CAMP SECRET SQUIRREL: this week. r u comin? gonna be epic
Posted by Liam T in Uncategorized, tags: camp secret squirrel
Can you be cooler than these previous campers? Yes, you probably can be!
We’ve been counting down the days to Camp Secret Squirrel for months now, and we’re now eventually onto the final stretch. The coach has been booked, the beverages are sorted, the workshops and the food have been finalised, and now we’re just waiting for youse all to show up. Cause if you don’t, you’re probably crazier than Glenn Beck on crystal meth. Fact.
If you’re planning to come, you’ve hopefully by now confirmed your attendance by speaking to one of the organisers or by sending an email to We’ll be in touch in the next day or two to make sure you know all the details, but for now here’s a summary of most of the important stuff you need to know if yer coming..
HOW MUCH IS IT? The camp this year costs £10 unwaged, and £15 if you’re in a job. Not only does this include all the camp activities and workshops, but also coach travel to the site and back from Glasgow, and all your meals as well! You can pay on Friday when we get the coach.
HOW DO WE GET THERE? Most of us are getting a coach from Glasgow this Friday evening. The bus leaves at 6pm from North Hanover street, just next to Queen Street station and George Square. We’ll be meeting there at 5.30pm – don’t be late! If you live more locally, we should be able to meet you in Castle Douglas and get you to the site.
SO WHAT FOOD DO WE GET? We’ve worked out an amazing vegan-friendly menu for both Saturday and Sunday, which includes three meals on both days. There’ll be some snacks available on Friday night, but feel free to bring some food for then if you want.
WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING? You’ll need somewhere to sleep, so a tent and sleeping bag would be pretty great. Remember this is Scotland we’re dealing with, so do be prepared for all weathers (not that it’s actually gonna rain, obv.). You’ll also need some money! Please bring change if you can – coins will be more useful than everyone turning up with twenty pound notes. Cheeers.
Please also remember to bring some basic cutlery, a bowl, a plate and a cup – and if it’s plastic or metal, then even better!
We’re going to a site in rural Galloway – it’s going to be very dark, so remember a torch… one with batteries in it.

CSS 2010
WHAT FACILITIES ARE THERE ON SITE? The camp has two wooden cabins and an area covered with a large canvass, giving plenty of room for workshops, dancin’ and stuff. There’s also a compost toilet and a tap with running water. Wood-fired ovens and stoves as well, which we’ll be doing all the cooking on. Yipee!
CAN AH BRING MA CHOONS? Aye, bring it in a digital format – mp3 player, compact disc or memory stick are all acceptable mediums. Jack says: ‘If you leave DJing to me, you get DJing by me’.
ANYTHING ELSE? Watch the Wickerman (1973). It will help you understand lots of jokes which will undoubtedly be made over the weekend.
See yiz at camp – gonna be SO GOOD.
ps. If you haven’t confirmed your place yet but you would like to come, you’re still very welcome! Send us an email at and we’ll get back to you!
DJing by me is a good thing btw! Just if you want music I’m not into you’ll need to bring it :p
I’m coming, the only representation from Aberdeen as far as I know!
Chuck in a couple of songs by The View and I’ll be a plased man
Got a workshops list?
And that is still the best photo ever.
Comment deleted until Ross learns to play nice! :p
Yay. Css.
Can I bring my music? How bout a French environmentalist band?
it’s ross btw, there’s someone else posting on here as Ross. but anyway you should know by now that cynicism is how i express my boundless love
As many as people as possible with charged up ipods, mp3 players and laptops with music on them are very much welcome!
I will bring my ipod.
Oi Turbott. No one will ever be as cool as James, Ewen and I dancing in a damp farm building in that picture. We were at Camp Secret Squirrels before you were even born! (probably).
Yeah, Liam was grown on a farm on Arran, much in the manner of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.
My fucked-up leg-wound is taking forever to heal and was recently infected. No promises guys but ill try to come.
Oh, but Murray we must have you! You are a CSS legend and it won’t be the same without you!
@Intergalactic Hussy
what party would be complete without death metal?
am payooor chokin fur a saturday night dj set. snap me up man, i am a actual disque jockay
murray it is essential that you are in attendance. your leg will still be there on monday (probably)
I’m bringing my phone full of tunes. Whoooo.
Nesbo, you can dj all you want. In mp3 format.
Or CD as long as we get a battery powered cd player.
Another good shout to bring would be midge repellent!
I’m about to dig around for a CD player; I have a vague memory that it may be broken but I’ll try it out.
Camp Secret Squirrel: It’s the biggest fun in a million years!
@James N – well I was just going to bring r’n'b from the box marked “things james will like”, but now that you’ve told me your real opinion I’m setting fire to that box and only bringing metal!
aye let us know squeak, gonna go and buy a cheap one tomorrow if no one can find one
Need to haul my sideboard out but give me half an hour and we’ll know
any luck?
if not, i can buy one – but it’s only gonna be worth it if people are actually gonna burn/bring CDs.. folk up for doing that? we might be able to do with mp3 players and ipods and laptops otherwise
I’ve had a look but it wasn’t where I thought; I’ve given up for now because I’ll wake people up with furniture heaving, but I’ll be up early to do some more baking and I’ll check then and text you either way.
no point in using cds imo. most folk will be bringing mp3s and for anything else there’s spotify
We don’t have internet or electricity though, no spotify!
meant the spotify on my phone, you were right about the internet though as i could barely get a phone signal nevermind internet connection!