I spent last weekend up in the metropolis of Menie and its near neighbour, a wee place called Aberdeen. It may be a 7-hour round trip and it may cost £26.50 (!!!?!) just for a single ticket on the bus from the ‘Deen back to Gleska; but it was worth it for the 2 great events I attended.
The first was the magnificent ‘March of Menie’ organised by Tripping Up Trump, protesting against Donald ‘The Chump’

i wish that wig would blow off
Trump’s plans to evict local residents and wreck a Site of Special Scientific Interest, just so he can build a new golf course. His project will, I imagine, be enjoyed mainly by an elite group of fat rich men, who use cat-o-ninetails on their caddies and light giant cigars with $100 bills.
A report of the demo will follow as soon as ‘pride of Aberdeen SSP’ Euan Benzie gets his finger out and indulges his blogging skillz. But I can tell you that there were up to 300 people on the march, representing a good balance of locals and visitors, from a vast array of backgrounds. Very impressive for rural Aberdeenshire, disproving Trump’s claims that his plans are opposed by “three men and a dog”. There was a good 15-20 dogs, actually. It is a truly amazing place, with beautiful coastal scenery, amazing sand-dunes, and wild stags frolicking all over the shop. It’d be a shame to wreck it by turning it into a playground for rich bastards.
Back in Aberdeen, there were a few beers (and ciders and rums) at a comrade’s house, followed the next day by a meeting of SSY’s National Executive Committee. This was the first time in a long time we’ve had a meeting like this up in the North-East and it was overdue considering there’s been a good number of active members up there for a few months. It was a really productive day and we planned loads of exciting stuff, some of which I’m gonna unveil RIGHT NOW!
First of all, we’re getting right behind the STUC’s new campaign, There Is A Better Way. Expect to hear more about this is coming days, as there’s gonna be a big demo in Edinburgh on the 23rd October. More about that on the Better Way website.

march against cameron and clegg's cuts
The gist is that they’re providing a focal point for widespread opposition to the ConDem cuts, which, as everyone knows, are ideologically-driven rather than economically necessary. They’re calling for Jobs, Services, Fairer Taxes and a Living Wage. Quite right. Different unions are running free buses to Edinburgh on the day, so get in touch with the STUC to get yourself on one, or drop us an email at scottishsocialistyouth@gmail.com and we’ll keep you in the loop. I think it’s gonna be a big demo.
Also in October (probably) is gonna be an SSY Glasgow Halloween extravaganza fundraiser thing. This will (probably) involve booze, dancing, great costumes (NB ‘HILARIOUS’ KKK/NAZI UNIFORMS NOT ALLOWED!) and all the usual Halloween fun, which will (hopefully) make us loadsa money. Muahahahaha.
Back to Aberdeen again, and we’ve got plans for a mega dayschool entitled ‘Silver City Socialism’ on the 4th of December. Expect workshops on Palestine Solidarity, What Socialists Stand For, organising against racists & fascists, feminism and the aforementioned TuT campaign. If you live in the area or just like the sound of it, then make sure to get yourself along. There will be an afterparty including vegan mince pies, mulled wine and an Alternative Xmas mix CD. Full details to follow, this one’s gonna be a cracker.
Finally and perhaps most excitingly, we decided to make a big fuss of ourselves and organise a tour to publicise the launch of the SSP’s pamphlet on Afghanistan (buy it here!), written by SSY members Andy Bowden and Jack Ferguson. The Party has been consistent in opposing imperialist intervention, and the pamphlet examines Afghan history and some of the geopolitical reasons for the invasion and occupation. Despite sounding heavy, it’s actually really well put together and easy to read; a good one for people who know nothing about the issue and seasoned anti-war activists alike. It’s a bargain buy and all profits go to the Revolutionary Association of theWomen of Afghanistan. Expect a forthcoming announcement on dates for the tour which will be coming to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, St Andrews, Dundee and possibly Stirling. We’ll have a range of different speakers and plenty of space for debate and discussion.

At a time of failing military missions and impending Tory attacks on our class’s living conditions, there is a helluva lot for young socialists to be out campaigning on. SSY is right in about it like a dog eatin hot chips.
Sorry folks but I will be getting my finger out as soon as I am caught up with the work I’m too lazy to do for the designated deadlines!
We can count on one good thing that the cuts will bring. More Socialists. Stories like the golf course replacing peoples houses will surely piss more than a few people off, maybe not so much that they will protest, but hopefully it will cause a few more people to support the Socialist Party and Youth.
Why am I the pride of Aberdeen SSP?