MEEP – Treasury Secretary and Beaker lookalike Danny Alexander has let the cat out of the bag. 500,000 jobs in the public services are to go; that’s a brutal cut of 1 in every 10 public sector jobs.
This massive cull in the public sector won’t be the end of increased unemployment – any cuts in public service jobs have a knock on effect in the private sector, as public service workers who are unemployed obviously won’t be able to spend as much in private industries.
Price WaterhouseCoopers estimates 500,000 jobs could be lost in the private sector due to cuts – this means a combined total of 1,000,000 unemployed due to cuts by the Condems. Approximately 2.5 million people are unemployed just now – so these cuts will increase the unemployment rate by over a third.
These cuts will hit Scotland especially hard, where the public sector is one of the major pillars of the economy. Expecting the private sector to create jobs for people cut from the public sector is fantasy – if they didn’t create them during capitalism’s boom, there’s no chance now that its on it’s knees.
Fightback against the Condem muppets – make sure you come to the There is a Better Way Rally this Saturday, at 11am assembling at East Market Street in Edinburgh.