guitar and answers questions. I’m sorry, but that’s fucking cool. If it’s a first foot in for the reconstruction of Venezuela, then so be it. Chavez is not a dictator. Chavez is a man who is trying his best for a country with little hope and he is working to build a better world with only two bricks. There are folk who make out like Chavez took over by force, which he did do ONCE, but failed and stood in elections – and won! Venezuela trust Chavez with their country. They trust his ideology and they love him as a figure. Acts like giving up your own palace space will make people love you, and Chavez does need that, what with the recent decline of his vote percentage in the previous elections. Chavez needs more people to trust him before he can start to rebuild a country where so many are so devoid of hope or trust for their leaders. When Chavez has the trust of the people he can truly start to make changes.
Also, he has a little bird with the same hat as him. OH MY GOD.

That bird with the hat is the best thing I have ever seen!! Oh… and an awesome story
Thank you very much! I do also enjoy the bird
Great article! Chavez has a record of dealing with these disasters that put to shame the great powers in New Orleans or their allies in Islamabad.
Whats cool about Chavez (apart from the wee bird) is that he didnt come to power as some sort of orthodox Marxist. And endless boring bastards spend time furiously copying and pasting a critique from their micro sect to back me up on that. He came to power with an odd and rather unnerving to the left blend of nationalism, populism and vague social democratic ideals. His first international visit was to America where he met with Bill Clinton and investors from Citibank. But his determination to actually carry through his socialist democratic and vaguely progressive ideas is what has radicalised him.
Social Democrats and the Centre “left” (Obama is a great example) always fail because they dont actually believe what they say and dont have the balls to take on the vested interests that control society. You cant get make the army less corrupt without taking on the leadership, you cant provide education without taking on the rich elites, you cant build houses without taking on the land owners. Chavez has been radicalised through genuine struggle over the last decades. Thats why he’s more a socialist now than at any time in his life. Thats why he’s cool and that why he needs our support.
A comrade once said “I may not agree with certain things but if I was in Venezuela I’d support him.” I said, “Would you fuck! You’d be in a stupid ultra left sect bitching about him.” We’re not in Venezuela so luckily we don’t have to make that choice. ‘Mon the Chavistas!
Great article Lydia and yes he is fuckin cool.
One wee bit I’d pick up on – the issue of the Venezuelan opposition and their level of support. First of all yeah there is a point to be made about residual reactionary ideas in the population, but I’d argue the bad guys over there aren’t so much brainwashed, they’re CONSCIOUS of the fact that the Bolivarian Revolution undermines their ‘right’ to a monopoly on power and to posess the vast majority of the nation’s wealth. That’s why he drives them so batshit crazy, they’re so used to getting everything their own way, they think it’s God-given.
And I would add a reminder about this year’s elections. The pro-Revolution vote seemed to have declined sharply, but thay was illusory. It only looked like that because in the previous elections, the counter-revolutionary parties had carried out a ludicrous boycott, hoping it would discredit the elections and hasten the oncoming of a coup. Unfortunately for them the elections were deemed free and fair by international observers – revealing them as having no respect for democracy, and allowing the Chavista parties an almost-100% share of the seats in Congress. They realised the idiocy of that strategy and did a u-turn, standing in these elections. Their number of seats actually DECREASED when compared to the last elections in which they stood!
Of course, that’s all just communist propaganda. It must be, because our balanced and transparent media had an orgy of articles predicting defeat for PSUV & allies, followed by ‘analysis’ calling the elections a huge blow for Chavez. He laughed it off by saying something like “if that’s a defeat, I’d like one everyday.”
A mighty fine piece of writing Ms Teapot.
Can we get any references or sources on any of this?
At the risk of fatally damaging th hitherto high stard of debate on this fine site:
I want to have that mans’ adopted babies.
@James, cheers for the insight. I know that the government are totally consciously against Chavez for greed. I think i meant the regular people.