Resist the Tory/Liberal occupation of Scotland
Posted by Andy Bowden in Uncategorized, tags: austerity britain, elections, independence, Lib Dems, ToriesAfter 13 years out of Government -- the bastards are back. And in the ironies or ironies, it was with the help of Guardian readers; the Tories are in power thanks to a leg up from the Lib Dems, millions of people who voted for the abolition of Trident and other progressive policies will now know that their votes have in fact counted towards keeping an Eton schoolboy in office.
David Cameron has risen from riches to riches, in a fairytale story of triumphing by paying to bypass any kind of small adversity. With only a ragband crew of the Murdoch press, billionaire tax exiles and 200 years of ingrained privilege, the Tories have been able to scrape back into power in coalition with people called Tarquin who wear sandals and like Tibet.

Liberal Democrat Federal Council meets to discuss coalition plans
SSY is already negotiating it’s own constitutional solution to the crisis, by proposing a land swap -- England shall receive Dumfries, Clydesdale and Tweedale (the only Scottish constituency to vote in a Tory) and in exchange Scotland will offer political asylum to the North of England.
On a more serious note, this development will put the national question back to the top of the agenda in Scotland. After only voting in one Tory MP, Scotland is again run by a Tory prime minister -- the Liberal support does not increase the legitimacy of the Government by much, and very few Liberal voters in Scotland will back what the Lib Dems have done. The devolved Scottish Parliament will not be able to stop the cuts -- Westminster decide the budget, and the Tories planned budget cuts will disproportionately hammer Scotland due to the higher % of public sector workers -- itself a product of de-industrialisation under Thatcher.
Only Independence and Socialism will give Scotland the democracy it’s citizens deserve and the protection against poverty, cuts, low pay, and unemployment the next Tory/Liberal Government will bring. The SSY is the only group of young Socialists in Scotland which has fought consistently since our founding 10 years ago for independence as a necessary part of the struggle for Socialism in Scotland.
The You Tube clip below of William Wallace being tortured by an evil unionist bastard wearing a Santa hat accurately depicts SSY’s strongly held feelings on the issue of Tory rule of Scotland.
jajajaj chicos, ¡que diversión!