Millionaire PM tells us: “Your whole way of life will have to change”
Posted by Jack in Uncategorized, tags: austerity britain, Con Dem coalition, fighting cuts, Lib Dems, Tories
"Skiing or horse riding this weekend, I just can't decide!"
On June 22nd the ConDem government will release its emergency budget, plunging us into a nightmare of cuts and job losses. In a speech today Posh PM David Cameron gave some hint as to his real economic agenda.
He said:
”How we deal with these things will affect our economy, our society – indeed our whole way of life. ‘The decisions we make will affect every single person in our country. And the effects of those decisions will stay with us for years, perhaps decades, to come.”
When he says our way of life is going to have to change, the way of life he’s referring to is the right of public sector workers to have a job that pays them enough to live on, or the right of people thrown out of work by capitalism to receive some support to keep them alive.

King William IV's shagging about produced, 5 generations later, our current PM
You can bet he doesn’t mean his own way of life. He and his wife have a combined wealth of £30 million. He’s a direct descendant of King William IV and his mistress of the time, making him a fifth cousin of the Queen. Everybody knows he went Eton ‘Hogwarts for Bastards’ College, which costs over 24 grand a year in fees. No doubt some of his vast stack of cash makes a big contribution towards his stated hobby of horse riding, alongside other jolly fun outdoor pursuits that the rest of us don’t have time or cash to pursue.
Then there’s tosspot deputy PM Nicholas William Peter Clegg, worth personally £1.9 million. This horsefly enjoys walking near his expensive home in the Peak District. Growing up, when he wasn’t at his own uber-posh Westminster school at the cost of around 2o grand a year, he had access to his rich Daddy’s multiple homes in London, the Chilterns and skiing chalet in the Swiss Alps.
Or Chancellor and axeman in Chief George Gideon Oliver Osborne, who through the trust fund that owns a 15% stake in Daddy’s company is worth around £4million. Some of this goes on his personal love of skiing and wintersports. Nothing says posh like the names he’s chosen for his kids: Luke Benedict Osborne and Liberty Kate Osborne.
Whatever happens to the rest of us, these chaps are going to go on enjoying the great outdoors, horsey fun and hitting the alpine slopes, while the rest of us are forced to live with the miserable consequences of their cuts.
Cameron’s speech predictably enough made lots of noise about “the crisis is much worse than we thought”, “we’re going to have to cut more than ever” etc. etc. Translation: we’re in power now so we’ll say all the things we tried to hide from you during the election campaign.
In fact what all this chat about the way of life means is a warning from our right wing government. They are using this crisis as an opportunity to push through things we would never accept in normal times. It’ll start with cuts and job losses, then move on to attacking and dismantling the NHS and privatising the post office. The ConDems have a clear, classic, neoliberal agenda for transforming the UK into a place where what remains of our public services are gone and we’re forced to slave for basic survival.
They want to sneak this all through while we’re still in shock, convincing us that there’s no choice. But they are making a choice: a political choice to smash up the services that keep the poorest in our society going. It’s time to get active to stop them.
Class Waaaar from the SSY. Towhries out out out.
What is the point of this comment? To yet again claim people you don’t know and have never met are posh? There’s a word for it: trolling.
Bourgeois Towhries how quaint. No better or worse than the Labour middle class or wannabe middle class scum like Gordon Brown and all the rest of the fake left. They all fuck the working class and oppress people outside of britland.
But they’re not in power are they?! This piece is criticising a speech by the TORY Prime Minister. And while we mustn’t sow illusions in the Labour Party, there remains the basic democratic fact that the government that’s imposing this stuff on Scotland was not elected here. People know that and are angry about it, and it will be a driving force behind the return of the national question to prominence.
Everyone on here is getting very tired of being called English/bourgeois by you. It doesn’t help your points, it’s alienating and it’s TROLLING.
Fianna, shut the fuck up, armchair warrior.
Hey Fianna!
Are you sowing illusions in Labour? I think you could be.
I bet you if Labour got in and we did articles consistently attacking the Tories (in opposition) you’d say we were sowing illusions in Labour as well Fianna – and you might be right, considering it would be Labour in power enacting the cuts and not the Tories.
But the reality is the Tories are and that requires criticism of them, and criticism which is specific to them but might not to Labour (ie the lack of mandate in Scotland).
Can we just stop engaging with him? He is a troll.
Jack as you are aware the Brit political circus is a recurring pendulum between Towries and HMs loyal Lumpen Party- with the Brit ruling class and their north Brit lackeys practicing a form of ruling by fooling on the Scottish working class. A socialist working class position in Scotland should attack both the brit parties and not pander to the same type of opportunistic phoney class war, left sounding rhetoric of the Lumpen Partys fakers and chancers. IMO your piece falls into this trap.
Sarah – im not a troll although i admit i can be a wee bit droll and acerbic – its the cynicism of working class experience in socialist activism- and continual defeat.
Andy, fair point, i would like to have seen the same level of vitriol against the predominantly pb Lumpen party- the handmaidens of their Towrie betters.
True Fian- will i fuck shut up- and my record is certainly not based on the internet or armchairs. Anyway are you the person who contacted the SRSM regarding the formation of Fianna na h-Alba and who has yet to respond to my invitation to meet you and your comrades for a meeting in Glasgow with a number of young Scottish republicans who would like to explore the possible development of such a national youth movement? So who is the armchair warrior? Email or the SRSM if you still want to take this project forward.
“im not a troll although i admit i can be a wee bit droll and acerbic”
And the thing that lives under that bridge over there is the sugar plum fairy.
Squeak a troll tries to derail a thread – i dont- i agree/disagree, debate and attempt to have a discussion. Sin e.
Or, to buy me more credibility, ’s e troll a th’annad.
Is it possible people do a little better with labour in power than the tories? A LOT of people in scotland think this. Do I think both of them screw us over? fucking stupid question.
Bits of information like cameron being the queens 5th cousin, knowing the wealth in the osborne and clegg family are great for reinforcing that these people live in a different world from us. (Shame it aint a different country.) Good article thanks for the info!
I’m sick of the tories saying these cuts aren’t coming from political ideology.
The cuts are coming irrespective of which of the three big capitalist parties is in power to manage capitalism, how are the imperialist, neo liberal labour party different in any way? They have laid the foundations and set the agenda for their tory pals. The onslaught on welfarism began with them even before capitalism has to balance its books and knowing the tame, impotence of the Scottish and indeed brit left its absolutely no surprise to anyone that now is the time for a neo liberal offensive and roll back of their welfarism. I expect in ten years or so we will get a labour government of middle class and bourgeois wanks when the books have been balanced a bit kidding us on again that they stand for the interests of the working class and the marginalised and a lot of fake socialists will be cheerleading the fraud.
Can I ask you why do you think that so many people voted for labour in scotland?
They buy the guff that voting labour in Scotland keeps the Tories out and a lot of them believe that Labour looks after the working class. The Labour vote in Scotland is made up of a few elements- pensioners, voting as they have done for decades, middle class public sector professionals and others, again in the expectation that labour is the party of welfarism, workers who have done alright through the economic boom, Orange men/women, loyalists, unionists to preserve and defend the British state and the union, unemployed and people on benefits – such is their poverty of aspiration and fear of their benefits being cut by the tories and the ever remembered spectre of Thatcher supported by the Scottish media establishment. These are some of the elements who vote for HMs loyal imperialist, royalist, unionist Lumpen Party Scotlandshire Branch.
i think you’ve actually summed up the labour vote pretty well there – despite everything, it’s still a class-conscious vote, and a class-conscious rejection of the tories. people in scotland want to vote for social democracy and consistently try to vote for that, whether SNP, in rural areas the Lib Dems, or Lab – although with labour obviously they’re voting for something which now falls far short of this.
Actually id say the Labour vote is a fairly passive, non politicallly aware vote made up of some quite backward elements. A very small proportion of the labour vote is politically conscious workers looking for socialism, more of a status quo by gone welfarism. Add in the defend the union element and you will see the most hardened reactionaries holding their noses to vote for labour in working class areas.
I’m nervous about saying that the vote is passive and not politically aware and that peoeple buy labours guff. (I agree that low aspirations play big part.)
Nervous about passive because of the absolute hatred so many Scots have towards the tories. People will vote passionately against them and often know in a lot of detail how the tories screwed them.
Not politically aware: as a socialist and not seeing people vote in there millions for socialism and instead voting for what thatcher called her “greatest achievement”, its heart breaking. But the choice is so often boiled down to a choice of labour or tory. And people are aware that they have done a bit better under labour. (People still know that labour are shite bags: how often do you here “politicians are all the same” or “they all screw us anyway”) So I think Scots know they are left wing but act pragematically because they think the choice is tory or labour. Then maybe it becomes socialists failing for not breaking that false choice.
You should try and nick Steve Bell’s cartoon from yesterdays Guardian for this, was good.