A few of us SSYers are about to head over to head over to Edinburgh to take part in the camp for climate action. If you’re reading this and can make it, get there! The camp took their site last night, at Gogar Station Road, right next to the Royal Bank of Scotland global headquarters!
Information for those of us outside just now is limited, but we’ll be trying to bring you updates during the day as we find out more. SSY will be part of the swoop today, from 12 a group will be heading from St Andrews square (where the bus station is) to the site. Come along and join us. If you can’t make it, just get to the site whenever you can. See the map on the climate camp site for where to go.
UPDATE: Me, Liam T and Liam M are at the camp now, and it’s fantastic! There’s a couple of hundred folk, and more arriving all the time. Tonight and tomorrow we’ll just be setting up the site, as much help as possible is needed. The grounds of the RBS complex are actually really nice, and it’s a great place to hang out.
The best way to get there from the centre of Edinburgh is to get the 48 or X48 from Princes Street and just get off when you see the massive bridge over the motorway with the RBS logo hanging from it.
View climatecamp in a larger map
I’m adding a couple of pictures so you can see how awesome it is here. If you’re reading this at home you need to get yourself over here ASAP, you’ll be really missing yourself if you don’t get down. If people could post in comments arrangements for getting the train/bus over on Saturday that’d be great.
Over the weekend there’s going to be workshops and discussions on topics like ‘Climate Change and Capitalism: Do we need to destroy capitalism to destroy climate change’ and ‘Workers, Green Jobs and a just transition’, as well as lots of practical training on direct action, legal observing etc.
On Monday we’ll be taking direct action against RBS. This is a really important opportunity for SSY members to get a bit of action under your belt that will set us in good stead for doing similar things in the future, not to mention the importance of what we’re trying to achieve right now.
You don’t want to miss this. More update as and when we can. SEE YOU AT CAMP!

The second set of amazing outdoor compost toilets we've used this month!


I’m meeting folk at 12 at queens st station on sat
Thanks for the pics, it looks awesome. I hope to make it out on Saturday too. Will you give me a text when you get into Edinburgh Bowden?