Let’s shower the happy couple in confetti… from the bin.
Posted by TheWorstWitch in Uncategorized, tags: monarchy, republicanismPrince William and his lovely lady friend Kate Middleton are to marry at Westminster Abbey on Friday 29th April 2011 – which has been declared a bank holiday in celebration.
Prime Minister David Cameron said:
The wedding of Kate and William will be a happy and momentous occasion. We want to mark the day as one of national celebration. A public holiday will ensure the most people possible will have a chance to celebrate on the day.
Public holidays are a devolved issue, though… but thankfully, First Minister Alex Salmond has reinforced his allegiance to the royal family and granted us the holiday, too – “so all of Scotland has the opportunity to enjoy the celebrations.” Great.
Bizarre anti-royalist group Republic have criticised the extra holiday, saying it’s “absurd” that the whole of the UK would get a day off for something “most people are not interested in”.
Whilst we at SSY are not remotely interested in a pair of posh weirdos making their patriarchal family line official in the eyes of God and the law – we do positively welcome having two four-day weekends in a row.

Mike Trim: he's well angry.
However, it’s not all good news, as Mike Trim, the head of Exeter City Council’s cleaning services told his local paper:
…the date for next year’s royal wedding has left the council with a major headache…
It means that some city residents may not have their rubbish picked up for four weeks.
I just don’t think William and Kate took waste collections into consideration when they were sorting through dates for their nuptials.
But regardless of Wills and Kate’s totally inconsiderateness, if you can find it in your heart to forgive them… please do join SSY as we take a rare pilgrimage down to London to *ahem* celebrate the royal wedding. Megabuses are bookable eight weeks in advance, meaning that tickets down to arrive on the morning of the day in question will become available on Monday 7th March, for as little as £5. You coming?
Such a fucking good idea. Yes, I’m coming, and I’m setting my phazers to Argue
I am there. extended may day party!
ahm going to Edinburgh on the 29th April to see Derren Brown. I’ll try and persuade him to send his crazy mind-bending vibes down to London and make kateandwills heads explode.
That would be awesome if it turned out Derren Brown was a scanner.
Landed Aristocracy Britains secret shame or should I say the United Kingdom.
http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=155764636 lol