Could asylum seekers BE any more fabulous?!?
Not only do they manage to escape their own countries after fleeing terrible persecution, they manage to make a new life for themselves here despite the British government persecuting them just as much – as well as managing to royally piss off the right wing press on an almost daily basis.
The Daily Express are terribly upset about asylum seekers over-running our country, eating our children, etc etc, and it’s recently got a whole lot worse – you can now get asylum if you’re gay (claim the Express). A judge said “they must be free to go to Kylie concerts and drink multi-coloured cocktails” (claim the Express).
Let’s go through the facts one by one for the sake of the Daily Express writers, shall we?
1. An asylum seeker is someone SEEKING ASYLUM FROM PERSECUTION.
3. THEREFORE, yes, some people will need to be granted asylum BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY.
4. Asylum seekers live on a MAXIMUM of £33.50 a week – often less, and often paid in food vouchers instead of money. Going to a Kylie concert and drinking a single cocktail would leave an asylum seeker starving for the rest of the month.
This whole fuss has come about because of a recent ruling that fear of persecution over sexuality is valid grounds for claiming asylum. This ruling came after two men, from Cameroon and Iran, were initially refused asylum and threatened with being sent back to countries where they would face imprisonment, torture or execution. They were told to just suck it up, go home and BE DISCREET.

Maybe the Daily Express haven’t noticed, but being gay isn’t about listening to cheesy music, and having a keen eye for fashion and interior design. If you’re going to face torture for liking sugary cocktails and pint-sized Australian singers, it would be annoying, but not that difficult to get around. If you’re going to be tortured for who you are and who you love, it’s kind of a different story.
It’s really great news that the Home Office now has an official policy of accepting people’s asylum claims based on their sexuality – however this doesn’t change their reputation for branding people’s legitimate stories of oppression as lies, or just ignoring their own policy and detaining and deporting people regardless (like when they said they would no longer detain children).
As socialists, we believe that the world belongs to all of us – Cameron, Clegg and the Daily Express have no business deciding who should or shouldn’t be allowed to come and live in Scotland.
Say it loud, say it clear – refugees are welcome here!
Of direct relevance to us in Scotland – Florence Mhango and her 10 year old daughter (who has lived in Britain since she was 3) face imminent deportation to Malawi, where the little girl will be taken away from her mother and given to her abusive father and his family.
You can read about their story, as well as what you can do to help, here:
you beat me to it blogging about this!
btw, check the Daily Star editorial:
the judge did actually say that though, although the full quote was:
‘In short, what is protected is the applicant’s right to live freely and openly as a gay man. That involves a wide spectrum of conduct, going well beyond conduct designed to attract sexual partners and maintain relationships with them. To illustrate the point with trivial stereotypical examples from British society: just as male heterosexuals are free to enjoy themselves playing rugby, drinking beer and talking about girls with their mates, so male homosexuals are to be free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts, drinking exotically coloured cocktails andtalking about boys with their straight female mates. Mutatis mutandis – and in many cases the adaptations would obviously be great – the same must apply to other societies. In other words, gay men are to be as free as their straight equivalents in the society concerned to live their lives in the way that is natural to them as gay men, without the fear of persecution.”
so clearly it was taken right out of context, although bringing these trite stereotypes into an important ruling was fucking stupid to begin with.
anyway, send ‘em all back to gayistan i say.
Sorry Liam! If you’ve get any points or anything you feel I missed out, I am happy to add stuff!
And, yeah, the Daily Mail had the same line:
(though they did recognise the kylie/cocktails comment as offensive bullshit, to their credit).
This is one of my favourite pieces of writing on the blog, really says it all. I particularly liked where you deconstructed this idea that asylum seekers would be able to even afford the ridiculous judges’ stereotypes about gay people.
Other lefty blogs, if this and the live report from Greece don’t make your recommends of the week lists I think it would be a travesty!