Paul O'Grady advocates socialist revolution


Paul O’Grady recently used his primetime slot on Channel 4 to call the coalition government ‘bastards’ and speak out against the ideologically motivated Tory/Lib Dem cuts. Good on him for pointing out how disgusting it is that the Tories and Lib Dems sat in Westminster jeering every time another devastating cut was announced by George Gideon Osbourne and for advocating a French style response!


  1. Liam T says:

    *Gideon “George” Osborne. Gideon’s his real name, he just made up George to sound normaler

  2. Sarah says:

    Really? That’s actually his first name and not his middle name? Excuse me while I go shit myself laughing aaaaaaaaaaahahhahahhhahahaaahahhahaahaaa

  3. chris says:
