Berlusconi and Gaddifi bonding over how much they both hate black people.
You may have noticed that the leader of Libya, Colonel Gaddafi, has been on a state visit to Italy over the past few days, where he has been generally making a nuisance of himself by trying to convert Italian women to Islam, and attempting to charge the EUÂ five billion euros in exchange for preventing Africans from illegally immigrating to Europe.
In Gaddafi’s farewell speech, he told an audience in Rome:
Italy needs to convince her European allies to accept this Libyan proposal – five billion euro to Libya to stop illegal immigration.
Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration, it could turn into Africa. We need support from the European Union to stop this army trying to get across from Libya, which is their entry point.
At the moment there is a dangerous level of immigration from Africa into Europe and we don’t know what will happen. What will be the reaction of the white Christian Europeans to this mass of hungry, uneducated Africans?
We don’t know if Europe will remain an advanced and cohesive continent or if it will be destroyed by this barbarian invasion. We have to imagine that this could happen but before it does we need to work together.
Wowza. Offensive, right? But, unsurprisingly, Italian MPs are more angry about the fact that Gaddafi wants money in exchange for stopping immigrants, rather than his insanely racist rant – and the insanely racist social policies in Italy that make talking like this in an official capacity totally acceptable.
Colonel Gaddafi and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi are two sides of the same disgusting racist coin.
As socialists, we believe that the world belongs all people, and we should all be free to travel, live and work wherever we choose. No one is illegal.
Thanks for highlighting this! Don’t see how Gadaffi can continue to claim leadership of the African Union after saying stuff like this.
He should stick to crazily predicting the future and designing the world’s safest car (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/440161.stm)
jack re read what he is saying and who he is saying it to.
swift history lesson last centuary mid 30s facist leader el duche decides to emigrate to lybia him and a few panzer divisions all lybians are now Italian.
2010 the new el duche belescrotum and his stance on imigration
just another 2 fingered salute from murmar and a reminder what happened in lybia in the 30s which included rape and forced conversion.
This was the man whos family were bombed for 1 supporting palestinians in their struggle against zionism and mass slaughter 2 britain was 1oo% in complict in the attempted assination of him and his family by letting the f 111 fly out of raf milldenhall
would like to hear the full speech and the context it was said in and how much the press in rome hyped it up
his lingo is shite please print the article in full
not defending him
It’s very very clearly racist language and racist ideology he’s spouting. And the article isn’t by Jack, it’s by TheWorstWitch
Yes, Gaddafi is opposed to zionism and, at least until recently when he started cutting deals with the west mediated by Tony Blair, US/British imperialism.
He’s also mental. He likes to make sci fi predictions about the imminent demise of US imperialism due to anarchists forging the US dollar and terrorists gaining control of biological super weapons. As I said above he also claime to have designed the world’s safest car. Looking into him gives me almost as much amusement as North Korea.
His latest trip to Italy was mainly about his ongoing efforts to persuade Europeans to convert to Islam. Not that I ahve a particular problem with that, just find it odd that he only deliers his sermons to hundreds fo yuong women who he has paid a “hostessing agency” to provide as an audience.
I’ve been trying hrd to find a text for the full speech, so far without success. I assume you just have the quoted comments as well – based on what we know I don’t see how what he had to say said anything about Italian colonialism in the 30s. Libya now works fairly closely with Italy and Berlusconi, who you righly point out is the heir to the politics of Mussolini.
Let’s not forget that he does have form with this stuff: Libya keeps African immigrants in desert concentation camps that they transport people to in containers (http://fortresseurope.blogspot.com/2006/01/border-sahara-detention-centres-in.html). He’s also racist against the Berbers, who are the descendents of the indigenous (pre-Arab) people of North Africa. Their language is repressed in Libya, and he’s previously said “If your mother transmits you this language, she nourishes you with the milk of the colonialist, she feeds you their poison”
Maybe Gaddaffi can cut a deal with his old pal Nick Griffin to keep the immigrants out – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNqIZ7DxNtw