UKIP leader: standing down to make way for someone less shite
Posted by Jack in Uncategorized, tags: animals, islamophobia, knobheads, racism, UKIP
It's a damned impertenince that you unwashed socialist chaps should put a fellow of my standing on your website!
Lord Pearson of Rannoch, a man who talks like he’s a character in Jeeves and Wooster stories, has stood down as leader of UKIP. The main reason he’s given for doing this is his own raging poshboy incompetence.
The aristocratic Pearson, a would-be even-more-crap Oswald Mosley, took over from fellow toff Nigel Farrage last year. Since then he’s made a name for himself as a blundering idiot who makes a fool of himself on telly and doesn’t even know what’s in his own manifesto. His performances displayed all the arrogance of a traditional British aristocrat furious at being challenged by upstart journalists of no good breeding stock.
The video below has been doing the rounds today after his announcement, in which his performance was dubbed “the worst campaign interview ever” by his natural friends in the right wing press, who were forced to admit one of their own was a bit of an embarrassment.
To be fair to the old fool, he fully acknowledges that he’s a throwback to an era where the ruling class stayed in power in Britain by birth alone, and didn’t have to try and make themselves look good on telly. His resignation statement makes clear that he knows he’s “not much good at party politics.”
He says he’s going to concentrate on his other interests. Predictably enough for someone as upper class as he is, one of the main ones is slaughtering animals for his own pleasure, as he’s the chair of the deerstalking committee of the Countryside Alliance.

Although we're glad to see him go, Pearson's resignation may turn out to be bad news for Muslims and deer
He’s also going to be able to devote more time to his racism, a great hobby of his. As UKIP leader, Pearson famously invited rightwing anti Muslim racist politician Geert Wilders to the UK, which may turn out to have been one of the early stages of the growing alliance between the (largely working class) street thugs of the EDL and their aristocratic would-be leadership among the racist toffs of UKIP.
But now he’s resigned he can focus on “the [non existent fantasy] threat from Islamism.” Apparently one of his interests includes “the relationship between good and evil,” so we can probably expect him to be seen leading the crusade to save Britain from an imaginary threat over the coming years.
Although it’s always good to see the post-fascists of UKIP in trouble, we shouldn’t get too excited about today’s announcement. As UKIP themselves are quick to point out, the last election did see them increase their vote, and although they remain a fringe party staffed by lunatics (hi Kris!), their potential as the seedbed of a growing extreme right mainstream movement in the UK is worrying. The continued antics of UKIP just point to the need for anti-fascists and anti-racists to widen their understanding of the threat we face from the far right, to include post-fascists and official racists, both in UKIP and the mainstream parties of government.
I hope Scottish Socialists will do us all a favour by campaigning to get rid of these landed parasites and take back the land for the people of Scotland!
Lord Pearson freely admits that he isn’t that much good at politics. That’s the beauty of UKIP, none of us are career politicians! Having said that, Lord Pearson did manage to increase UKIP’s overall vote by 50%. However, I think his biggest achievement is to bring Lord Monckton into the party. That was an inspired move by Pearson, because Monckton is a leading authority on the man made climate change con. Increasing numbers of Brits and Americans are seeing AGW as a giant hoax.
I look forward to working with the next leader of UKIP. I hope he’ll be open to some of my more radical views, esp. on scrapping Britain’s gun control laws, phasing out the welfare state and NHS, getting rid of the minimum wage and income tax &c. UKIP is pretty good at the moment – we’ve already pledged to abolish the loathsome Human Rights Act. I’d like Britain to become much more like the pre-socialised USA. UKIP is certainly the only serious party that has any chance of giving us the free market, libertarian Britain that we all long for. Alex Jones has also helped to raise the profile of UKIP among millions of freedom loving patriots.
Who’s up for a late-summer trip to build a lego mosque on Rannoch Moor?