As the government has decided to decided to make cuts of 25% to many essential services, new research by SSY has suggested that at least £220 million could be saved by cutting the monarchy. Why should we have to suffer so that a few select people can live in luxury?
Not only is she living in luxury she is living a more expensive lifestyle than the other monarchies in Europe.
Why does she need £41.5 million, I MEAN MATE! Thats what she cost last year, Come on, thats a little bit greedy isn’t it? And that doesn’t include security, their properties, the cost of the army marching by them for random reasons and Prince Charles’ posh biscuits.
The Danish and Swedish monarchs cost four times less than ours. Why does our queen need so much more, surely they are expensive enough, as they are clearly not poverty stricken.
Luxembourg and Spain pay less six times less for their monarchs. Think about how it could be put to better use….. Then again I guess it’s a great idea to pay a very large fortune for a woman to stay in a very fancy house, it wouldn’t go to better use on education or health. Which would be something everyone can enjoy
SSY’s team of analysts have come up with some other ways we could have spent this money more effectively
It would be more than enough to pay for free school meals for all children in Scotland for four years. There would still be a nice wee sum left over.
It would go half way to pay for free public transport in Scotland.
For the cost of just one Queen we could the basic state pension for 13141 less expensive pensioners.
We could buy 58,000,000,000 bags of Wethers originals and subscribe to the peoples friend for 22,000 years.
Or 22,000,000,000 penny sweets.

The Queen wants to take this nice old man's sweeties
And most importantly we could pay for my cigarettes and alcohol for 1 month.
I think it’s clear we need to ban the monarchy as we have so many better options for spending this colossal sum of money.
Those biscuits are tasty though. He can keep making them as long as he cuts the price. Or just gives them to me free. Wealth redistribution and all that.
Well why dont ye just move to a country with no monarchy try Somalia, or Angola, China or many other countries where you would be hunted down and shot for saying what you have said here!!
What as opposed to here where people just tell you to live in exile for what you think?
ronnie, exactly what relevance does the monarchy have to freedom to dissent?
Feel free to check out our series of articles on Thailand:
They document the murderous repression of pro-democracy activists in… a monarchy.
Are you seriously suggesting that the countries you mentioned have problems because they don’t have a king or queen? For your sake I hope not, because that would be thoroughly idiotic.
As an apparent supporter of free speech, I hope you were with SSY in celebrating the overthrow of the tyrannical Nepalese monarchy?
And let me remind you that many of the freedoms we enjoy were won through struggle against the monarchy during the English Civil War.
whoops, forgot to say…