Donna just shat her pants
It’s been a busy week here at SSY towers. Many strange inhabitants of the murkier corners of the internet were so disgusted by our bin raking ways, they were moved to try and track us down and give us death threats, letters to our (commie) parents about how we’re mad commies, and even complaints to our unis about how they are harbouring terrorists!
A quick recap: last weekend SSY were among the many different protesters (various different socialists, anarchists, trade unionists and random members of the public) who were disgusted to see the fascist BNP attempting their first street activity in over a year in Glasgow city centre. The 7 hate-mongers were quickly outnumbered by hundreds of normal, sensible individuals who don’t blame immigrants for everything wrong with their own lives. Embarrassed, the racists were quickly forced to retreat under the protection of the police. In their rush to run away, they abandoned their banner on the street, which was then put in a bin.
Going by the motto of ‘waste not, want not’, some SSY members decided to rescue this fine piece of fascist art from the bin, and take it away for our own amusement. We’d like all our fascist friends reading this to please note that THERE IS NO SUCH CRIME AS BIN RAKING. That is why, despite what you have been claiming over the past few days, none of us have been contacted by the police, because we didn’t in fact steal your banner, unless a bin is capable of ownership.
Many hours of laughing at idiots later, this led to this picture being taken. The far right were completely humiliated by their own inability to mobilise on anything like the scale the (still relatively weak) left can, and the fact that ordinary people in Glasgow will take time out of their busy Saturday to tell them in no uncertain terms what utter twats they think they are. Now it was even worse: the banner that they left behind was in the hands of the very people who had earlier forced them to run away.
The crazy bullies, well used to blaming their own failures on others, were quick to lash out. Across the far right internet, different factions of fascists tried desperately to blame each other for who’s fault it was they’d been collectively humiliated (and which of them weren’t proper racists because they were “race mixers” willing to shag non-whites). As you can see here, some of them can’t quite decide if they hate us or fancy us. Here we reproduce a selection of the highlights of their various imaginative insults (all spelling mistakes were in the originals!):
“Agitated commie tit”
“products of the Marxist educational circus”
“i expect they are buying supplys of nappies and plastic bedsheets incase they have a accident during a nightmare.”
“insecure fairies just dying to conform to the status quo.”
“These people are a cancer in our society”
“Sqeal like a piggy boy.”
“Those two guys look like the under-the-thumb sort that do the big hero act to try and impress the girls, and hopefully get into their pants. They probably do all the housework as well! (Instead of a 50/50 split, which is what I have.)”
“you can bet your bottom dollar that the males involved, which will be most of them, if they aren’t gay, are self hating apologists for their own gender, who consider themselves to be male feminists, or manginas.”
“I mean for someone who will never have a girlfreind and likes singing gay disco and has the features of a rat with lepracy, he should really should be locked in a cellar for the rest of his life or stuck on a sex offeneders wing with the rest of his marxist bum chums..”
“What i find funny is the girls, they hardly look like the typical Marx Theoreticians. So pathetic how they go along with what their androgynous girlfriend does.”
“I quite fancy the girl on the left. Nice legs.”
“a rather cute kiss curl hairstyle”
“Oh dear, I wonder if he is very scared tonight, and nights to come? I bet his teddy is being hugged like it has never been hugged before.” [Antifascist commie scum responds: "They're way off the mark about me squeezing my teddy extra tight. Teddy is getting the normal amount of snuggles."]

“The scum bag leftys in this video make me feel sick, I dont see them protesting against the black police association or the black nurses association , where were they at the MOBO awards or when Islam4UK wanted to march through wootton bassett ? why is it that the words ‘white’, ‘British’ and ‘English’ are treated with total disrespect when everyone else can have representatives.”
For the past week there’s been a fairly unrelenting torrent of insults and death threats of which this is just a selection. Gutted at their own patheticness, they’ve been desperate to make us feel terrified at their hateful violence filled internet vitriol. They’ve been really keen to prove to us that they KNOW ALL ABOUT US, WHO WE ARE, WHERE WE LIVE ETC. ETC.
Except. They don’t. Their intelligence gathering is more inept than the Chuckle Brothers at any one of their many jobs. Although they’ve managed to gather a few basic details about some SSY members that are freely available online (such as the shocking revelation that, like 21 million other people in the UK, some of them HAVE FACEBOOKS?!?!), they’ve been far outweighed by the stuff they got so spectacularly wrong.
Let’s start with the most obvious clunker. The Nicola poster on the wall. Have a think guys. How many people you know have a MASSIVE FUCKING POSTER OF THEIR NAME ON THEIR BEDROOM WALL? Maybe that’s the kind of thing egostical Nazis are into, but normal people just don’t do it. We’re giving you a headstart here. It’s Nicola from Girls Aloud. None of us are called Nicola.
Then there’s all the fantasy “zoom in and enhance” action. One far right CSI fan commented that he’d “heard it’s possible to get software to remove the black bars.” No, it’s really really not. They also claimed they were going to zoom and enhance the badge hanging off the cupboard, the one that reveals our ID that we’d stupidly left in the picture. We’ll save you the bother. This, of course, reveals the identity of a notable SSY member who goes by the name of “The Worker’s Beer Company is a Fundraising Arm of the TUC” (we just call her WorkBeer for short.)
And let’s not forget about all their bullshit claims, such as they’d heard someone had turned police informant (bullshit), people had deleted their Facebooks (also bullshit), that loads of our “so-called friends have been grassing us in” (total fantasy), and that we were getting chucked out of uni (there’s absolutely nothing in the course requirements of any of my modules about not taking BNP banners out of bins.)

The BNP table is under his fist
To help you out, we’ve put together some handy biographies of our key members:
Liam Turnip, AKA, Liam ‘Iron Man’ Turdbit, AKA Captain Radical, AKA the long streak of piss, AKA the rat with leprosy, AKA Liam Touch My Willy Wallace, AKA Longshanks.
He may go by many names but there’s no mistaking the long man. You can tell wherever he goes by the trail of watches he leaves behind him as they slip off his slender wrists. Fascists everywhere just can’t resist his androgynous cute kiss curls.
Liam grew up on the multicultural hell of Arran, where he ran the island’s second most successful dancehall and bhangra night. However, this was only to appeal to the local crowd as his true musical love is, of course, gay disco. Since moving to the mainland his attempts to get a degree have been hampered by his non stop terrorism.
Nicola Roberts grew up in Runcorn, Cheshire. She has one sister, Frankie, and two brothers, Harrison and Clayton. She holds family values close to her heart, which was revealed in a documentary following the members of Girls Aloud SSY for six months.
Roberts stated: “For years I felt like the ugly one in Girls Aloud SSY. I was tall, skinny, with red hair and the whitest skin you’ve ever seen – standing next to four of the most gorgeous terrorists in Britain.” She added that she felt much better about her appearance once she realised that SSY is a refuge for ginger fantasists.

Nicola sometimes forgets what her own name is, so has this handy reminder poster on her wall
Apart from her hectic schedule of anti fascism, Nicola has managed to perform on some of the greatest socialist hits of recent years, such as ‘Sound of the Untermensch,’ ‘Something Kind of Jew,’ and ‘You Can’t Mistake My Ideology’.
And of course, let’s not forget Donna, who TOTALLY EXISTS AND IS NOT A PSEUDONYM. We all realise that, just as you’ve claimed in banned comments, you know Donna’s real name, where she lives and the fact the she is very much real. Unfortunately, she can’t remember who she is since Dr Who had to wipe her memory.
Of course, all joking aside, death threats, even if they do emanate from pathetic internet warrior losers, have to be taken seriously. On the private SDL section of the EDL forums (which we, being slightly better at internet spying than you, can read no bother) there’d been folk talking about coming to the Glasgow SSY AGM last Thursday to “put the boot into these faggots.”
Given that the night before 20-30 EDL thugs tried to attack a socialist meeting on Tyneside, we had to take this at least a bit seriously as an attack on our right to meet and organise. So we responded appropriately, and with less than a day’s notice we put out the call to socialists and anti-fascists to come down to the venue to show solidarity and help defend us. The resulting mobilisation was inspirational. Over 60 people from all kinds of political backgrounds came down. Many would disagree on a lot of our politics, but we were united in our desire to defend each other in the face of mindlessly violent knobheads.
Of course, we got no trouble. Nobody we saw did look like the SDL or their other fascist chums. But if they did send anyone along for a look, they’ll have got the message. Anti fascists in Glasgow are organised and militant and prepared to stand up for each other. And there are many many more of us than you.

Anti fascists stand united against the SDL's internet bullshit
A couple of quick points: apologies, if, unlike me, you haven’t been following every word of what the nutcases have been saying about us on the internet and don’t get all of this.
Comments will stay on, but we will be be applying the no platform policy to all comments by fascists and racists, and nuking them straight off the bat, unless they are unintentionally hilarious.
I was going to leave a comment saying that the fascists are the most hilariously thick bastards I’ve ever encountered, but their internet warriors have me scared shitless, so I’m just going to cower in silence
Don’t even try and go near our Commie weans.
Well done Jack, I particularly enjoyed how you pointed out that they have no technical knowledge whatsoever.
A message to the fash reading this: You are old. Sorry. Old people and technology don’t mix. You don’t have degrees in forensic tech and never will. There is NO SUCH software to revert a black-barred image to it’s normal state because the export of photoshop (Or MSPaint, as SSY favours
) is bitmap graphics. Here’s a lesson on bitmap graphics.
When you edit bitmap, you are editing individual pixels. (Pixels are the dots that make up an image) When these pixels are edited, and the image saved as a flattened PNG/Bitmap/JPEG/whatever, the image remained with that pixel set FOREVER. Thus, there really is NO SOFTWARE that can do this to bitmapped images.
This is also the case for your ZOOM IN AND ENHANCE mystery. It can’t work because zooming in only shows you what’s on the screen in slightly bigger, blurrier vision. And “Enhance”? What, fill in picture data that the camera itself could not capture? Give your selves peace.
As unfortunate as it is, computer/internet technology is the domain of the young, hip and awesome. CSI should not be used as a source of Computer or Graphic knowledge.
Yours Sincerely, pissing myself laughing, eating great food, having amazing sex (Without any of your nazi tadger help) and doing lots of computing,
I’d also like to add how funny it is that they see a picture of 4 socialists, then they see another picture of 4 socialists, and go “THAT MUST BE THE SAME PEOPLE!!!!1!!!!221!!”. No, dafties, remember we have more people than you, so we don’t have to recycle the same people for every photo.
Great read. Another victory for the anti fascist to chalk up on the board!
I did tell them to go and do their homework, but they seem to have misunderstood. Apparently reading books by black lefties was too much for them, and they decided to stalk yous instead.
Love the Liam Turnip bit, classic stuff.
[One far right CSI fan commented that he’d “heard it’s possible to get software to remove the black bars.”]
*chuckle* Priceless.
I was reading the comments in the “green arrow” or something blog. Some of the comments are quite worrying.
I’ve done done a fair few years of customer service, so I know that there are some frighteningly thick people out there,
but some of these dudes seem to be able to take it to a higher level.
I think the main thing Liam has to fear from the BNP is how much they want to spank him while kissing his androgynous curls. Like all the rest of us, they find him irresistible.
http:// bnpscotland.blogspot.com/2010/09/liam-gets-ready-for-spanking.html
http:// bnpscotland.blogspot.com/2010/09/liam-gets-ready-for-spanking.html
Anonymous said…
“Have you seen what these little f**s are saying now?
Half those comments are comedy gold man.
It’s kindofa a shame that that Mike guy came in and calmed them all down.
A spEak You’re bRanes classic;
Anonymous said…
It would appear from the information already gathered that both his Mum and 100% his father are indeed hard left Communists. The fact a commie can cover up 150 Million deaths by the most brutal ideology to have ever hit the planet, speaks volumes as regards their mindset. Blinkered, stupid, and certainly not in reality street. I know a few nationalists that are now going to the Isle of Arran for a short break. Just so they can experience what our country used to be like before it was invaded. Must be great to be able to preach from your off shore pulpit knowing you do not have to live amongst the consequences.
Must be great to know your kids can play outside in relative safety, in a local community. You know the type of communities that used to be the mainstay of all of our cites, the same ones that are now being carved up along racial and religious grounds. Thanks to mass immigration and stupid people like the Turbetts who think that real life is like a game of Monopoly.
26 September 2010 05:39
“stupid people like the Turbetts who think that real life is like a game of Monopoly”
Ah right, interesting.
BNP Scotland, you have dropped many places in the master race rankings.
Turbetts, monopoly….
You know what, Liam would really suit a top hat.
Great article Jack! Very funny too. Aww t’as cheered me up!
Heard sdl are going to have a static demo now in glasgow, that paul odonnell is behind it
they have cancelled the march and from what i heard at work and its some static demo
Hurray for the elitist university students who smash the neanderthalic BNP. What idiots haha don’t they know that the elitest university students are far superior to them in intellgience for they are at university so they must be smarter. Just to check in which way does claiming your smarter to everyone relate to the working class people you are trying to get to vote for you.
We don’t claim to be smarter than everyone, we are smarter than the BNP though cos they are racist twats who think they can scare us with death threats etc. That is NOT the same as trying to claim we’re smarter than the working class. Which would be a stupid thing to do because most of us are working class! And plenty of us aren’t students! Shock horror, you don’t know us or what you’re talking about!
Btw, 43% of young people are in higher education, so that’s a hell of a lot of people you’re condemning as elitists. Many of them are even working class!
I am merely stating you are elitist because you are claiming to be better than somebody based on the fact that you are socialist, I do not believe that I am superior to anyone and if in an argument I will try my best to answer it fully and my reasons for believing so not just go your an idiot your beneathy me which is much what you do when somebody comes from a different perspective.
Yep, it’s what I do when someone is coming from a racist, fascist perspective. I believe in no platform for fasists and racists, that means that their views are about attacking and causing harm to other parts of society. They’ve forfeited their right to be part of a rational debate in society because of their views. I don’t think I’m better than them because I’m a socialist, I’m better than them because I’m a decent human being and not a racist scumbag. They deserve to be chased out of town (as we did a few weeks ago), and to be ignored or have the pish ripped out of them as we did here.
I’ve been commenting back to a lot of your comments over the last couple of days and hopefully seen I’ve not just gone “you’re an idiot you’re beneath me”, but instead tried to answer your points and argue back. The point I would stop doing that and say it was beneath me is if you were to advocate views like those of the abhorrent BNP, then we’d just ban you. Surely you can see the difference. People who send us and our families death threats are beneath us, and we are better than them. As are the vast majority of decent people.