It’s hard to know where to start with the Royal Wedding. So much of the commentary surrounding it almost goes beyond parody – take this mental ‘satirical’ (?) rant from Richard Littlejohn about the bride being forced to wear a “designer burka from the Kate Moss Intifada Collection at Topshop”, or this horrendously fawning circle-jerk by bigoted unionist knobhead David Starkey.
Criticism has been wiped out from the mainstream media. Few are willing to raise their heads above the parapet and question the nature of, let alone criticise, the ‘wedding of the century‘, in a manner which bears huge similarities to the ‘poppy fascism’ that we wrote about last week, where subservience to a supposedly apolitical ’national institution’ becomes mandatory.
Which makes it all the more surprising, and brilliant, when the first major criticism of the wedding to be splashed across the national media comes from someone who is, in theory, under the direct authority of the Monarchy. Yep, far from a ‘usual suspect’, the man who’s managed to outrage the Daily Mail, the Tories and the Church hierarchy is, believe it or not, a Church of England bishop, Pete Broadbent. Writing on his twitter and facebook page, Bishop Broadment has attacked the wedding as ‘nauseauting tosh’, and said that ‘I don’t care about the royals, I’m a republican. Talent isn’t passed on through peoples’ bloodstock, the hereditary principle is corrupt and sexist.’
In something which has particularly outraged right-wing sensibilities, he also added: ‘As with most shallow celebrities, they will be set up to fail by the gutter press. I give the marriage seven years.’

Republican hero Bishop Broadbent also commented, “I managed to avoid the last disaster in slow motion between Big Ears and the Porcelain Doll, and I hope to avoid this one too… I think we need a party in Calais for all good republicans who can’t stand the nauseating tosh that surrounds this event.”
We’ve got a better idea. The wedding is reportedly to be on Thursday 28 April, at Westminster Abbey. David Cameron is even giving us proles a day off to celebrate. Let’s go and join them? After all, International Workers Day slash May Day pagan-fest is only a couple of days later.
I’ll bring the wickerman.
ahaha legend
On relation to the wedding this shows up all the lies of Britian being a fair and equal society with Frredom and liberty at its core these are lies. The monarchy is a memorial to peoples in action in politics in Britian.
The myth that we are citizens when in actuality we are subjects who are seen as lessers to the noble elites that have been here since the norman invasion all except the germans/Scottish/Welsh/French/Norman every other nationaity than english family that rule over us.
I say lets be Ironic and end the monarchy with Charles the Third
Spot on. I like people who speak their mind when it makes sense like this. He’s bound to be quietly hammered for it behind closed doors.
Why don’t you lefties get your facts right for once. Yet again you’re trying to spread your lies online and make the rest of us sensible folk believe this rubbish.
As anyone will tell you, the wedding is in fact on FRIDAY the 29th OF APRIL. It sickens me to see you spouting ill concieved garbage like the “28th of April” to honest, hardworking Britons. I’m sure if you had your way then Britain would be more like Soviet Russia and we’d all be having weddings on Thursdays.
Yet again its a case of political correctness gone mad or health and safety or one rule of us and another for someone else or something.
Major C. Winterington-Nelsonthwaite,