Blonde hair and blue eyes brings a smile to her chops
Over the weekend, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a meeting of the youth wing of her Christian Democrat Union (CDU, kind of like the German Tories) party that multiculturalism had “failed, utterly failed” in Germany.
What this amounts to of course is a massive attack on the communities of immigrant descent in Germany, from the top of government.
“They live side by side with us. For a while we lied to ourselves that they won’t stay and they’ll go away one day. But that’s not the reality. To say we are happy about living side by side is wrong.”
Check out how much venom she injects into her voice for taking on “them”:
After the Second World War, the rapidly expanding economy of capitalist Germany needed workers to take part in the massive reconstruction effort. Over the following decades Germany brought thousands of “guest workers” from poorer countries to their south and east (mainly Turkey, but also later many people from the former Yugoslavia). For a long time, they were treated as just that: guests, not full members of society.
It was extremely hard for immigrants to get citizenship: immigration laws demanded that you have a German parent, irrespective of where you were born. This effectively meant that if you were the child of an immigrant who was born and had lived your whole life in Germany, you were still not regarded as a German citizen. In other words, a system that was systematically biased against people living in Germany but not of a “German” background.

Turkish workers made their home in Germany, and did the dirty work of rebuilding it
After years of doing hard work for crap wages rebuilding Germany, many immigrants who had lived in Germany for decades, and who had families with them, didn’t see why they should be expected to just uproot and go to a country which wouldn’t be the home of their children.
These communities, predominantly originally from Muslim countries, face massive institutionalised racism. They are are largely restricted to ghetto areas of German cities, earn less wages and face regular racist attacks.
Throughout Europe we’ve seen the rise of new right wing movements that are attempting too use the fear of a phantom Muslim “enemy” that’s been created over the last decade because of the ‘War on Terror’, i.e. to justify imperialist attacks and occupation of Muslim countries. As capitalism globally has moved into a massive period of crisis, this has been exploited to make Muslim people living in Europe a scapegoat for the failings of the system.
There’s the BNP, UKIP and EDL in the UK, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, and the actions of the governments themselves in Italy and France that have all been part of this trend. Now the fact that the head of the German government has joined this racist crusade shows just how much strength racism has in German society.
Racism, obviously, has a very specific history in Germany as a result of the Nazis. As a result of the history of aggressive German imperialism and violent racism, many people in Germany are very worried about the return of racist ideology to German life. It also makes people uneasy to see how since reunification Germany has returned to being a military power that takes part in imperialist wars, in Yugoslavia and now in Afghanistan.
There are of course the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD), who openly call for a return to the fascist past. They have met with some electoral success, have thousands of members and are a major part of the reason Germany is experiencing a record level of racist violence. Then there’s the right wing racist PRO Deutschland party, who hand out stickers with a mosque crossed out.

Getting funny looks: Horst Seehofer
But just like here, it would be a mistake to think that racism, specifically scapegoating Muslims, is confined to those who are explicitly far right. So called “mainstream” politicians are just as responsible for the fact that opinion polls find widespread support for racist ideas.
There’s Horst Seehofer, who’s the Minister President of the German region of Bavaria, where Merkel’s CDU party doesn’t stand, with German Tories being represented instead by the Christian Social Union, the CDU’s sister party. Earlier this year, he called for any further immigration from Muslim countries while Germans “deal with those already here” by “getting tougher on those who refuse to integrate.” Seehofer was quick to welcome the new hardline of his political ally Merkel at the weekend.
But both Merkel and Seehofer are both largely responding to an agenda that’s been set by Thilo Sarrazin, a sharp suited former politician for the Social Democrats (the SPD, the German equivalent of the Labour Party) with a name like a Bond villain.

Strike a racist pose: Massive banker Thilo Sarrazin
As finance minister for Berlin, where he implemented heavy cuts to public services, and became notorious for his comments disparaging the poor. He once claimed that the unemployed should be happy with the benefits they get or less, arguing “sauerkraut and sausage make a good inexpensive dinner” and that in winter people should save on heating by just “wearing a sweater.” He also attacked women who depended on benefits to support their families, saying:
“How can I arrange things so that only those people get children who can manage with them. Some women get two, three, or more children even though they lack the wherewithal or the personal characteristics to see to their education. The social system must be altered so people are not able to improve their standard of living simply by having children, as is the case today.”
When he was booted out of being Scrooge in chief of Berlin, he took up another lucrative post at the Federal Bank of Germany. Just before this he took to attacking Muslims as well, saying:
“I don’t have to recognize anyone who lives off this state, but rejects this state, and who doesn’t properly care for the education of his children while constantly producing more little girls to wear headscarves.”
While working as a central wanker, Sarrazin stepped this rhetoric up, claiming “the Turks are conquering Germany. . .with a higher birthrate”, and that: “Since Arab boys can’t make it with their own girls they use easier to get lower class German girls who they despise for being so easy to make out with.”
This was all leading to the release of his bestselling book ‘Germany Does Away with Itself’. The arguments in it are a chilling echo of the way that the Nazis once saw German society: he claims that Muslim children are genetically not as intelligent as white German ones, and that it’s urgent that white parents have more children. He claims that Germany is about to be “overwhelmed” over the next couple of decades.
As pointed out in the video above, Sarrazin’s arguments try to use a pseudo-science fake version of genetics to justify racist, Nazi arguments about supposedly inherent characteristics of different groups which have been conclusively proven to be a lie time and again.
But, unsurprisingly, the right wing German press welcomed his book, and some papers, such as Bild, the German equivalent of The Sun, reprinted large extracts, helping make Sarrazin front page news and his book a bestseller.
The Federal Bank did ask him to leave his post finally last month because of what a controversial figure he had become, but the supposedly ‘left wing’ SPD have yet to kick him out of the party. A former SPD Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt, expressed his support for his extreme views, saying: “If he had expressed himself a little less crudely I could have agreed with much of what he said.” He found himself in the company of the neo-Nazis in finding an echo of his own ideas in those of Sarrazin.
The success of Sarrazin’s message has helped push politics towards a racist position, as reflected now in the fact that Merkel has felt the need to jump on the Muslim-bashing bandwagon. This is despite the fact that some of her own allies in big business have actually been calling for more immigration, saying that Germany doesn’t have enough workers. However, if increased racism means that immigrants aren’t in a position to fight for their rights from employers, it will suit them down to the ground as well.
The point of all this is to show that there is a desperate need for an anti-racist and anti-fascist movement that can see that it’s not just the far right defined in a narrow sense that are bringing racist and fascist ideas into the heart of European politics. The current wave of scapegoating and attacking Muslims across the whole EU is as much driven by the right wing press and mainstream politicians who may even pretend to be left wing.
Just like New Labour did in government in the UK, many in the SPD have seen the way to undercut rising support for the far right as to steal their ideas and rhetoric and attack immigrants, instead of recognising these ideas as a serious threat to everyone in society to be confronted head on as soon as they rear their head. The people willing to confront this new racism must be prepared to take on whoever perpetuates it.
Fortunately there are reasons to be optimistic. Germany over the past year has seen mass anti-fascist mobilisations that put even our impressive efforts to shame, with over 10,000 anti fascists making a human chain to stop Nazis marching on the streets of Dresden in February for example.

Thousands of anti-fascists blockade the streets of Dresden
And the success of the German socialists in uniting in Die Linke (the Left Party) is another cause for hope. Die Linke members have been among the few politicians to come right out and condemn the views of Sarrazin. “It is unacceptable that a managing member of the Federal Bank spreads such poison which splits society,” said Sevim Dagdalen, a Left member of the German parliament, who is herself from an immigrant background.
The racist politicians claim that their concern is to ensure “integration”, and so propose cracking down on immigrants who have not yet learned German for example. But is it really surprising that after decades of being treated as “guests” (more like second class citizens) in their own homes, they don’t feel like they are a full part of German society?
The racists desire to see one vision of Germany, and a narrow cultural and ethnic definition of what it means to be German are dividing society, are encouraging violence against those who don’t feel part of or conform to their vision. It’s crucial that the left and anti fascists across Europe fight back against these politics, whoever puts them forward.
Bonus: Check out this idiot I found while googling for racism in Germany.
Interesting piece of Nazi trivia – there were more foreign workers in Germany during Nazi rule than in Weimar. They needed them to do the shit work during WW2.
Also quite ironic that Sarazin is calling other people parasites and a burden on the economy given he and his banker chums are probably the biggest parasites in human history given the bail outs they are getting.
Is that guy’s moustache for real or is that a piss take?
I think it is wrong to claim that their is no muslim threat clearly this is not true islam as a religion is a violent one before you mouth off about context this is clear by the Prophet mohammod he invaded Mecca and set up the first Emirate which would then go on to take over the middle east and the byzantine Empire. The threat islam poses to modern Europe is that it can take European citizens and turn them into suicidal warriors giving the right circumstances. This must be offset by British muslims caring more for liberties than the Sharia law which is backward and obviously should not be seen as an alternative to any modern system just look at IRan.
Although Angela Merkel was only responding to popular opinion in Germany within the right she was speaking on a touchy subject this being multicultarism. I do not believe it is contreversial to say that this policy has mostly failed on the basis that immigrants that have come to this country do not feel that they are a part of said country. Multicultarlism allows people to stay in the one area effectively cutting them off from the British population and in effect not making them a member of British society.
Also slight note the Emirate of Dubai takes in a large range of workers from all over the middle east and India without granting them citzenship you can stay there as long as you work but as soon as you do you must go.
Paul, on a lot of those points I’d have to say, what’s your point caller?
-Christian countries did a whole lot of horrendous things in centuries more recent than the time of Mohammed or the fall of Constantinople. What on Earth has that got to do today with what most people in Europe want out of life and how they see society progressing? About as much as the stuff you mentioned is relevant to the lives of Muslims living here as well. Social research has actually shown that it’s around 4-6% of British Muslims who support ideas you could term ‘Fundamentalist.’ So really you’re just echoing the propaganda put out by the right wing media and the state that there is some ginormous Muslim threat we should be worried about. Nonsense.
Repeating this kind of racism is exactly the reason why Muslims or other communities of immigrant descent don’t feel part of the societies they live in – because they are not accepted by those societies because of racism. Besides which, what’s the problem with people wanting to retain a bit of their own culture? Why does everyone who lives in Germany or Britain have to adhere to a single state defined culture of what being German or British means? But to the extent that immigrant communities are alienated from society, it’s due to the racism they face, not multiculturalism.
And about the Emirate of Dubai, so what? Places like the UAE are terrible places for workers rights, because of the governments that European states arm and help stay in power. Does that mean that racism in Germany doesn’t matter?
For Niamh, check out a related article I found while researching this:
Jack speaking from a perspective of an immigrant descendant if I was say there is nothing to fear from the irsih I would be called an idiot. Multioculturalisms problems are that it does not face up to racism and ignores it pretending that everybodys happy. It is not racist to point it a religions history. Also historically muslims have done just as much bad as christians what you must remember is that the ottoman Empire was a major european empire.
My point is that obviously their is a threat not to the severity of the situation cited but thats obvious considfering these papers want to get sold. The point about integration is this the reason you leave your country is to get a better life if you only wanted better working conditions then why would you not return to your country of origin once retired like many Eu citizens do. Many of these places come from terrile countries so you can understand why it is annoying when thee people turn around and say their religion is right and that their laws are right then it is the classic notion wtf are you doing here.
It is not racist to question and that is in effect what multiculturalism does and also it continues to make the majority a big bully. In this modern world to be a white male is to be responsible for the worlds woes this is wrong and an idea that is completly shit. As always it is the ruling classes that are to blame but instead people attack the working class for being racist louts.
“Jack speaking from a perspective of an immigrant descendant if I was say there is nothing to fear from the irsih I would be called an idiot.”
Err,by who? The Orange Order? Certainly not by me.
There is nothing to fear from the Irish.
I’m having none of this ‘feel sorry for me, I’m a poor white male’. Accept you have privilege, stop claiming you’re oppressed for being white and male, and do your best to fight to right the wrongs of patriarchal, racist, homophobic society.
Privelege Sarah i have privelege okay look at my circumstances of history my mothers side come from mining areas were the miners worked in horrible conditions for a pittance while rich men got even richer eventually going back to Ireland as they were immigrants of ireland they were forced to emigrate because of the oppresive regime forcing work from ireland. My fathers side is mostly heavy industrial workers tell me in what part do I joinj the slave traders and the capilist that made my ancestors poor and have a poor life expectancy. I am a Catholic working class man who has had no part in Scotttish history or British because he has been forced back by the oppresive regime to only be poor. You never mentioned bigotry in your comment sdo i’m supposing you agree with that. Homophobic society give me a fucking break mostgays are mostly accepted except a few cases in the press. Whose the real one playing the victem the real problem with thisworld is that too many people are victems the JEws, palestinians, muslims, blacks, asians. What the world needs to say is that they must prevail against not keep reminding everyone why you should feel sorry for them rather than viewing them as a proper equal.
I am not part of the ruling classes which have made this world and I do not accept blame for any crimes that they have committed becasue as of yet I’m still waiting for the cheque.
By the way as a socialist party you’re meant to stand u[p for working class people not say they are racists and part of something they never had control over.
Jack i was making note to the offensive capabilities of the RIRA and the CIRA which are almost certainly going to try to start a bombing campaign in England just like their cvampaign in Northern Ireland at the moment
I think someone’s said this to you already somewhere, but I’m glad that the left is moving on from the position that the only struggle that matters is the class struggle – it’s the most important, and it’s tied in with almost every other form of oppression, but you can’t just take a “socialism has it covered” position on sexism, racism, homophobia etc. Also, homophobia doesn’t exist??!!??? Yeah, nobody’s ever bullied for being gay, or abused by random people in the street, gay isn’t constantly used as an insult, nobody ever gets alienated from their families because they’re gay, etc, etc, etc. Fair enough, you’re a white heterosexual working class male – I am too, it doesn’t let you off the hook in recognizing patriarchy and racism and heterosexism, and that despite not having class privilege you have HUGE amounts of privilege because you’re male, you’re white and you’re straight.
Also, I think that everyone except maybe the most enthusiastic bigots would realise that it’s stupid to say that “the irish” are a threat because of the real IRA, in the same way that “the muslims” aren’t a threat because of Al-Qaeda.
Paul, you have no idea what you’re talking about. “most gays are mostly accepted”? Is that why 2/3 of LGBT people living in Edinburgh say they are regularly abused in public because of their sexuality, and a third say they’ve been physically assaulted?
Yes, you are working class, you are not one of the most powerful people in society. But there is at least the fact you won’t be attacked because of your sexuality, and it’s painfully obvious that is true because you have no concept of how bad and violent the problem of homophobic abuse can be. There are many things the ruling class has done which you’re not responsible for. But pretending homophobia is not a problem and trying to tell other people you know what it’s like when you don’t is something you are guilty of, and that is exercising your privilege as a heterosexual man.
People of Turkish descent in Germany must feel very very marginalised right now. I would’ve expected this kind of chat from Sarko
more than Merkel.