No Pasaran! SSP at one of many anti-fascist demos.
Over the past few months there has been a worrying growth in fascist activity in Aberdeen. The National Front have been distributing their racist propaganda to several secondary schools in Aberdeen in which they blame immigrants and Muslims for all of the country’s problems. As an anti-fascist I find this rather worrying as they are handing out filth to young pupils who are in a vulnerable position. Most secondary schools in Aberdeen are set for a huge overhaul as the cuts are impacting schools in Aberdeen deeply with the proposed move to cut the number of secondary schools in Aberdeen from 12 to 8. This has understandably upset pupils who are disillusioned with the current set of politicians running the country. The National Front has seen this as an opportunity to instill fascist ideologies into secondary school pupils while they can.
A couple of weeks ago the SSY were up in Aberdeen and handed out anti fascist leaflets at the train station with a great feedback. There is broad agreement within the city that we have to oppose these fascists. The Aberdeen Anti Fascist Alliance held a meeting recently. It was widely agreed that the people that the National Front are targeting have to be educated about fascism and why it is not acceptable. These events will be fun but will also have a strong anti fascist message.

Aberdeen shows what it thinks of fascism!
The rise in fascism is not the first time this has happened to Aberdeen. In the 1920′s the British Union of Fascists were based in Aberdeen however they were chased out of town many times. Never has history been more relevant to anti fascism. Aberdonians and everyone in the UK should look at the great anti fascist movements in the early 20th century as inspiration. Aberdeen, like all Scottish Cities contributed to anti fascism in the 1920′s and there were many international brigadiers from Aberdeen who fought against the fascist uprising as the UK government stepped back and let a democratically elected government fall to fascism in Spain. Although the National Front do not pose the same threat we cannot under estimate them and we have got to oppose them at all times. More recently Aberdeen has shown that it doesn’t support fascism with the BNP’s disappointing election results and destroyed billboard.
Thanks to Liam Turbett for making the anti-fa leaflet for us!
Aberdeen National Front are holding a demonstration in April against the SNP.
Can’t wait to see them being outnumbered by Anti Fascists much like what happens to their pals in the SDL whenever they attempt similar action.