That waxy sheen becomes self-aware and begins to eat half of Cameron's face.
Just when you thought you had enough reasons to set The Sun on fire, they go and give you another one! Most of the complaints I’ve seen about this one run along the lines of “Oh, how dare they compare Cameron to a REAL CHANGE like Obama!” and sure, I can go along with that to some degree. I mean there’s nothing special about some viciously posh Eton boy getting to run the UK; there was something special about the USA electing its first black president.
The worst thing about this though? It’s the cloying, smarmy, up their own arse quality that it’s got. Come on peons, we’ve got some stolen famous graphic design! Just do what you’re told and vote Tory! Resistance is futile! We have our own Obama now! 100% fake change, now with added Tory Bastardry.
It’s going to be a long day.
It’s even worse than the Nick Clegg ones.
I hold a deep hatred for whoever designed that original Obama poster – they should have thought more about what they were unleashing on the world!
In Cameron we trust? I FUCKING DON’T!
There had never been a black President before Obama. There have been 18 previous Prime Ministers educated at Eton, plus one PM of Northern Ireland and the current unelected PM of Thailand.
I haven’t been inside a paper shop today, but apparently the cover of the Scottish Sun isn’t this. I think their editorial line has been less zealous in their support for the tories.
also, LOL at the cover of the daily star today
Yes, the Scottish Sun has the cringeworthy “VOTE TORY OR BRITAIN IS BROWN BREAD” with a burnt bit of toast featuring Gordon Brown’s face.