Sorry for the delay folks!…..

Damn Socialists "hijacking" the march!
On the 9th of October, in the deepest, darkest Menie there was a collective hate for a certain knob head as hundreds of anti-Trump protesters gathered to show their great discontent towards the American tycoon. Trump thinks that it is ok to evict people out of their homes for his own profitable gain. Today the basic message was that we don’t want Trump or his course or his complete contempt for human rights.
The march had a great reception and turnout with a clearly visible media presence. This event was attended by local residents, pressure groups and ourselves. It was widely agreed that this area is beautiful and should remain the way it has been for thousands of years and should be used for rolling down. The walk was from the Menie visitors centre to “The Bunker” where we all gave Trump’s security a wave! The rude bastards didn’t wave back! Between the visitors centre and The Bunker we walked through the great sand dunes and got to see the fantastic landscape which is at serious risk of no longer existing if Trump gets his way.
We got off the bus and were greeted by Tripping Up Trump activists and organisers. After a quick talk we were starting the walk. This great landscape could soon become a playground for Trump and his rich, corrupt friends whose quality of lives will not be changed by their mistakes. There is no denying the scenery is fantastic and no one can blame Trump for loving it but the moment you alter the dunes in any way thousands of years of development is wiped off, as if it never existed. This is what Trump wants to do. His desire is to destroy this beautiful part of the world so he can add couple million to HIS bank account and NOT to the local economy (which he claims he’s doing it for). The local media in Aberdeen have publicly declared their support for the course claimed that it will fill the gap for the oil industry. This to me seems odd as I cannot see how Trump will offer wages of £8+ to 500,000 people to work on his course as cleaners, KPs, Bar staff without going bust. Therefore he cannot replace the oil industry with one measly golf course. It is impossible to have 500,000 people work on a golf course. Furthermore when the oil industry goes Aberdeen will be broke unless if there is investment into renewable energies. No-one will afford to go onto this course anyways but once all the big oil managers in Aberdeen lose their jobs who will go on. I rest my case.

TUT flags fluttering in the great Menie winds.
The march was attended by 300 odd people and a further 100,000 dogs. After quick speeches at” The Bunker” a few SSY members headed back to a church hall for a meet and greet with Tripping Up Trump and for some free grub! There was information posted on all walls. There was a picture of a map showing what Trump wants to do and where Michael Forbes’ home sits in all this. Forbes is standing strong in his house and putting up a great resistance towards Trump and his international organisation and everyone has to praise him significantly for that. Forbes’ home is in the middle of Trump’s vision of luxury (Yes! Luxury being a concrete jungle in the middle of one of the most scenic places in the world.) When you see this for yourself you really understand the struggle the homeowners are facing just to keep onto their homes let alone protecting the local environment. If Trump gets to use Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) it would sum up what Capitalists think of human rights, “Fuck them, I want Profit.”
This is a campaign in which we as Socialists can fight against. On one level it is showing what sort of people are running this country that they would vote down his course but then he flashes a bit of money and he’s got it, corruption of the highest order. The councillors had a very low price to sell out. From another perspective we cannot let a multi billionaire treat ordinary people like this. It is unbelievably selfish and arrogant of Trump to turn up with a wee bit o’ a swagger and get what he wants. He genuinely believed that this would be a matter of “Greetings mein fuhrer Trump, anything you want you can get it, no questions asked.” Well he is in the middle of big square go with lots of people and we will not be defeated.

“The march was attended by 300 odd people and a further 100,000 dogs”
good effort guys!!! Also i like some of the analysis in pamphlet on Afghanistan. was a pleasure drinking and discussing politics with you guys on sat night.