A small band of heroes have set out on a quest to get back what they’re owed from a dragon who just wants to hoard their treasure all for himself.
Sounds like it could potentially make a good movie, but it emerged today the big story of the (maybe) upcoming films of The Hobbit isn’t the adventures of Bilbo Baggins and the dwarves, but rather the epic quest of trade unionists to get what they’re owed from director. Actor’s unions from around the world have told their members to refuse to work on the movies, after the makers refused to agree to negotiating a contract that would guarantee minimum wages and working conditions.
Throwing a massive huff in response, Jackson has threatened to move the entire production from New Zealand to Mordor Eastern Europe, claiming it was full of Orcs who would be glad of the work.
“It’s incredibly easy to wave the flag on behalf of workers and target the rich studios. It’s not hard to generate an emotive response, nor is it hard to sway public opinion, since nobody seems to like the facts to get in the way of a good story in these situations,” Jackson said in a press release. “Behind the claims of exploiting actors who are cast in the ‘non-Union’ Hobbit production, and claims that various high-profile stars will refuse to take part in the films, there are clear agendas at work. As usual with these agendas, they are based on money and power.” He is reported to have added with a snarl “They’ll never take away my precious profits!”

Jackson's lies are fooling no one
Yep, the power of rich studios over money that should be paid to workers. Jackson also tried to make the dispute into an issue ofAustralia vs. New Zealand, as the NZ Equity Actor’s union is working in an alliance with its Australian counterpart, which he claimed was “a large Aussie cousin kicking sand in our eyes … or to put it another way, opportunists exploiting our film for their own political gain.” He claimed that because the Australian union is involved he is legally not allowed to negotiate, but in fact he’s the one trying to exploit things for political gain, because the participation of NZ unions makes negotiation perfectly legal and necessary. His Wormtongue act won’t work on union members.
Peter Jackson is not Murray, and Australians are not bullying him
In his lengthy statement, Jackson even tries to put forward what he freely admits himself is a “conspiracy theory” that the dispute is actually about Australian jealousy trying to sink the NZ film industry. As one commenter (named Jack but it wasn’t me!) points out:
“So why don’t they film most of it in America?…oh, right. ‘Cause we got unions here and you gotta pay the staff a livable wage.
Hey Mr Jackson! Skip Eastern Europe, they got enough d-bags already. Just move the production to Calcutta…..that’ll show everybody!
…..what an a-hole.”

When you check out just how fantastically wealthy Sir Peter has got off the back of Middle Earth, and how the multi millionaire spends his cash, his attempts to portray himself as the victim seem even more ridiculous. When he’s not sleeping on top of his treasure under Lonely Mountain, he’s indulging his passion for planes. He recently spent $50 million on a private jet to shuttle him across the Pacific, but his real love is (I shit you not) building from scratch replicas of World War 1 military aircraft and flying them around for fun. Which keeps him far too busy to speak to trade unionists.
Bosses groups in NZ have lined up to back Jackson, after he promised they would taste worker flesh. But the Fellowship of Trade Unionists are not deterred, and point to the fact that this is one of the few union disputes that can claim the support of both elves and wizards, with cast members Sir Ian McKellen, Cate Blanchett and Hugo Weaving in support. The battle for Middle Earth is over. The Battle for Union Rights is about to begin.
estimated wealth of Peter Jackson: $450 million.
Another way to look at his wealth: at a very lower interest rate of 3 % Mr Jackson earns at least $13.5 million in interest a year. Thats nearly $40,000 a day. (non compounding interest meaning figure would actually be higher).
What do folk reckon to this: http://freshly-ground.blogspot.com/2010/10/breaking-silence-save-hobbit.html ???
I think the line in that article is really unfortunate, in that it puts all the blame for the problems with the Hobbit down to “greedy” “selfish” unions. What about the greed and selfishness of Warner Bros.? when someone raises the idea that the main thing going on with the threats to move the film was that WB were trying to extort a higher tax brake out of the NZ govt the author that’s “just business” and that companies will do what they have to do. So why is bargaining OK for massive multinational corporations, but not for workers? The boycott as I understand it is actually over now because the relevant parties have actually agreed to the totally reasonable demand to negotiate with the unions. I find the stuff about how it’s all a gigantic Australian conspiracy a bit laughable and Flight of the Conchords-esque. Think the comment I’ve copied below is good:
That quote is too big, I thought it was you going on about FREAKING LITHUANIA
I think it’s important to realise what’s going on here: unions attempts at bargaining for a better deal for their members on The Hobbit has become a capital strike, where Warner Bros are demanding more money out of the government in order to continue filming there. Unfortunately some have got swept up in the PR corporate spin machine with Peter Jackson at it’s heart. They’ve therefore come out in the streets to have a cosplay demo in favour of corporate profit.
The boycott is over now, the company and the union are in negotiation, but the corporate people behind the Hobbit are still threatening to move the film with “lack of stability” as an excuse. Translation: give us more money!
The Socialist Aotearoa (Aotearoa is the name of New Zealand in Maori) website has a funny parody of this situation (Robyn Malcolm is a popular NZ actor who has been spearheading the union campaign. She’s Morwen in the LOTR films. John Key is the NZ PM):