Earlier today I travelled down to Ayrshire to help local SSP members spread awareness of an important date for all anti-fascists in Scotland: Saturday the 19th of June. This is when the drunken far-right morons of the “Scottish Defence League” are planning on bringing their wee roadshow to Kilmarnock, under the guise of protesting against the building of a new Mosque in the town.
We were well-received by local people who are concerned at the prospect of neo-nazis descending upon their town. Today’s response showed that if the SDL do try to spread their Islamophobic bile in Kilmarnock, they will not be well received by the vast majority of people. Women and men of all age groups expressed concern at the Defence Leagues’ history of violence. There is a feeling that the last thing the place needs is idiots trying to stoke up racial tensions, when the real problems facing many people are unemployment and poverty – and the misery caused by these economic problems. Amusingly, one woman asked “huv ye no seen The Scheme?” adding that “things are bad enough here without nazis trying to stir up trouble”.
We were only able to run the stall for about an hour and a half, at which point we had handed out all of our 600 leaflets and sold all our copies of the Scottish Socialist Voice. I knew the SDL were unpopular, but I was taken aback by the full extent of people’s antipathy towards them! It is important that such revulsion is turned into action: we must take to the streets to stop them being allowed to run rampant for the day. The SSP, working alongside the recently-formed Scottish Anti-Fascist Alliance, will be helping to co-ordinate anti-racist mobilisations which will block the SDL’s attempts to take over the town. 
As with previous demos, it is likely there will be more than one type of anti-fascist activity on the day. Full details will emerge in the next week or so, but my guess is that there will be a seperate ‘non-confrontational’ rally in defence of multiculturalism, which will be held in a different location from the fash’s gathering. At the same time, there will be a continuation of the tactic successfully employed to nullify the SDL on 2 previous occasions: direct action to prevent them from operating freely. This means physically occupying the space they would wish to claim as their own, and when you find out where they are, you get there to oppose them.
I was particularly glad to be able to speak to one local resident, who expressed concern that there could be riots because “two sides” would antagonise each other. He identified as being against racism and fascism but was worried about the potential for trouble and whether we’d make it worse by organising a counter-demo. My argument was that to do nothing would almost ensure that violence would occur, because when the Defence League have had free rein, they have chanted racist abuse, assaulted members of the public and committed acts of vandalism on Asian-owned businesses.
The only way to stop it is to stand up to it. In Glasgow last November and Edinburgh in January, we outnumbered them by ten-to-one, meaning they could not have their way and the police were forced to act, on both occasions busing them out of town. In Edinburgh, they didn’t even make it out of the pub. The guy expressed doubts about the police, but my take on it is that if our numbers are sufficient and we are determined, the cops are more or less forced to act. It is the best way to make sure major disturbances do not occur. I think I managed to talk him round.
Meanwhile, the English Defence League were on the march in Newcastle today. SSY member Liam T was down there chasin’ aboot efter thum. This BBC report makes it seem like a relatively quiet day. Good to see us represented down there. Liam’s report will follow soon. On a side note, the Apprentice Boys of Derry were also marching in The Toon today. It must’ve been a nice treat for them not to have been the most reactionary force in the city for a change.
Today also saw the EDL gracing the front page of the Guardian. There’s a fairly helpful article and video if you follow the link. Along with the recently-screened Young, British and Angry, the evidence is stacking up that – SHOCK HORROR – they’re not moderates concerned with preserving the British tradition of liberty after all, but are in fact the type of knuckle-draggers who have acted as the BNP’s base of support for yonks. Of course a simple bit of logic helps you realise there’s something fishy about the claim that they’re not against all Muslims (‘just the radicals/militants/extremists’ apparently), but then they don’t want a new Mosque… for anyone… in a town with no history of problems with radicals. Hmmm.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be down in Killie a bit more to help the local SSP and the new contacts we’ve made. If we put the work into organising this, it could be a really successful day and possibly signal the death-knell for the floundering SDL.
Keep Kilmarnock nazi-free!
¡No Pasarán!

just to clarify, the SDL have gone out of their way to say that the demo on 19 June is nothing to do with the Mosque, and that it’s purely about “free speech”.
although there are numerous old threads on their messageboards expressing outrage at the new mosque and that they should have a demo in Killie so it’s laughable for them to suggest otherwise.
that and the loyalist factor, although I imagine most loyalists have better things to be doing at the height of marching season than hanging about with these halfwits.
Am looking forward to the 19th, might get the day off.
How do people plan on getting there?
All in all good article Nesbitt, well timed too.
Aye the freedom to be racist.
Good article, james.
Let’s see them bunk up in a pub again.
A decent victory yesterday in the Gallowgate as republicans mobilised to prevent an Orange queens coronation march coming through the area. Polis rerouted them- get the numbers out and we can fuck up the SDL scumbags in Killie.
SDL 100 tops in Killie- they might attract a few loyalists on top of that from the nearby march and that will be it.
I’m from Killie and have previously taken part in anti SDL action. I’ve already had a lot of people from Killie express their utter contempt for these thugs.
My concern is that with Killie being a smaller town less people are likely to travel to help out. So please spread the word, we need all the help we can get. It’s obvious the SDL are preying on a town that has had huge economic troubles recently. Let’s give the people of Kilmarnock something to be proud of.
Trains and buses are very regular from Glasgow and are about 7 quid return. Mon doon!
Well said Cal- they are definitely looking at towns like Killie after their dismal failures in Glasgow and Edinburgh where the student left and left in general are more numerous and vocal. If we can mobilise as much in Killie augmented by at least a few hundred from outside we can thwart the EDL/SDL in their attempts to spread their poisonous, divisive hatred. Lets set to it.
EDL/SDL are meeting in Killie at 10.30am near the Burns statue, which means at one of the nearby pubs.
yep. we are on it.
polis not allowing the official march anywhere near it now – been rerouted out of centre.
I presume the polis advice will be ignored?
by the official demo I mean the trade-union led ‘Kilmarnock & Louden United’ which will now be marching from Howard Park and then back to Howard Park – the organisers wanted to end in the town centre and hold their rally there but the police refused them this, despite the fact it is not even leaving until after the SDL say their action will be finished.
but yeah, the SAFA action will go ahead in the town centre, likely 9.30am start.
I’m planning on marching with the SDL I’m not a Nazi or football thug I’m a father of 5 children who has had enough of Islamic extremism which has grown in our country for last 10 years or more, I marched in Newcastle and will again maybe you don’t see a lot of what goes on in Scotland compared to England but when you see Muslims extremist shouting for death to Israel death to UK Troops who are coming home maimed and limbless all doing this under the so called banner of UAF you cant just sit back and do nothing you cant call people racist fascist who carry the Israel flag and try to protect our country check your history the Nazis hated the Jews last thing they would do would be carry the flag for them you need to check what the UAF chant as they march .as for any violence would be worth checking to see how peaceful a demo was in Newcastle no trouble and plenty of men women and children marching with the EDL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHe9aHRLrC0 worth watching then make your mind up whos the racist
- Being a father of five children does not preclude you from being involved in a racist group – it’s an irrelevant attempt to make some sort of correlation between heteronormative ‘respectability’ and not-being-a-racist
- Racists are capable of moving with the times. British Nazi Party nazis have replaced hatred of Jews with hatred of Muslims. Anyone who would carry the flag of Israel in this country considering the murderous nature of the Israeli state is at the very best a naive idiot. Most likely, they just hate Arabs and are hugely racist.
- I have seen the rise of British nationalistic extremism in the form of what the English Defence League do. This has risen considerably more than any ‘rise in Islamic extremism’ you talk about, which is very much a tiny minority strand of British Muslim opinion, and Muslims are a tiny minority of the UK’s population.
- You’re the racist. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be associating yourself with a violent racist extremist group like the EDL. The SDL are hugely irrelevant – just a bad punchline to one of the EDL’s jokes. Looking forward to seeing you bussed out into the middle of nowhere like you were in Edinburgh.
sorry cant speak for Edinburgh as wasn’t there Newcastle was my first march last month there was a few thousand of us compared to the UAF I’m not against Islam as a religion just the way its minority that has caused this new wave of hatred and violence we don’t need sharia law in this country those that think its ok to sleep with and marry 10year old girls to 50 year old men or stone women to death force them to wear veils treat people inhumane and show no respect to our war dead and maimed you seem to be saying that you support this its interesting to know that its not just SDL / EDL that have a problem with this type of Islam extremism
Did you watch the you tube link? Here’s another fine example of why Islam extremism has to stop this was meant to be our solders’ day no need for this
and I do mean from both sides of the arguments
As for your point on Israel every day rocket attacks hit Israel killing and maiming yet the world says nothing but when they retaliate then everyone goes for them
Good point to note here least we can debate have different of opinions and have freedom of speech without any violence unlike if we lived in Islamic countries you end up imprisoned or put to death for it I hope same can be said when the march happens peaceful protest
phill, let’s clear a couple of things up…
a) how many Hamas rockets have killed Israelis in the past year? yeah, FUCKING NONE.
b) what chance has sharia law of being implemented in britain? yeah, FUCKING NONE.
so do you agree with the muslim extremism shown in most of englands citys as per vids ?
and who has the figures for hamas /isarael conflicts
as for sharia law not been implemented in britan tell that to the extremists and your branded a racist or facist you see they march for it and try to push for it
now can you protest in kilmanock peacefully the people of newcastle cetainly managed it from both sides of the argument there was no violence i hope its the same for your town
freedom to protest and freedom to disagree see you at the protest
Phill i see your EDL/SDL mates are gloating over the deaths of 14 Irish civilian protestors in Derry in 72 and want the Parascum exonerated- so fuck off with your outrage at people protesting against your murdering bastards of the Brit army returning from Afghanistan. Just wish the total was more dead brits and you and the EDL/SDL along with them.
Beir bua.
just shows by what you are saying your true colours with extremism the true face of the hatred behind the mask of peace dont pretend to be anit Facist and call those who dont except your hate facists i feel sorry for you you dont understand true islam because true islamics are for peace not hatred these i have no problem with but the people like yourself who show extremism and demand sharia law in a country that doesnt want it a country which has FREEDOM of speech FREEDOM of choice which god / religion to follow
if you hate british that much why live here why do you stay if you dont feel this is your country
and to those who say its because of SDL/EDL they dont want them protesting there is dozens of other groups out there all with one goal saying NO to ISLAMIC Extremism or any other religion /type of extremism there really no need to blow each other up or dictate what relgion way of life to follow so if they march would you give the same reaction
as for northern ireland conflict there was killings on both sides it was 1972 is there any point in trying for convictions for people who were at the very least following orders from the goverment of the day thats what they were paid orderd to do by the goverment
on IRA side of things most or all of the members who ended up in prison were released and seemingly forgiven durring the peace process a lot have change face from terroist to poltican should they face trial again for their killings ? beacuse if your going to do it to one side then both sides should be done
Phill im Scottish not British- so the only leaving that will be getting done is the Scottish nation regaining her independence and leaving the Anglo/British political union.
You reap what you sow and British military occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq previously makes sure the Islamic jihadis want your blood. Islamism isnt something that i or socialists support, but i do fully support the resistance in nations such as Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebannon etc Whilst you and your racist friends want to scapegoat muslims in general and divide the working class for your fascist puppet masters.
EDL/SDL have long form for hooliganism and racism, certainly the leading lights, therefore expect opposition on all levels in Scotland until you are driven back under the rock you emerged from. I speak as a Scottish Republican and we are more than capable of defeating you both physically and politically. Hope to see you in Kilmarnock.
lol be surprising to know that most of my family wife and children are scottish highlanders all my children born in inverness my wife from cromarty black isle so lets not make this a divided country issue doesnt work
i myself am cumbrian born in carlisle which through out history has been disputed land between scotland and england so which would you say it is
as for claiming me to be racist this isnt about race you didnt even ask me what colour i am or race i am you just assumed i fit the white skin head class that everyone assumes the edl/sdl are at no point have i stated anything about race i just dont agree with sharia law been forced in this country
as for your threats of violence that just shows how far removed you are from the peacefull image your trying to betray maybe you should remeber what you reap by your words or behaviour that has so far been shown to be full of hatred
the muslim demos so far have all had one focus convert or die im a disgusted with the shear level of mindless hatred shown by these people asking for this country to be blown up by sucide bombers and by this country this included scotland from their so called ghiad
do you agree with sharia law ? and do you want it for all of the uk because thats all its about again freedom to choose your own way is somthing which this country is built on look at the cost of getting freedom in history specially in scotland
as for the march i will be taking photos and video evidence if acts of violence from either side it will show whos the real aggressor and who is not as this is only my second march
you have the right to march protest peacefully so does everyone else again as i have said its not just limted to sdl/edl on thsi issue there is dozens of groups throughout the world trying to stop this attack on our freedom
If you really believe that Islam will create a caliphate here you are off your head. A few might call for it and the introduction of Sharia but do you think the Brit ruling class are just going to concede it because they get the odd very amateur, but deadly to civilians, bomb off in a tube train etc?
So you are English, great i want to see England as a sovereign independent nation not interfering in the sovereignty of others, be that Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Afghanistan or wherever they impose their rule or occupation.
Im not a pacifist, im not a member of SSY- im quite happy to say i support active, physical opposition to EDL/SDL, C18 or any other assortment of British nationalists who want to rule the streets. Im consistent in my politics against your nationalism of the oppressor or any jihadist Islamism that targets civilians. I support the politics and actions of Anti Fascist Action and if one good thing comes from the SDL/EDL it will be the re-emergance of AFA as a force to tackle street fascists/racists and develop socialist politics in the white working class.
My advice Phill, is change the target of your ire and blame the British ruling class and their imperialist wars and not the small muslim population in these islands.
il like your comments so im english us cumbrians are both sides of the border people as throughout history thats the way things have been so i class myself as british we are one country too small an island to squabbble over little land
as for your active physical opposistion to edl/sdl i can only take thats as a level of a street thug agrument rather than a debate kind like only wining your point throught beating the other side into submission you should know that will never work the first idiot to throw the punch is always the looser or do you think your excempt from been thrown in jail and only edl/sdl get charged going down that road wil lead either side no where im no pacifist but i dont agree with mindless fighting i wil defend myself if hit but wont start the fight intrestingly last few demos its been AFA thats had the highest arrest rate
either way the right to march peacfully on both sides is part of the freedom we enjoy as i said i wil watch both sides to see who the real agressor is
shame we cant just have a pint and debate the issue of the day