If it’s not already been posted on the SSY blog before, I’d recommend checking out this song:
The song was written by socialist songwriter Alun Parry (with the help of his mum). He’s a Liverpudlian legend, writing songs for all manner of socialist, trade-union and progressive causes. He describes his purpose as “to use my music where I can to support political change and others doing good things in the world”. He’s also involved with the Liverpool Socialist Singers group, which is itself a fantastic group of singers motivated by the need to express socialist ideals and aspirations through music and song, singing everything from songs about the Limerick Soviet to the need for Palestinian liberation.
Songs like ’Oh Mr Cameron’ capture the mood of the times and help us project our struggle by using humour and ridicule to lacerate the establishment. They also highlight that essential to the process of building a socialist movement and challenging the status quo is to create our own, radical culture. As the Edinburgh-born socialist James Connelly put it in 1907:
“No revolutionary movement is complete without its poetical expression. If such a movement has caught hold of the imagination of the masses, they will seek a vent in song for the aspirations, the fears and hopes, the loves and hatreds engendered by the struggle. Until the movement is marked by the joyous, defiant, singing of revolutionary songs, it lacks one of the distinctive marks of a popular revolutionary movement; it is a dogma of a few, and not the faith of the multitude”.
In our struggles today, we need singers like Alun Parry and the Liverpool Socialist Singers more than ever. In participating in the movement of resistance to cuts, along with dubstep, street drumming, and mobile sound systems, I’m still heartened by the sight of a singer with a guitar, bashing out some chords and calling for socialist revolution: so ‘mon yersel Alun!
Oh Mr Cameron: Lyrics
Oh Mr Cameron, what can I do
I never voted Tory but I ended up with you
Now we’ve got two muppets governing the land
Oh Mr Cameron I just don’t understand
Oh Mr Cameron please don’t think me mean
But I really think we should bring back the guillotine
For you and Clegg and Osborne and Lady Thatcher too
They’re the only kind of cuts I want to see from you
Oh Mr Cameron what can I do
I voted for one party but I’ve ended up with two
You and Nick together, he’s eating out your hand
Like a little puppy dog obeying your command
rpt chorus
Oh Mr Cameron I know what I’ll do
We’ll start a revolution – then we’ll get rid of you
You and all your cronies banished from the land
We’ll have the workers run the show, now wouldn’t that be grand
I’m not particularly enamoured with this song, but I do really like the idea of the socialist singers!
I think we can learn a lot from people like them, and the people that made I read some Marx and I liked it, Bad Hotel, I’m Buju I’m Gay, Can’t Cut This, etc…
Was talking about this with blog author lovebug last night in fact… we totally need to make some videos with socialist singing and dancing… anyone else up for it?
shurely shome mishtake there WorstWitch, I think you meant to add in Oh Oh Oh Oh Octopus & This is Sparta (Scotland Hates Tories remix) featuring the excellent vocal talents of Andy Bowden too!
but yes, singing and dancing is definitely the way forward, I agree.
Singing just seems very appealing to me, don’t know why but I’d be game! I will only dance if Bowden’s my partner
I very much enjoy when This….is….SCOTLAND comes on ma ayetunes.
Yes, well I am more than up for singing and dancing in a video – but only if I get to wear a balaclava. Fuck yeah.
I absolutely loved that “I read some Marx” video when it was posted earlier this year! Speaking of songs, I’m sure Benzie, Sye, McPake, Cat and Sarah (and Jaimie if he’s reading from Spain) will remember this one…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBDTU2TveOI
I think I might just have a new favourite song.
Class act!
(both the Oh Mr Cameron and the This is Sparta remix) I wish there was more of this going on. Singing & music is a great way to spread the word, am looking forward to seeing a few more SSY efforts
. The left in Italy has got a lot more vocal and creative since the right-wing douche Berlusconi’s been in power; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx9N1vIHSdo I know football and politics don’t always mix well, but I love this too; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l82LAJ4qVo&feature=related
this is my favourite seasonal jam right now.
Hi I am one of the Liverpool Socialist Singers we have been going now since February 2010 and there are around 70 of us but because we have a very sensible attitude we do not insist that everyone must attend all rehearsals and events so people who are generally activists in many other organisations can come along when they can without feeling they are letting anyone down. I would recommend to you the setting up of something similar at the recent March for the Alternative march in London we sang as the march went past Trafalgar Square and handed out song sheets hundreds sang the Internationale and other songs with us. Here are the lyrics to Fat Cat to the tune of Top Cat/Boss Cat it goes down a storm.
The indefensible
The reprehensible
Leader of the Tory regime
He’s just like a cat with the cream
You know you want to just
Run him out of town
He’s unfair,
He don’t care,
He’s a millionaire
He’s a Tory prat
The indefensible
The reprehensible
Banking bailout scandalous scheme
Treats him like the cat with the cream
You know you want to just
Tax him ‘til he sqeals
He’s a cad
He’s a toff
It’s the biggest rip-off
He’s a bonus brat
I heard the Liverpool Socialist Singers and Oh, Mr Cameron at March For the Alternative in Manchester today and think they and the song are blood brilliant!