Less than six weeks ago, we reported that the Vince Cable, Business Secretary and Lib Dem member of the Tory Cabinet, had cancelled a visit to Oxford because he couldn’t face the wrath of the student protesters waiting to face him there, and confront him about his, and his party’s, role in the government’s attacks on education.
It was the beginning of new wave of protests, the birth of a new student movement – and the moment the anti-Lib Dem backlash stepped up a gear.
Since then, hundreds upon thousands of university, college and school students have ruled the streets in a reign of terror… for the Lib Dems at least.
They’ve been forced to cancel regional party conferences and MP’s surgeries, as it has become increasingly clear that the anger of the student protesters – soon to be priced out of education, and many of whom cast their first vote for the Lib Dems in hope of a better society – is not going to go away.
Whilst they’ve been hiding behind locked doors and closed offices, the Lib Dems are in chaos – with more infighting, backstabbing and lies every day.
Ahead of December 9th’s vote on the tripling of university tuition fees, Nick Clegg is insistent that “Liberal Democrat ministers in government are as one on this, and as a team every single person will vote for this measure on Thursday,” whilst frantically trying to fly allies home (from a climate change conference, no less) to get the extra votes, fearing that Lib Dem MPs will abstain or vote against the government’s proposals. Well known Lib Dems such as former leaders Charles Kennedy and Menzies Campbell are set to vote against the fees increase. The Lib Dem leader of Newcastle City Council has come out in public against the plans, and assured protesters that he will lobby party leader Nick Clegg not to raise tuition fees and email all the party’s MPs voicing opposition to the fees plan. Resignations have been considered, and promised.
Indeed, it has been revealed that Scottish MP Michael Crockart, who (as we reported yesterday) was victim to a hoax in which an imposter posing as him promised to resign over the issue, in fact did promise to resign! He had been holding secret meetings with student representatives from Edinburgh University at which he assured them he would be voting against fee increases and that his opposition to the fees bill would inevitably involve his resignation from the government.
After yesterday’s confusion, and Crockart’s strenuous denial of any resignation promise, the students went public about the meetings, saying:
For months now, Mike Crockart has confirmed to us that he will vote against tuition fee increases but we have kept quiet until now.
He said that he would resign but he wanted to wait and wait until the last minute so that he could input into the internal Lib Dem debate, because he was quite well placed to do that. And then he would resign. We are not worried whether he resigns or not but we do want him to stick to his promise.
If Crockart doesn’t honour his pledge, we will not only be calling for his resignation from his government post, but his resignation as an MP.
Instead of apologising for being a lying bastard, though, all Crockart had to say for himself was that he was “disappointed” in the students for telling anyone what they had been promised by their elected representative.
The Liberal Democrats have come a long way since we decried them as a bunch of boring bastards in their first mention on this blog little over a year ago. A lot has changed since then, and I don’t think any of us could have predicted Nick Clegg’s rise to stardom and what a key role the Lib Dems would come to play in the government.
I’ll tell you what we did predict though. Point 4 on our list of initial reasons the Lib Dems are rubbish:
They’re going back on their promise to abolish tuition fees.
Hate to say I told you so, but seriously, check out the archive of our Lib Dem coverage for some more pre-election analysis and insight into their all round shiteyness.
A lot of the recent anti-Lib Dem rhetoric has labelled them as treacherous traitors who sold their souls for a seat in Cameron’s Cabinet – but they didn’t have them to sell in the first place.
Political parties make progressive promises in order to trick us into thinking we’ve chosen them, and chosen the system that they’re all so heavily invested in. Of course they then drop those promises like the proverbial hot cakes – we’ve seen it with the SNP administration in the Scottish Government, and now with the Lib Dems.
A change in political parties and prime ministers will never solve any of our problems. We can’t be satisfied with changing who runs society – we need to change the way it’s run. We need socialism. And we’re willing to fight for it.

“We need socialism. And we’re willing to fight for it.” LOVE IT!
Fantastic blog post!
The worrying thing about all this yes labour are fighting it now but they initiated the report the problem is that politics is the domain of the upper class and the old guard. The Labour party have dodged a bullit by getting voted out because I have no doubts that they would have started the cuts agenda under another slogan. Nobody is willing to back real democracry many politicians forgetting the meaning of the word ‘Mob rule’ and yet at every stage they attack the actions of people who have the right to attack the institutions of government which are attacking their own people.
Real politics must return instead of the X Factor version we have at the moment. Say what you want about earlier politicians but at least they stated clearly their opinions whether that was slaughtering whole towns or raising taxes on the poor and turning a blind eye to big business. Our politicians do all this but pretend to be a voice of freedom and liberty.
The propaganda peices of western civilization freedom and liberty are no were to be seen in a western civilization drowning in its own decadence and greed.
To add further insult the American senate have sent another shot into incompetent Barack Obama he has failed in all because he is weak and afraid to do what is neccesary the poor of America are dying because of the incompetence of this voice box. The refusal to close down Gitmo and the increase in military budget all this with a democrat majority what will happen when the republicans take full power in January.
The American Empire is crumbling the credit crunch was their suez canal the poor fools just haven’t noticed it yet.