According to Moat Fans, Sam wanted to be raped.
Sam Stobbart, ex girlfriend of murderer Raoul Moat has shared her story about the abuse she suffered at his hands. In The News of The World’s interview with her, she talks about when he slapped her every other day, when he raped her, stamped on her stomach, punched her in the spine and gave her daughter a black eye by hurling a stool at her.
Sam’s report on the rape was: “He didn’t ASK me for sex, he just pushed me on to the sofa and pulled my clothes off, all my clothes.”
“Moat thought sex was his right.”
Sadly, this is the case with a million more relationships. Sam was a prisoner to Moat, she describes his power from body-building and steroid taking: “He could lift me up with one hand. I’m barely eight stone.”
Personally, I don’t think there is enough thoughts and attention paid to this horror that a woman had to live through. Sam got together with Moat when she was merely sixteen. Sam was essentially vulnerable and impressionable, of which Moat took full advantage. After the usual honey-moon period of bliss, Sam talks about how the slightest thing would set him off. She talks about how Moat beat over 30 men up in pubs because they looked at Sam. He would call her his “trophy girlfriend” and say that “no one should look at her”.
If you think this is a healthy relationship, you should seek help now, because you obviously have ‘sick bastard syndrome’. The remedy for this is a rope around the neck or 50 painkillers and a bottle of vodka.

No amount of Photoshop>Blur>Overlay will make this man look like anything more than an ugly bastard.
On the other hand, you’re probably shocked and disgusted at this kind of treatment of a woman. Then it will shock you even more to visit R.I.P Raoul Moat on Facebook. Some of the newer comments, in light of Sam’s story are here for you to see.
Darren Dazaster Trapps: “…and as for Stobbard, saying she was raped.. how else was she gonna get a shag?? bloody smack rat.”
To this, someone replies:
Harry Harry Harri: “Stobbard makes wild claims that she was raped – wishful thinking on her part! She made no claim of this ever before, no allegations to police, no allegations to medical professionals or other law enforcement or statutory public body. These allegations of rape are not only fake but slander on a dead man’s name. Moat is not around to defend himself after being unlawfully killed by police. He was never questioned, cautioned, charged, arrested or convicted over any rape allegations. Stobbard changes her story to suit any chavvy murdoch newspaper. She is a liar and cheat – blood is on her hands not only for her boyfriend who was shot but also the policeman who was blinded. RIP MOAT”
Like… Where to start, you know? First of all, LEARN HER FUCKING NAME. It’s Stobbart, not Stobbard. Then, “wishful thinking” – Yes, because every woman wishes for rape. That’s exactly how it works you complete arsehole. Also, she never made the claim to the police because her roid-monkey tormentor would have battered her to death. And yes, she released her story now after he’s dead because he shot her for dumping him. What might have happened if she told the police he’d raped her. Put two and two together – if that’s possible for you. Then he’s off slagging Murdoch papers… jesus fuck. I’m soooo sure you read totally upper-class newspapers, with all your correct grammar and well-read vibes I get from you – NOT.
The comments on the article on line are even worse.
Marian writes: “Dear Miss Stobbart
Enough, there are real victims to this story.
PC Rathband – blinded
Your Ex, no the one after Raoul Moat, the one he shot remember? The one you replaced Raoul with.
His Family. His Children, Moat’s other children that you know of, and then you. You are the only one making money out of this, isn’t that a bit sad.”
Yes, being raped and battered isn’t worthy of being a victim. In fact, I’d say Sam Stobbart was probably grateful for the beatings and rape. She’s cheerily talking about it on video right there. Tears of happiness, eh? NOT.
Then ‘lisa babe’ writes: “Tall story.
I feel sorry for the next person who has the displeasure of dating her. I had to stop reading-I could not read any more of her nonsense. Not that I am in any way a Moat fan. Please don’t encourage more stories and pay her, I simply won’t be reading.
Condolences to Chris and family and thinking of the Police officer and his. God bless you’s.”
‘lisa babe’ I don’t think she’ll be ready to date anyone for a while, considerng that her boyfriend was just shot and killed by a psycho. No need to worry – OH WAIT it was nothing to do with you anyway!
I could go on, but to be frank, I can’t try to process any more of these horrible, evil two-cents worth pieces any more. There’s at least one comment I agree with:
John “I hope she gets aload of money even if it’s just to annoy some of you jelous lot on here. She was frightened of him and given the fact he shot her, dont you think she had ever reason to be scared? Now she just wants to give her side of the story so that people can see why she did what she did.
Also, you lot have no idea what is going on behind the scences so stop speculating about things you dont have a clue about. I cannot believe some of you are even suggesting that she doesn’t give a damn about her new boyfriends death or whats happened.”
Yes, John. I agree. I hope she does get compensation for living her live as a slave to a vicious murderer and beast. People saying she’s just cashing in are quite clearly jealous at the prospect of a woman getting money. So fuck? Money is money and people want it. Get over it. Sam is only a face in the sea of the faceless 1 in 4 women who suffer rape and the millions more who are slaves and punch bags in their own homes.
My closing message to these people is that the Internet is a forum for people to say whatever the fuck they like, but it’s not big or impressive. All you’re showing is that you’re condoning violence and sex crimes towards women. Learn to be a human being, and learn to fucking spell while you’re at it.

How women end up stuck in abusive relationships. Click to View.
And my closing message to those reading this is that we need to take violence and hate crimes against women in hand. This is not about equal pay and women getting the vote, this is about a war against women. The statistics show that a majority of women are in unhappy relationships due to oppression. Violent men compensate for their own shortcomings (Low self esteem, bad days, poverty, anger problems, inferiority complexes etc) by picking on those they see as being on a lower social rung – Women. They beat, rape and abuse the people who trust and love them, leaving mental and physical scarring. This is a torture device to vent the anger of men who can’t change or deal with not getting their own way.
This method of taking power has been around since forever. Men are instilled with the idea that if you can’t get what you want, you simply take it, or make someone else pay for your trouble. Those men are happy to have a punchbag and a sex doll to rape all their anger into, but what the public need to understand is that she’s screaming and crying out for help – those cries fall on the deaf ears of a patriarchal society, as shown by the reactions to Sam Stobbart’s horrific account.
Really good article. The wider context of misogyny and violence against women has been largely absent from the discussion of Raoul Moat because the media and government would rather portray him as a lone nutter rather than just another abuser at the extreme end of a spectrum of behaviour that lot more men in society fall on.
The RIP Raoul Moat fanpage is a bizarre place with a few different things going on. A huge part of the motivation of many of it’s participants, as the article points out, is straight up woman hatred and a desperate attempt to see this as a story of Sam Stobbart mistreating her abuser. But there’s also lots of other weird stuff going on. There’s a clear class war going on. Many of the pro-Moat comments are by working class people, and written in text speak. Against them there’s loads of posh wankers there to look down on them and portray them as virtually sub-human chavs. It’s a really difficult one, because I have no sympathy for people posting comments eulogising a sexist abuser, but it’s clear many upper middle class wankers have taken it as open season on working class people, and their naked class hatred isn’t hard to see.
There’s also the bizarre fact that many of the pro-Moat commenters are women, such as some of the ones quoted in the article. What is going on with our fucked up standards of masculinity and sexual behaviour that some women come to Moat as admirable or even attractive? (Just to be clear, I don’t blame them personally for this. I think it’s a sad fact that many of these women clearly have been socialised by patriarchy as seeing women as being properly subordinate to ultra-masculine, ultimately violent men.)
Brilliant article. I read in the paper the other week that Samantha Stobbart was under 24 hour police protection due to the huge amount of death threats she’d received.
Wow. Raped and abused for years, then shot and your new partner murdered and then threatened with further attempts on your life just for having survived.
Is it just me, or does this article have a subtle anti-Raoul Moat message in it?
I jokez, good article!
ps. Don’t forget that the cycle of violence is also how men get stuck in abusive relationships!
pps. aaargh, fucking captcha code.
ppps. “Men are instilled with the idea that if you can’t get what you want, you simply take it, or make someone else pay for your trouble.”
I believe that should read “Some men…”.
Other than that, good article.
3.3. Incidents of domestic abuse by gender of victim and perpetrator
In 2003, the victim was female in 90 per cent of incidents of domestic abuse where the gender of the victim was recorded.
The perpetrator was male in 90 per cent of incidents of domestic abuse where a perpetrator’s gender was recorded.
Incidents with a female victim and male perpetrator represented 89 per cent of all incidents of domestic abuse where this information was recorded. This percentage has gradually decreased since 1999 due to more incidents coming to police attention where the victim was male or part of a same sex couple. [That percentage, it's not because less women are being abused. It's because both more women and men are coming forward and the police are doing more about it, e.g. hiring good people like Catriona Grant to be their domestic abuse workers]
p.s. I know men can be and are abused. My own dad has been a victim of abuse by a female partner (not my mum). But please don’t act like it happens on the same level that male abuse of female partners does. Add to that incidences of rape/sexual assault women face and you’ve got one horrible world for women to live in.
All I’m saying is that it does happen to men too. Sometimes it seems that the only form of domestic abuse that gets talked about is man on woman. No-one ever talks about woman on woman, man on man or woman on man. The above figures are only those recorded by the police and don’t take account of the fact that men are up to 9 times less likely to report an incident of domestic abuse. The British Crime Surveys show that the true figure lies around 30% of victims being male. This high level of hidden victims combined with the fact that men being victims isn’t talked about in society has lead to the unfortunate situation where there are only around 80 refuge beds for male victims in all of the UK, compared to around 7500 for women.
Its not a competition between men and women to be the most abused. Unfortunately there seems to be a few sites on the internet regarding male victims that treat it as such. All I’m getting at is that men being victims of abuse is far more common than we’d usually think (and indeed much more common than I thought until I read the figures a while ago). It doesn’t matter what the exact numbers are, all that matters is that it happens, it happens to thousands of people every year of both genders and every sexuality and that it shouldn’t ever, ever, ever happen to anyone. As it currently stands, the world only talks about men abusing women and the same gender roles that put down women in society also serve to tell men “you’re a man, you’re pathetic getting beaten up by your partner, real men don’t get beaten up by women”. These male victims need to see that they’re not the only one, that the rest of the world thinks its unacceptable too, that its ok to get help and that there is help there for them.
Women’s abuse is extremely under reported also. And add to that that around 1 in 200 rapes ever end in conviction, women are repeatedly told not to bother reporting abuse and it was probably their fault anyway.
The point is, of course some men are abused and it is awful and they deserve support. But that doesn’t change the fact that there is a control system called patriarchy that tells men that women are their property and that they are free to abuse them with little consequence. You wouldn’t go on a blog post about a man being abused and point out how a considerably higher percentage of women are abused and how this is encouraged through the way women are presented in the media and wank rags. So why are you on here, trying to discredit the article which points out the horrific abuse Sam Stobbart faced and how vilified she has been subsequently for the crimes of being both a woman and an abused woman. The article is about patriarchy and the glorification of abusive men (nb you’d never see glorification of an abusive woman) other than wanting to be like ‘feminists have the wrong idea about abuse’, which offends me. I appreciate your concern for ALL abused people but there’s nothing untrue or misleading in this article so why are you doing the typical patriarchy-denying thing of trying to lessen the impact of the brutality of abusive men and abusive-male supporting society?
“All I’m saying is that it happens to men too”
This was not necessary though. There is nobody here saying it doesn’t; you’re derailing a discussion about what constitutes the vast majority of abuse like this, which is man on woman violence between intimate partners. Your point was totally unnecessary.
Brilliant article Lydia! Roual Moat was an abusive psychopath and people who see him as a hero are repulsive. Women being horrible to men even hitting them is is not the same as women’s experience of men’s violence.
I would recommend Evan Stark’s “Coercive control: how men entrap women in their personal lives” and Lundy Bancroft’s book: “Why does he do that” but Jackson Katz’s stuff is also fantastic.
Research done on male victims actually shows that male victims more readily report abuse than women and are more likely to state that it is the perpetrator’s fault than female victims who often blame themselves, the evidence also indicates that many male victims (though obviously not them all) are actually perpetrators mascarading as victims.
The Strathclyde Task Force to tackle domestic abuse (where the police pro actively target serial and serious domestic abuse offenders) have targetted 300 offenders, 298 are men! 99.4% have been men, 0.6% have been women – almost an anomoly.
Women’s abuse of men should not be acceptable but it should also not be seen as a mirror image of men’s violence against women because it is very different!
This article is not about whether it happens to men or not but about the brutal torture of Sam Stobbart who committed continued acts of serious harm towards her and their child and murdered her partner. Moat is a monster, to deflect his monstrous acts into “men are abused too, is horrendous and inhumane.
This is a good booklet for male victims of domestic abuse
Tough Guise by Jackson Katz
would also recommend the Macho Paradox
Evan Stark on Coercive Control
Power and Control video
i just praised moat because he shot a pig. I hate the pigs and would happily shoot one of the corrupt scum that they are myself. I have no issues with domestic violence involved, i’m not someone who indulges in any of this behaviour, and i have seen its effects first hand with my parents. i have no sympathy for the pigs, i watched sky news day after day hoping he would shoot more of them, still saying it, hopefully the next raoul moat will be more successful in putting one of the pigs in their graves… from you know who, john eggleston, the target.. fuck the pigs up the arse till the die they kill me, fucking lowlife pig scum
Seek help.
and yes there are misandrist overtones to this whole piece which the writer shows their own hatred, while saying hatred from anyone else is wrong, he insinuates that anyone supporting moat does so out of hatred for women but this is not the case, mistrust for women, maybe, but then women aren’t cheating on men (they never do it), and women aren’t diminishing or depreciating mens trust for women (how can they be, women are whiter than white), so it’s a bit more complicating and deeper than the writer ever seems to acknowledge, we only know what we learn as we are growing up and building our idea of the world around us, so why are so many mens views that women can’t be trusted. moat is a different case, domestic violence and abuse is one thing, but when you analyse a gender you have to be prepared to go a bit deeper than this writer was capable of going… his reasons for that were his own agenda
still me til they kill me