As SSY has already covered, the student demonstrations against cuts and fees have already brought French style occupations and protest to the streets of the UK – a long overdue development as far as we’re concerned. Despite the attacks on the Millbank occupation by the Tory media and the NUS Labour career ladder the reality is that last weeks demo was a well timed opening blow from the anti-cuts movement to a Coalition which has so far not ran into significant trouble. The occupation itself has in fact garnered sympathy from folk who you wouldn’t normally associate wi anti-capitalist rioting – Paul O’Grady advocated the use of fire extinguishers as battering rams to a cheering audience!
Let’s ensure the pressure is kept on these chancers next week, on the National Day of action, on Wednesday the 24th. Next Wednesday there’s gonna be action up and down the UK in defence of Free Education, available on the basis of academic merit and not the ability to pay. We think the movement should unite with school students as well, demanding no to cuts in schools and that we save EMA. There’s a variety of activities planned within the Glasgow area next week (post if there’s stuff happening near universities, ie Edinburgh!) which you can get involved in below,
- Students at colleges and universities will call for mass walk-outs at 11.45am next Wednesday 24 November.
These have already been called at Strathclyde & Glasgow Unis, where students will rally at 12 noon. Students can then march from their campuses past schools and colleges, picking up people on the way to come together in town.
- There will be a Glasgow-wide call out for students, from colleges, schools and unis, to meet at 3pm at the steps by the Royal Concert Hall on Buchanan St, Wed 24 November. There will then be the potential for direct action. United in one place, Glasgow’s students and school students will make their voice heard. Download the leaflet and print some out for your college/school/uni/friends here.
- The NUS & various student unions & trade unions have called a rally against education cuts at 5pm in George Sq, with a number of different speakers.
Make a FB event for the 3pm mobilisation please.
The place to be is in town, I think just doing stuff on campus could lead to us being isolated and abandoning the school students and college folk who want to take part.Glasgow uni should march through the west end, picking up people at Stow, GSA etc.
We need to start organising that NOW.
The callout should also appeal to school students. Make one of the slogans of the mobilisation ‘Save EMA’.
Unite ALL Glasgow students on Buchanan Street at 3pm!
UK Summary:
I agree with Jack. The message should be for ALL students to be on Buchanan St for 3pm. And for ALL who oppose the principle of cuts in general to be at George Square after 5pm (i.e. after work).
Clear messages are needed with things like these. 3pm at Buchanan St should be the thrust of the message IMO.
There’s no limit to the potential of this if ALL the colleges/ deptmnts/ etc etc get leafleted/ postered.
And get inviting on FB – its fastest way of getting it to spread.