As one of the SSY’s many resident “manginas” I often feel too ashamed of my gender to discuss such weighty topics as feminism (beside which someone below did it better…and it’s basically women’s work). However, early this morning while eating a burger and flicking through a weighty broadsheet I came across an editorial which got me thinking.
This editorial was directing its condemnation towards the X-Factor producers for allowing Chloe Mafia, who works as a prostitute to appear on their show. The paper was so worried that they agreed with Choose Life, a group who works with those escaping prostitution, that this would “glamorise the sex industry.” A perfectly valid point surely? Unless it was made in the Daily Star.
To get to this editorial the reader had to get past a whole lotta titties! Since Chloe was axed, they dropped the editorial so sadly it’s not on their website….you could try in the “Celeb Babes” or “Video Vixens” section perhaps in case I missed it?
As I searched away I was invited to what the banner said was the most popular section of their Babes section titled, “Glamour Models Live On Your PC.” It would be fair to assume (although not verified) that this would not direct the user to a weighty discussion between woman concerned about glamorising or normalising the idea of selling your bodies for money conducted in real time on your PC.

RECLAIM THE GAME: Striking A Blow for Women in Sport
But who cares since today was the launch of the Star’s “Fantasy Football” tournament? Unlike the real evil macho world where football is an overwhelmingly male dominated affair, in the feminist paradise of the Daily Star there were no men to be seen. Only an invitation to “ CLICK HERE TO PLAY WITH THESEÂ (sic) GIRLS RIGHT NOW!!!”

Dirty Des: Porn Baron
The Daily Express also joined in decrying her “sordid” activities. This wont surprise many of us given that the Express and the Star have something in common. Both are owned by the saintly Richard Desmond. His print empire also includes radical publications which help smash the idea that selling yourself is glamorous like Asian Babes and Big Ones. Not content with peddling smut on his Television X TV channel Mr. Desmond now owns a chunk of Channel 5. This has already provided him with countless opportunities to use his illustrious rags to promote his shit TV Channel and erm…slag off shows with higher ratings that any on his channels…which is pretty much everything. His main editorial input At Channel 5 has been to remove desks from the TV studio which miraculously allows viewers to suddenly see the presenters legs and up the skirts. I’m glad one paper stuck to its real principles, “What a load of bollocks” cried the Daily Sport, “it’s refreshing to see a young person not afraid to work for a living.”
Some of us don’t believe anyone should have to “work” in the sexual free market which all these papers promote because some of us know the difference between a free market and sexual freedom. I doubt the Daily Star or the Express will be vehicles of enlightenment anytime soon but if they want to proselytise and crusade against glamorising the sex industry they don’t have to look very far.
Heres a fact for you the Daily Star does not give a shit about whaty you think about their paper after you’ve paid your money for it.Also if I was you I would be more worried about the moubntains of magazines designed for women that show women to be hideous creatures and constantly showing celebrities at bad points rather than the mens magazines whioch are at least not filled with constant hate against women.
Men’s magazines are full of hatred for women as well.
So you come up with one remark that was made months ago and Danny Dyer was then sacked from said magazine ho many of OK magazine get sacked for attacking a private indivdual none. So my point remains women orientated magazines are much more negative to woman than mens magazines.
That’s just one example. Men’s mags promote a vision of what it means to be a man, that is consuming porn (abuse of women on camera), and generally seeing women as commodities. They hold competitions to rate women. They make jokes about sexual harassment, and normalise abusive behaviour. They underpin and promote misogyny and violence against women. They are equally damaging, if not worse than women’s magazines (which I also don’t like btw.)